Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3080: The 3082 ghost photo 1

Ye Xiaomu turned his heart, unscrewed the bottle cap, and rushed his eyes with water.

A little embarrassing. Ye Xiaomu suddenly remembered, this Qixingcao did not know if there was any poison, but it was already late anyway, and it would be washed out soon.

"How come you come again?" Bai Yijun asked the fruit in his hand and frowned.

Ye Xiaomu found an excuse, saying that after going back in the afternoon, he was very uneasy about the condition of the white cuddling, and wanted to come over and see at night.

"What do you have to do with cuddling..." Bai Yijun's father looked suspiciously.

"Cough, is the relationship between ordinary men and women... Hey, classmates, classmates!"

Everyone came up with something, and Bai Yizhen’s father refused to refuse, so he took him to the ward.

The candle was still in the ward, and Bai Yi was sleeping. Her father told Ye Xiaomu that Bai Yizhen had only slept for a few hours a day since the onset of illness, and he woke up in a daze. It was okay without stimulation and was quiet.

Ye Xiaomu took a deep breath and looked at the white cuddly.

It seems... there is nothing wrong with it?

There is no such overlapping picture of people and ghosts that appear in the imagination.

Ye Xiaomu put his heart down, but he was a little disappointed.

At this moment, Bai Yizhen woke up and looked at him softly.

"Dependent, I see you coming." Ye Xiaomu said, his heart was completely put down, as if there were no ghosts... He was passionate about himself.

Bai Yijun’s father asked her if she wanted to drink porridge. Bai Yiyi nodded slightly. Her father asked Ye Xiaomu to take care of it and went to the porridge.

Ye Xiaomu sat down on the edge of Bai Yizhen and whispered to her: "Is it, what happened to you?"

Bai Yiyi looked around and showed a very nervous and scared look, muttering: "Where is it?"

"Who is there?"

Bai Yiqi shook his head and tears flowed down. "You can't believe it when you say it."

"You don't know how to know."

Bai Yizhen still does not want to say,

Suddenly, her eyes straightened, showing a very scared expression, and fixedly looking out the door, the whole person kept shrinking.

Ye Xiaomu followed her gaze. Outside the open door, there was a dark area in the corridor where the light could not be found. Where was the head, like a man?

Ye Xiaomu shook his body and looked at it carefully. The corridor sound control light was on at this time, and the blurred figure disappeared.

"No..." Ye Xiaomu trembled.

"You... also saw it?" Bai Yi huddled in the bed, excitedly looking at Ye Xiaomu.

"I, I am not sure what it is..." Ye Xiaomu felt the temples squeak.

"It's her, she just made me like this."

Ye Xiaomu sucked in the air and tried to spit out a word: "Ghost?"

Without waiting for the white squatting, Ye Xiaomu suddenly felt cold in the back of his head. It seemed that someone was blowing, and he instinctively turned back. The figure flashed away, and then the body was cold, and the stomach was very uncomfortable. It was as if something was on his back. He was anxious and tried to force himself. He suddenly felt that something had been smashed by himself. He turned to look at it, but he did not see anything.

What, just what it is!

Ye Xiaomu kept turning around in horror, fearing that there would be something to attack himself.

"Dangdang, no one is wearing, the eyes are still clear, it is difficult to be safe, oh, head licking soup..."

The tender voice rang again, Ye Xiaomu suddenly turned, Bai Yiyi sat on the bed, restored the sluggish state before, with a strange smile on his face, quietly singing this strange song.

Suddenly, in Ye Xiaomu’s eyes, Bai Yi’s face turned translucent, like a ghost image. Under her face, there was a face, the face was very blurred, and both eyes were blood red. Staring at myself.

Ye Xiaomu could barely stand.

Bai Yizhen sang the song, and did not move for a long time.

"Who are you..." Ye Xiaomu asked with courage.

"It doesn't matter to you, or you have to die!"

It is a tender voice.

At this moment, the door opened, and Bai Yiqi’s father came back to the water.

He looked at Bai Yiyi and did not have any surprising performance. This made Ye Xiaomu suddenly realize that it was probably the reason of this seven-star grass powder, so that he could see the thing in Bai Yizhen’s body.

"Small wood, not too early, go back."

Bai Yiqi’s father sent Ye Xiaomu out, just turned and went in. Ye Xiaomu grabbed him and pulled him aside and asked him: “Uncle, how is it that I am sick, can you tell me?”

"Ask this to do."

"That... I want to rely on the usual good, must be stimulated to become like this, if you can find her cause of stimulation, maybe she can cure her."

Bai Yijun’s father nodded. “The doctor said so. However, I really don’t know what happened to her. She suddenly developed symptoms. On Saturday, she went to climb the mountain with a few classmates. The result came back like this, I also looked for them. I asked, they all said that they didn’t know, they said that they came back together that day, because they had to take different cars, they left first, and they were the last one to go."

Ye Xiaomu asked: "What time is she and her classmates? What time is it?"

Bai Yizhen’s father recalled it and said: “They should be at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and they will be home. It’s about nine o'clock. I didn’t pick up the phone in the middle.”

Ye Xiaomu asked again, when he learned that Bai Yizhen broke up with his classmates, he was still very good. He returned home and was okay at first. He was a bit too sleepy and ignored her.

When Bai Yiqi’s father didn’t take it seriously, she let her go to sleep. As a result, she slept until midnight. She suddenly heard her daughter singing in the room, sang the song, and then cried, naturally talking to herself. After telling her that she was completely ignored, Bai Yiqi’s father sent her to the hospital...

Ye Xiaomu thought, things must have happened when she broke up with her classmates and then returned home.

"Right," Bai Yizhen’s father suddenly remembered one thing. "I asked her classmates. After they were separated, they probably had half an hour. They snuggled up in the small group and said that they got on the bus. They also used their mobile phones to shoot. The photo on the car is a mountain road without lights. I tried to find it, but I can't find where it is."

Ye Xiaomu is more confused in his heart.

After talking with Bai Yi's father, Ye Xiaomu left the hospital alone and walked on the road.

On the road, the car was so busy, and Ye Xiaomu was cold, and the experience in the ward, especially the face hidden in the body of Bai Yizhen... let Ye Xiaomu couldn’t help thinking about it.

It seems that I have to find out the classmates who were with her that day.

I want to come to Bai Yiyi to participate in the activity of the mountaineering club. In the past, Ye Xiaomu also participated frequently. This semester was tight because of the course, and because the mobile phone was confiscated, it was inconvenient for the members to contact the members but not the same class. The activities are all connected by WeChat, and Ye Xiaomu slowly fades out.

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