Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1998: The 1998 millennium waits for an empty 1

Yan Lengyu held a pine-grained ancient sword in his hand, flying in the air, flying over the head of Ye Shaoyang, and Ye Shaoyang only came back to God.


Xiao Ji followed closely from the woods, followed by Feng Yu and Lin Sansheng, followed by other members of the Ghost Alliance.

"What happened?" Ye Shaoyang swept over and saw everyone in it.

"We met the chase of the yin, and wanted to smash it. As a result, Lengyu suddenly jumped back and flew back, perhaps to escape their pursuit, and we had to come back to chase her!"

"Yinshi!!" Ye Shaoyang was shocked. At this moment, from the depths of the woods visible from the opposite line of sight, a black gas infiltrated into it, as if the most intense smoke, infiltrated quickly from the trees and grass.

Ye Shaoyang knew that this was the dark cloud that the Yinshang was inferior to the Yinshen. It was too late to think about why the Yinshi would come in a stall and hurriedly said: "You follow me, don't play against them for a while, lead them to the valley. !"

After that, it’s too late to manage who you are, and you don’t know what you are, and you turn around and chase after you.

Qi Lengyu ran all the way to the direction of Taniguchi, and entered the battlefield of the Taiyin Mountain, the Air Alliance and the corpse, and disappeared.

Ye Shaoyang also can't care who is with whom, rushing on the battlefield, looking for the figure of 芮冷玉.

"Here!" Lin Sansheng shouted and flew first. Ye Shaoyang followed the past closely.

Yan Lengyu seems to be escaping from the pursuit of soldiers behind him. He is a little flustered and has turned around in the crowd for a while. He even went straight into the valley. Ye Shaoyang called a few times in the back, and he was completely ignored, as long as he also chased the past.

The dark clouds finally spread from the woods and spread out on the open space in front of the valley. The clouds were scattered, but the cowheads and the black and white impermanence of the four gods, followed by a group of ghosts and ghosts, saw the scene of the three sides in front of each other, but also shocked It is.

"The yin gods, since they came, quickly help me to kill the enemy in the air, to resist the invasion of the corpse!" Shake the fairy after seeing the cow head horse and other people, immediately eagerly begged. The airpower leaders she led, after the invasion of the corpse, the situation has changed dramatically. Now she is completely at a disadvantage. When she sees the gods of the gods, she is horrified, but it is also bright, just like grabbing a straw. Call for help immediately.

The four gods looked at each other, and the generals of the bulls said to the shimmering fairy, "The fairy is forgiven, I am ordered to come and arrest the reincarnation, and the responsibility is great. I dare not delay because of the incident."

"What!" Shaking the fairy was shocked and angry.

A Taoist priest shouted at her side: "How dare you do this! My empty world and the sinister are in the same line, and I have always helped each other. Now that the crisis is imminent, are you actually saying that it is a side event?"

The horse looked at him and said coldly: "There are empty people. You are also very embarrassed to say that your airspace has always wanted to clear up the relationship with the sinister. When the runner came to arrest the people, how did you deal with it? With the distress, I remembered that we are here. The Yin Division is fighting the Taiyin Mountain. Have you ever sent a soldier?"

The people in the empty world face each other, but they are in a loss, and they can’t say a word.

The cow head immediately ordered people to go through the camp to chase the cold jade.

The Taiyin Mountain and the corpse forces have heard that they are only trying to catch the reincarnation of ghost children. They don’t want to deal with themselves. They are not happy. Naturally, they will not ask for trouble, and they will give way and let them go.

Seeing that the gods of the Yinsi passed through the valley, a monk dressed as a singer was anxious and sighed: "Even so, if you come, you can't see death?"

White looked back at him, and his eyelids turned over and said: "It is supposed to help, but before we came, the Temple of Heaven has a saying, and the Qing Dynasty has completely decided with the Yinshi. It is self-destructive and irrelevant. Hey, you should I also know what is going on."

Temple of Heaven

Everyone in the airspace looks at each other, and it really means that Cui Fujun is stalking from it. The cui judge who seems to be always polite, is also tempered. However, they don’t blame Cui Fujun for this matter. They just shook the fairy and Lishan’s old mother to do things: killing other people’s daughter-in-law, this is really a resurrection, although he has the ability to be resurrected, but like his big man, face It is a great insult, and revenge is taken for granted.

Shaking the fairy is also regretting, but at this step, I can only hold on to my teeth, and angered: "What are you afraid of, no one else to help, we must be rushed to kill, we are empty world foundation, when we rely on Others, you are strong, as long as you support for a moment, the reinforcements will arrive!"

After listening to her encouragement, several people began to fight to kill the enemy, but some people whispered.

"It’s so sorrowful, it’s like you didn’t ask someone to shoot.”

Shaking the fairy is full of anger.

"Little Heaven Master"

Ye Shaoyang chased the cold jade into the valley, only to find that it was also a melee. Yan Lengyu disappeared and was looking for. He suddenly heard someone calling himself behind him, turned his head and looked at it. He immediately saw the bullhead and the black and white impermanence, and the heart immediately trembled.

"Little Heaven Master also knows that I am waiting for what to do."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Know, we are our own people, I don't want to be an enemy of you."

White impermanence sighed: "I don't want to ask Xiao Tianshi to let go of his obsession, but now I can't get back."

Ye Shaoyang bowed his head for a moment, raised his head and handed them a bitter but extremely firm smile. He said, "If this is obsession, then I will be too deep and I will not be able to return."

After saying it to a doorman, "Help me to withstand them, not to hurt one."

Lin Sansheng and others immediately waited.

White impermanence and others looked at them, and they were also twisted and said: "Yin and Yang, the chief clerk, the deputy lord, the main book, you are also the gods in the underworld. I am waiting for the gods to come to me today, to stop me, etc. The consequences of the yin, you know yourself."

Lin Sansheng, Xiaoqing Xiaobai and others looked at each other and smiled. Lin Sansheng prayed: "Thank you for reminding me, but we are standing here today, not the **** of the sinister, we are all members of the Ghost Alliance, we The purpose is only one"

"Swear to follow the boss!" Xiaobai said firmly.

The people nodded together.

"Swear to follow!"

Ye Shaoyang heard this sentence on the way, and his eyes were wet.

White impermanence and others are also facing each other.

"Old seven, really hit?" The bulls whispered.

"Ask me, it seems that I want to come. There is an order on the peak. What can we do?"

Black impermanence: "This can't be done."

(End of this chapter)

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