Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1999: Waiting for an empty space in the 1999 millennium 2

"There is no need to talk about the relationship between Ye Shaoyang. This Lin Sansheng and others are all sinister gods. Not long ago, we only drank the wine of Yin and Yang Division. The horse face was drunk by Xiaoqing. I worshipped the handle, you What do you mean?"

The horse's face was red. "You said that you haven't eaten the orange blossoms of the orange princess's osmanthus cake, let Ma Ye come out?"

White impermanence: "Enough is enough! Playing is to fight, just don't hurt them, arrest them."

Black impermanence: "Catch Ye Shaoyang this kid, and then catch the reincarnation of ghost children, and wait for the ghost boy to hand in, he is helpless, naturally will not make trouble again. Everyone friends, can be considered to help him."

These words say that even those behind them are nodding their heads.

Then the white impermanence was ordered and rushed together. The people who catch the ghost alliance resist together. Both sides are acquaintances, and they all hold the purpose of not hurting each other. One wants to drag the time and give Ye Shaoyang time to find Qi Lengyu. One party only wants to arrest people and does not want to hurt people. Therefore, the battle is like an exercise, and it is not intense. .

The road wind smashed Yang Gongyi and others, and he returned to the valley. When he saw this wonderful battle, he immediately knew what was going on, and regardless of them, flew over the sky and went to find Ye Shaoyang.

In the depths of the valley, Ye Shaoyang finally found the cold jade, and the cold jade was fleeing by instinct, and found that there was no way ahead, and immediately returned. Ye Shaoyang went up to catch her, but the cold jade was stabbing her sword.

The two swords confronted each other, and Ye Shaoyang immediately felt a strong pressure: the cold jade in front of him was not as strong as before!

No wonder that you can unlock the soul and escape from the little nine back!

Ye Shaoyang suddenly understood and called a few times, and he was completely ignored. He seemed to regard him as a pursuer and attacked. Ye Shaoyang can only resist, looking for opportunities to catch her.

"Xiaoyu, you really don't know me!" Ye Shaoyang looked at her while he was looking at her.

Outside the valley, the flute reappeared and turned cold.

Shaking the fairy again blew her flute.

The notes continue to fly out, as the wind rushes from the zombies in front of them, all the way down, the zombies flesh and blood are gone, only one pair of cockroaches are still standing, and then fall down one after another.

In the face of adversity, the true strongest of the twelve golden immortals was also provoked a strong sense of war. However, there are too many corpses, and the situation is getting more and more critical. The fairy sound that the fairy light fluttered by the flute can only barely resist, but she is limited after all. Who knows when the reinforcements will come, and the fear of the fairy is afraid that they can't hold it.

At this moment, a team of people rushed out from the opposite bush, shaking the fairy to look at it, immediately recognized the leader of the long skirt girl, eyes bright, stop playing the flute, said: "Ten Niang!"

It is the incumbent chief of the parade department, Ten Niang. Since Yu Xuanji flew to Shura, she has inherited as a master.

However, she still has an identity, but is a rumored disciple of Lishan's mother.

Behind Ten Niang, followed by hundreds of ghost soldiers, seeing Lishan's mother, is also a bright spot, "Little Master, how are you?"

"Fortunately, come and help!"

Ten Niang immediately led the next group of ghost soldiers and entered the battle. She personally rushed to the side of the shaking fairy to help her share the pressure.

Shaking the fairy gasped and asked: "How come you come, bring so many people, not afraid of the emperor blame?"

"It's the great decree, let me rescue you. Before there was a big army, they haven't arrived yet?" Ten Niang looked around and didn't see a sinister, and couldn't help but wonder.

Shaking the fairy and stunned, I suddenly realized that the first person who came first was not only to catch the reincarnation, but also to rescue the empty world. They did not shoot, but they did not really see death, but they knew that there was still The reinforcements only deliberately sunk themselves and gave Cui Fujun a bad breath.

Shake the fairy road: "They went to the valley to catch the ghost child."

"Oh, my master?"

"In the valley, you are blocking this, before the son-in-law went in, I don't worry, go in and see!"

After shaking the fairy, he rushed into the valley and rushed into the valley.

"How could this be!"

The Snow Devil who has fallen into the encirclement, there is really an impulse to cry and tears, and the intestines are remorseful. I don’t know why he promised Ye Shaoyang to help him against the Air Alliance. He was first waved by the corpse and now he was turned by the Yin Bing If it wasn’t because Tianchi Rakshasa was taken over by Ye Shaoyang, and he had supported it for so long, he had lost a large number of people, so it would be too shameful to go back alone. Otherwise, he would have thought about leaving.

Snow Devil now only hopes that Ye Shaoyang can protect the cold jade from leaving, and he will go back to cross the cross, so he will continue to support himself with his teeth.

Some of the injured people, such as Lishan, have already retreated to the mountains. There is no danger. Only Su Mo, after adjusting for a week, and restoring part of the mana, still stay in the valley and hide and watch.

The son-in-law led a group of flying zombies, besieged the strongmen in the air, and after killing some, they set their sights on the Lishan old mother and others who watched the battle on the mountain, drinking and letting their men go up the mountain together.

I flew into the air and turned to look at Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu, who were still fighting underneath, and murdered the machine. I felt that it was also a hand-to-hand effort, so I turned back and squatted against the cold jade.

Out of a kind of jealousy that she does not want to admit, he does not want to let the cold jade live, whether she is a human or a reincarnation, it is the same.

Ye Shaoyang saw the son-in-law attacking from behind and immediately rushed over, offering a yin-yang mirror, painting a curse, and shooting a golden light to block the son-in-law.

"Ye Shaoyang, I remember you." The female sorrowful charm smiled, and the blood was surrounded by the body, forming an indestructible enchantment, and the ray of light shining from the yin and yang mirror, so walked step by step from the air.

This kind of strength, Ye Shaoyang is clear, is not what he can fight now, a bite to read the sword, suddenly a left hemp on the shoulder, turned to look, is a sword, pierced his arm.


Ye Shaoyang looked at the sly cold jade. In order to save her from blocking the son-in-law, she stabbed herself from the back, although she knew that she was lost now, but Ye Shaoyang still felt a sadness.


A black gas hit her temple and flew straight out.

"Xiaoyu!" Ye Shaoyang shuddered and turned his head to look at it.

The road wind did not say anything, went up to fight the son-in-law.

Ye Shaoyang immediately rushed to the cold jade.

Qi Lengyu stood up from the ground, bent over and vomited blood, and then made a low-pitched voice in his mouth. The suffocating air around him was fierce and the fire burned.

(End of this chapter)

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