Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2532: The 2532 sword has been a million division 1

The road looked at her. "Who told you that I am the closest to him?"

"No?" Yang Gong pouted. "I feel so anyway, you can't live without him."

The wind can't help but laugh. "I found that you are now a lot more than you used to be."

"Yes, in front of the people you like, women are more words, don't you like it?"

The road wind only smiles and does not make a sound. Just when Yang Gongyi thought that this topic was going to pass, the wind suddenly said: "You guess again."

Yang Gong’s glimpse, “What?”

"Let you guess again, if I guess this time, I will admit it."

Yang Gongyu suddenly got excited and flew to the trunk of a big tree passing nearby. He stood on it and stared at the wind. He said, "Is it serious, I guess it, you admit it? ”

"Guess it, still have to hurry."

The road wind also stood on the canopy opposite her, one-handedly printed, painted a few lines in front of her, forming a tight air-tight space around, trapping the two in the middle, completely isolated from the outside world.

Although he is a peerless person, it is generally impossible for someone to approach him without being discovered, but his life... is too important to ensure that nothing is lost.

After finishing the enchantment, he stood on the canopy with his hands on his back and looked at Yang Gongyu with a smile.

This kind of road is really rare. Yang Gong couldn't help but ask: "Are you feeling so good because you found the way to the corpse?"

"Hurry up, hurry up."

Yang Gongyi looked at the enchantments around the front and rear, and determined that he was serious this time. He was even more nervous. He had his own guess in his mind, but he did not dare to say it.

"Only... only one chance?"

The road is speechless.

Yang Gongyi hesitated and repeated his teeth and said: "You are the seventh disciple under the Great Emperor of Tsing Yi, and one of the people called "The Seven Doors of the Doors"?"

Finally still said!

After that, Yang Gongyi looked at him with great nervousness, just like the students waiting for the honest corrections.

"Wrong." The wind faintly spit out these two words.

"Ah..." Yang Gongyi suddenly felt lost.

The road slowly came and said: "It is the sixth."


"The sixth disciple of the Great, the seventh is the Princess of Baguio."

Yang Gongzhen suddenly froze, staring at the eyes of the wind, silent for a long time, the trembling said: "Really??"

The wind turned and stood on the canopy, and the deep eyes looked at the distance, the ear, as if the sound of the Jin Ge iron horse drums rang, the eyes seemed to have passed through this life, and saw his past life, Wanli Huangsha. The dusty field.

"That life, I have been practicing swords for twenty years, and I am catching up with Hu Yu to commit crimes.

I have been through a hundred battles, at the age of 30, and I was sealed by the generals. After a few years, I went to the north to fight the North. I don’t want to recruit people, I will be escorted into Beijing, I will not be humiliated, and I will die if I swallow the gold halfway..."

The wind gently shook his head. "One body has fought for three thousand miles. One sword has been a million division. It is just the dust of history..."

After a moment of indulging, he went on to say: "After I died, I was blinded by anger. I thought that the heavens and the earth were unfair, and the single sword broke into the Pluto Hall, trying to kill the Emperor of the capital. After the defeat, I was sent to hell, but the Emperor of the capital summoned me. Ask the reason, ask me if I am willing to resolve the hatred and suffocation, and I am not good at the Yin Shi. I will trap me in the hall, listen to him and the other disciples every day, and talk about it. Let me change, let me put down my obsession, guess what?"

The road wind sold very rarely. Yang Gong did not want to say:

"You were later influenced, let go of your obsession, and did the Emperor accept you as a disciple?"

The wind smiled.

"I have never been affected. In 50 years, I was trapped in the Pluto Hall for 50 years. The grievances of past lives have long been put down, but I have not let go of my obsession. The Emperor did not expect it to be like this, simply no longer Take care of me.

The Emperor's door three thousand, listening and speaking at his side, two of them are very talented, stand out, it is Zhao Citizen and Zhong Rong, I was trapped in the Pluto Hall for the past few years, both of them are around the emperor, allowing walking in the hall They are very curious to me as a special person. I am neither a disciple of the Emperor nor a prisoner, but I am able to stay in the hall.

At that time, I was trapped in the space cage created by the Great Emperor. Although I couldn't get out of it, I also had some freedom of movement. Every day I heard the Emperor and my disciples on the laws of the Confucianism and the practice, and began to practice under the boring. Zhong Rong and Zhao Gongming are curious, often talk to me and answer my confusion on practice.

They also spoke to the great emperor and let the emperor let me go, but I have been reluctant to let go of my obsession. Therefore, I have been locked in the main hall. Later, both Zhong Rong and Zhao Gongming have to leave, and they hold important positions in the Yin Shi. I was trapped in that closed space for a hundred years. Then one day, the emperor came to me as usual. I still don't repent and I don't want to let go of my obsession. ”

Yang Gongyi heard this and secretly inhaled. In the face of the whole scorpion, the great emperor was detained for a hundred years. This kind of reluctance, no, should be said to be an unyielding character. There are several people in the world. Do it?

The road wind actually did.

"This time, the Emperor let me out, let me enter his repair home, and asked if I would like to be his disciple. I was shocked at the time, but told him that if the premise is to let me put down my belief, I would rather The soul is scattered and not willing to change.

The Emperor did not force me, nor did he give any comment on my obsession, and accepted me as his sixth disciple. I was under his door, I studied for ten years, and I practiced for a few decades alone. I have done a great job, but I have not been entrusted with the same tasks as the previous disciples. Instead, I stayed in the Pagoda for many years and performed special task. Fan Tianyin, he also handed it to me. ”

When Yang Gongyi heard this, he frowned and asked: "Like a human agent?"

"Yes. Many people in the Yinsi know my existence, but very few people have seen me. Even if I have seen it, I can't recognize it. I have served in the Yinsi for many years. Until 30 years ago, I went back to the division and went to the human reincarnation. This is the life..."

Reverse the teacher's door? This turning point is too big. Yang Gong couldn't help but ask him why.

Daofeng rushed at her and smiled. "This is the mystery of my womb. After I reincarnation, I don't remember many. I was adopted by Master.... At first, my path of practice has been accompanied by confusion. I know that I am from Where did you come, but forgot why it came, and now it seems...the years in the mountains, it is the happiest time of my life."

(End of this chapter)

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