Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2533: The 2533th sword was once a million division 2

Yang Gongyi heard this and nodded and said for him: "Because you have not found your own mission, there is no pressure, three men and women, no worries."

"After I went down the mountain, I traveled for ten years, but when I was the first corpse, I realized some fate, I knew that I was coming for the robbery, and I heard the secret of the reincarnation."

Yang Gong looked at him with big eyes and was slightly excited. She was the first to listen to the wind and analyze and recall these, and involved such a core secret, the current breathless, not afraid to interrupt.

"The day of robbery is coming, the group of devils dance, there are people who should be robbed, born in the world, or can turn the tide, there are reincarnated ghost children hiding in the world, fish eyes mixed ... who is the robbery, who is the reincarnation ghost child, this problem also confused me For a long time, I thought I was a robber, but afterwards, I let go of this idea, then only Shaoyang..."

"That... I don't want to interrupt you, but why is it only?"

The road wind smiled. "Although I have never praised him, his talent is rare in ancient and modern times, not under me."

Yang Gongyan Shen Shen said: "The Shaoyang talent is very strong, far more than all the disciples of the same generation, but still better than you?"

"I am not the same as he did. He is far from reaching his upper limit. As long as he does not die, he will definitely step on the old guys in the future, within the Three Realms, invincible."

After that, the road added another sentence: "Of course, except me."

Yang Gongyi couldn't help but smile. He glanced at him and said, "Your brothers have very different personalities, but one thing is really like, they are all special."

"There is capital to install."

"Then don't pretend, then say." Yang Gong is in a hurry.

The road continued: "I watched this little **** grow up and saw his talent. After that I was thinking about a question: Why do I talk to him, these two talented people will become brothers, Why I will be his guardian... I don't believe this is a coincidence. Since I am not a reincarnation, nor a genius, he must be one of them. I always know that he contains it. With a terrible power, that arrogance is totally out of the world. I once suspected that he was a reincarnated ghost boy..."

The road wind sighed. "I am worried that he will wake up one day. Therefore, he will inherit the Maoshan Orthodox and let him go to the ghost field. People think that I am a ghost child... I set up the Valley of the Wind and compete with the Taiyin Mountain. I want to rely on my strength, can rush before the robbery, destroy the Taiyin Mountain, let the day robbery die, so Shaoyang will never wake up, can sit in Maoshan, become a generation of masters, even better than Master. ”

Yang Gongyi heard this, and he felt deeply inside for a long time.

"God knows, how much do you bear for Shaoyang... Do you really think it is worth it?"

"What's not worth it?" The road wind smiled. "Not only for him, but also a little, I don't believe in the number of lives... I am not a robber, I can break the Taiyin Mountain!"

If this sentence is spoken from someone else's mouth, Yang Gongyi will feel that it is an idiotic dream, a whimsical, but she is looking at the wind at this moment, only to feel the pride of her heart, she remembered the poem he had before he felt his former life: a body In the three thousand miles, a sword has been a million divisions...

In this world, he is not a general in the world, but this blood, this conceit, has not changed at all.

"But, after all, you have paid so much for Shaoyang, even misunderstanding and nickname. You have only been with him for more than ten years. I always feel..."

When she didn't finish her words, the wind had lowered her head slightly and said: "That is also my happiest ten years. Apart from Master, he is the only concern I have in the world. When I see him, I feel that I am a living person. Rather than living like this for the sake of ambition and mission. Besides, I have had a relationship with him.

"Six marriages?" Yang Gong pouted, "Scorpio, you, you... Why are you not a husband and wife in this world?"

"What?" The wind was originally standing on the branch coolly. Hearing this sentence almost fell, and gave her a look. "The cause of cause and effect, don't think too much. I am with him, the six brothers, but this It’s not important, it’s gone. In this world, he grew up with me and is the most important person in my life.”

Yang Gong said: "Well, two little guesses, childhood, I know."

The road is speechless.

Yang Gongxiao smiled and said: "Well, I will not eat a man's vinegar. Even if you really like him, there is nothing."

The road must be mad. "If I am not a wind, I will throw you down now."

"Ha ha ha, what is the road wind, the road is very cold, can't do such a thing? Haha, can force the cold road to this part, really a sense of accomplishment. Do you know the wind? You look so cute now."

The road winded a black line and pointed at the tree. "You go, I don't want to talk to you." The girls stayed in the world for a while, good did not learn, learned these things...

Yang Gong smiled for a while and said: "Okay, I am not joking with you, you continue."

"Let's talk while walking, to save the Jianwen." Anyway, the secret of the core has also been said, the road wind will remove the enchantment and fly forward. Yang Gongyi quickly followed, sorted out the ideas, and then said: "Don't you think of the wind, cold jade is a ghost child, Shaoyang is a robbery."

The wind channel: "God makes people. But this is not so simple."

"What do you mean?"

The wind did not say anything.

Yang Gongyi thought for a while, wanted to speak, and was afraid that if he was heard, he sat in his arms and arms, holding his neck in his hands and looking at him with affection.

"What are you doing." The wind was shocked.

"I want to talk to you with God, I can't do it, you hold me." Yang Gongyi said, closing his eyes and connecting the gods with the wind, asked: "When you say, you don't know why you are coming." Reincarnation, why not ask the Emperor, he must know."

"The emperor does not see me, I am a normal reincarnation, and even the appearance has changed, so I guess the mystery of the womb, even my brothers, do not know who I am."

"They don't know?" Yang Gongyu was quite surprised.

"Zhong Yu and Cui Tianzi know vaguely, but they won't ask me. After all, I am reincarnation. It is secretive. Although they don't know why, they know that I have secret missions and will never confirm."

"What happened to Princess Baguio in the South China Sea? Your little sister? Where is she? Why is she only knowing her name, she has never seen her?"

(The true identity of the road, you guessed it?)

(End of this chapter)

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