Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2581: The 2582 is not dead 1

Old Guo’s mouth twitched and shook his head.

Wu Jiawei sighed: "The flat head sacrificed..."


A fried thunder is in the mind of Ye Shaoyang.

Lao Guo silently told the flat head again, Guagua heard the scene and cried, jumped to the old Guo Huai Li, holding Lao Guo's neck, I do not know whether to comfort him, or let Lao Guo comfort himself.

Lao Guo took out the porcelain bottle and gathered it in front of Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang took it over and unplugged the bottle cap, just flattening his head in the bottle, sniffing the finger of Ye Shaoyang, and then touching him with the tentacles.

It was Ye Shaoyang who helped him to rob him into a demon. In the subconscious, it should still remember his smell.

Ye Shaoyang's eyes were wet, looking at the flat head, muttering: "It's my fault."

"Don't say that, the younger brother, the war is to die, and then the flat head is also voluntary, you don't want to think so." Lao Guo feared that he left his heart and hurriedly comforted.

"All the time... it’s for my business, it’s implicating everyone."

The four treasures rushed up, grabbed his collar and shouted in his ear: "Don't you temper like a girl, your business is the thing of all of us, this is not your privilege, everyone is Similarly, the Ghost Federation is a whole, and everyone's business is everyone's business!"

Lao Guo nodded and said: "Yes, the younger brother, when it was for the sake of the little fish, the big troubled sergeant, in the reincarnation wars parade, for the little fish to change the life, then you, why have you shirked, everyone has shirked Have you ever said a word of thanks to you?"

Everyone nodded, and the four treasures said: "This is the truth, goat, don't talk to a girl..."

Suddenly a hand rested on his shoulder, and he scared him back suddenly, seeing a gloomy face that could drip.

"What is the same as the girl, I said it twice, do you look down on the woman?" Bi Qing said coldly.

"Ah, I dare, I dare not dare, I don't mean this..." Four treasures quickly made an explanation.

"that's right!"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly said that he was not answering the dialogue between Sibao and Biqing. Everyone saw him in the past.

Ye Shaoyang gently touched his head with his fingers and took a deep breath. He said: "We are a whole. If we hurt our brothers, we must pay blood and blood!"

Looking at the flat head, slowly said: "I avenge you!"

The simple five words, but the sound of the earth, filled with a kind of hateful power, then, he returned the porcelain bottle to Lao Guo, looking at the place where he had fought before, said: "I think that Houqing is not dead, he I said that his strength here is 30% stronger than ours, and it is impossible to die."

Everyone nodded.

Ye Shaoyang turned to find the melon and said to him: "You are familiar with this place. You look down the mountain and see how they are doing. Please be careful." Although Daofeng and Yang Gongyi work together to deal with the five corpses, they should not There is no danger, but if he doesn't come up for a long time, he still has some peace of mind.

Guagua is a locust, no one is better than him. It is impossible to catch up even if it is flying, so let him go.

Guaguagua promised to sing a true 12-year-old cockroach and flew straight over the mountains.

Guagua's forefoot just left, from the mountain road, suddenly there was a loud noise, everyone turned around and looked around, from the corner of the mountain road, came a tall figure.

After Qing... still after Qing!

The most unacceptable thing, he was the same intact before, the clothes were clean, the face was not hurt, and the smile was mocking at the corner of his mouth.

"I don't want to die, what's special, is he eternal life?" The four treasures are about to collapse.

"There are no undead creatures in this world." Xiao Jiu said quietly, "You think about it, we are killing him here, why is he coming out from below?"

Everyone was shocked.

Lao Guo said: "Yes, that monster may be his **** or deity, otherwise it will not be so powerful, but the flat head is the big demon who has thundered the thunder! Because his deity is trapped by the flat head, so the strength Greatly, this will let you control..."

"You are talking about him." After Qing heard their arguments, his hand reached behind him and pulled out a creature. It was the three-eyed monster, holding his hand, like an adult holding a child, slowly Come towards them.

He is not dead!

A powerful demon, blowing in the face.

It’s a demon, not a corpse.

Xiaojiu is the most sensitive to the demon, and the pores are suddenly erected, and the demon gas is externalized. This is not a battle with this monster. It is just a competition on the momentum.

The result... The two people's momentum is not crushed by anyone, and they have been held for a long time. The monster will condense the monster and smile at Xiaojiu.

"You are an ancient monster!" Little nine voice with dignity.

Ye Shaoyang and others heard the words of the ancient monsters, and the hearts were fiercely trembled with the ancient monsters. What is this concept?

In the legend, these ancient monsters used to be the masters of this land of China, each of them, and they were fascinated by cultivation. Later, the tribes and wars gradually appeared. Finally, Shennong (the boss is Xuanyuan God, also the Yellow Emperor) and Jiuli The tribe stood out and competed for control of the world. A large part of the beasts joined Jiuli, and they assisted Chiyou. Some of them joined Shennong and became beasts (Bifang, Baize, etc.). The two sides launched the battle of the gods, regardless of As a result, these monsters were once active on the battlefield.

What rivals them is the legendary ancient gods, human beings, who are too small in their eyes, never worth mentioning.

The ghost-caught alliance is not against the ancient monsters, even if Ye Shaoyang himself, single-handedly an ancient monster has no chance of winning (runaway plus strategy and luck, at most, four or six), the only one in the ghost league The ancient monsters are rivals, only the small ninety-one.

Xiaojiu is a nine-tailed fox, with a demon blood inheritance, and can be regarded as an ancient monster.

No wonder that he was seriously injured in the illusion, no wonder that the flat head, the big demon who passed the thunder and robbery will be harmed by him... Ye Shaoyang is squatting, screaming at the monster, saying to the people around him: "Today is this The situation, although dangerous, but we are not afraid of ghost-caught alliances, nothing more than a deadly battle, everyone is careful!"

After the Qing and the ancient monsters, this combination can almost hang the Three Realms (except for the super-big cockroaches who never show up), but what about? The members of these ghost-caught alliances are very excited... there is no fear, only excitement and expectation.

Biqing sighed and said: "Ye Shaoyang, I really saw your ghost! I thought that we have so many people coming over, it is always ten, and I didn't expect it... I am afraid I am going to die here!"

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