Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2580: The 2581 exaggerated me, good or bad 2

Lao Guo’s heart could not help but give birth to a kind of white-haired person who sent the black man’s grief and heartbreaking.

"You said, you haven't said it clearly, what you have, what is it, I am fucking!"

Lao Guo shouted loudly and slowly turned into a whisper. He snorted and held his flat head with tears. Suddenly, the flat head in his arms moved, and Lao Guo was shocked and looked forward with hope. "Flat head?"

The body of the flat head shrank at a rapid speed, and finally became a slap in the palm of the hand, crawling in his own hands, sniffing around, as if smelling his smell.

Lao Guo stayed for a long while, suddenly returned to God, turned it over and saw that the scar on his stomach was gone.

I understand!

He was the demon body being broken, not the soul flying. He used to be a big demon who had been robbed. After being broken, he was repaired as a loss, and returned to his source. He became the most common cockroach, leaving only one tail. Nature is the most common little cockroach.

Naturally, the mind and memory of the demon were also cleared.

He crawled on his palm and drilled into his sleeve. Lao Guo grabbed his tail and pulled it. He looked back and seemed to bite him, but sniffed his finger and gave up. Instead, he used the tentacles. Touched his thumb.

He still remembers me?

Lao Guo jumped up in a heart. Then I thought that it might not be memory, but an instinct... When he was a demon, he was too close to himself. If he changed back to Xiaoxiao, he still remembered his smell. Otherwise, as a beggar, the tail was mentioned. It is impossible to not bite people.

"Blank head, good boy." Lao Guo reached out and touched his head, took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket, put the cautiously into it, and looked through the special cover with gauze breathable, saying: "You must be honest. Stay, wait for things to finish, I will take you home and take you home..."

Put the bottle in place, Lao Guo stayed for a moment, wiped his tears, got up and went to the mountain, and turned around to see Sibao and Wu Jiawei standing not far away, staring at him.

"We all heard..." Sibao murmured. "I want to persuade you to change your mind and feel it strange..."

Lao Guo Xiaoqiang smiled. "Fortunately, he is not dead. He can still cultivate into a demon..."

The old Guo Chaoshan walked up, Sibao and Wu Jiawei greeted them, and Sibao took advantage of Lao Guo’s shoulder and comforted: “Don’t be too upset, the flat head is good. It’s worthy of the name of the ghost-caught alliance.”

"We are the martyrs of the ghost league. It is the same as Jia Dao." Wu Jiawei thought of his brother.

Lao Guo nodded and the three went to the mountains together.

"How is the mountain?" asked Lao Guo.

"I still playing, Xiaojiu used the magic to force the real body of Houqing, and they were besieged with Shaoyang. We heard the crying and thought what happened, and quickly came to see."

"Let's go, don't delay the business!" Lao Guo urged them, and the three returned to the top of the mountain together and looked at the flat in front of them, just to see the most intense scene:

Ye Shaoyang, Biqing, Guagua and the small ninety-four people, surrounded by a circle, in the middle is the group of scarlet corpses, showing the human form. Ye Shaoyang controls six charms, and the red flame is beating on the paper, and it rotates around the back. The three people look at it and know that this is a kind of aggregating method, which can repair many people. It is applied to the spirits and turned into a fire of hell, constantly consuming the cultivation of the besieged.

Guagua, Biqing and Xiaojiu, surrounded by a circle, each released the repair, under the control of Ye Shaoyang, into the charm, and the strength of the array.

A 12-year-old 修 修 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The word is described.

The most important thing is that Hou Qing has been trapped, the four do not have to worry about anything, and there is a very good output environment, the post-Qing is suppressed in the formation, the hurricane constantly changes in various shapes looks Like a shadow of the limbs, the limbs are constantly elongating and shortening, trying to break through the array from various angles, but each time it is blocked.

"You are going up, kill him, kill him!" Lao Guo yelled angrily, one hand in his pocket, his fingers twitching and touching the porcelain bottle.

Wu Jiawei and Sibao immediately rushed over and joined the battle.

There are six charms to maintain the array, which corresponds to the position of Liuhe. Originally, they were controlled together by four people. They could not fully exert the power of the array. Now there are two more powerful forces, and the formation has also moved to the extreme. The pressure is even more precarious.

"You have withstood!"

Xiaojiu left this sentence and flew into the battlefield. He directly slammed into the back and did not use any complicated magic tricks. He slammed into the head and directly ran into it. This is the most instinctive means for the fox to attack the enemy.


A loud noise directly rushed away from the formation, hitting the hurricane in the incarnation of Houqing, and erupted a very horrible counter-attack force, and directly smashed Ye Shaoyang and others, everyone fell to more than ten meters. The place, after landing, everyone hurriedly stood up and looked up. Xiaojiu stood in the position of Qianqing before, a tired look, Houqing...not seen.

The hurricane is sinking, gradually falling on the ground, and it is turned into a pool of blood, which is reflected on the ground. When everyone joins and looks at it, the blood of the pool melts and disappears.

“What is this?” Ye Shaoyang is a bit dumbfounded. “Is this dead?”

Everyone has a face to face, and my heart is a mess. After all, everyone is fighting the corpse for the first time, and it may be the first batch in the world, and there is no experience for thousands of people to learn from.

"It should be dead, so we will die if we don't die." Guagua said.

Ye Shaoyang met Xiaojiu and stood down. If he looked thoughtfully, he asked, "What do you think?"

Xiaojiu shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be like this."

"What do you mean?"

"Before, he was incarnate in the hurricane, and the offensive end was fierce. I dragged you almost and didn't escape. But after the hole, he seemed to become very weak. We only trapped him. If he keeps the momentum before, we can't win so easily, don't you think it's weird?"

Everyone said that everyone was frowning and thinking.

Lao Guo was shocked and thought of something. He said: "The monster before... was killed by the flat head. When the flat head was fighting with him, it should be the weakest time of the corpse king... between them There must be something deep in the relationship..."

"Is there such a thing?"

Ye Shaoyang walked over to him and looked around. He said, "What about the flat head? Let me ask him, man?"

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