Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3081: 1083 Ghost Photo 2

However, the head of the association, he knows, and lives with himself, but he can ask him to inquire about it, maybe he knows something.

Ye Xiaomu is an acute child. When he returned to school, he immediately went to the president of the mountaineering club. The classmate was not in the dormitory. The roommate said that he went to the cafeteria to eat, and Ye Xiaomu waited.

The president's roommate is a fat man wearing glasses. He is playing a pesticide on his mobile phone. This is a game more than ten years ago. It has been revised many times over the years. Now it is no longer the most popular game, but there are still many players.

Ye Xiaomu leaned over and looked at it. This fat man used cockroaches. The record was 0 to 10. It was not too pitted. Ye Xiaomu looked worried and took the phone to help him fight. He slowly played an advantage and even turned over.

"Brother, this operation is too six!" The fat man asked him.

When I was chatting, the president came back. Ye Xiaomu immediately explained his intentions. The president also sighed. He said that he knew the situation of Bai Yizhen. He went to the hospital the day before yesterday. He could not figure out why this happened.

Asked by Ye Xiaomu, they learned that they went to climb a mountain in the north of Kunming last weekend. The whole of Yunnan is a mountainous area. The surrounding area of ​​the city is more than a mountain. The mountaineering club has to change a mountain every time.

The president said to take the phone out, open the map, and pointed to the location to show him. Ye Xiaomu frowned at first glance: "So far, there are dozens of miles from the northern suburbs. How do you think about going there?"

"This..." The president wants to stop.

"Don't be this one, what do you say? This is related to the condition of Bai Yizhen!" Ye Xiaomu reminded.

The president asked him: "What do you mean by this, do you know what?"

When he asked, Ye Xiaomu hesitated.

"If there is anything to say!" This is the turn of the president to ask.

Ye Xiaomu had to say what he saw in the hospital. After listening to the president, he was dumbfounded and his face was white.

"It won't be... really haunted."

"I don't know, so I came to you and asked about the situation of the day."

"Well, I tell you!" the president said, pointing to the name on the map called "Qingyou Mountain". "Actually, we went to find underground buildings that day..."

"My family, I lived in a town not far from Qingyou Mountain. I grew up there and I heard about some things in Qingyou Mountain. It used to be a military base of the National Army. It was opened in the mountains. A large part of the building, covered with construction, was once abandoned after liberation. Later it was requisitioned as an arsenal and moved nearby residents. It is said that underground works were still being opened in the mountains. For many years, armed police guarded it. Let people be close.

Later, the workers and the army were moved away. This place has been abandoned, because the town near the nearest town has 20 miles, uninhabited, and... I heard from people in my town that the place is haunted. No one dares to go. ”

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xiaomu and said: "This is what the town people said. I don't believe it."

Ye Xiaomu nodded: "Nothing, you will continue."

"Last last week, we discussed where to climb the mountain on weekends. I asked everyone if they want to go to Qingyue Mountain to visit the underground fortifications. They used to talk about it. I didn't expect them to be very interested, so we planned for a few days, last weekend, I, Bai Yizhen, and Liu Ting and Chen Wu, you all know, the four of us went together.

We took the bus to Yungu County in the northern suburbs. It was about 10 o'clock in the morning. There was a long-distance bus bound for Wuding, just passing the road near Qingyou Mountain. This is the route we checked in the morning, we sat. An hour-long long-distance bus, after getting off the bus, it’s in the mountains, about five kilometers from Qingyou Mountain, and walked over...

What we went to is actually called Qinggu Valley, which is to repair the military base in the mountainous area. It is like a small town with many buildings, but it is all ruins. We went to the mountain and wanted to enter the cave to visit. Underground work, the result found that there is a big iron door locked, can not enter, but there is a lake in the valley, the scenery is very good, we have been playing at the lake for a long time.

About four o'clock, it rained, we went back to the deserted town, looking for a place to shelter from the rain... Then, something strange happened..."

Speaking of this, the president paused and swallowed, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

"I don't know if it rains, the spirit of Bai Yizhen is suddenly bad. We touched her head, it was hot, it was a fever, and she called her stomach hurt. It was very serious. We were so anxious, but then Heavy rain, I had to let her endure, and then the rain could not be done, but the sky was terrible, almost black, and the fog, we will support the white snuggle, follow the path of the town, the result... It may be because of the fog. Although we walked out of the clear valley, we came to another town..."

Ye Xiaomu heard this shouting: "Wait a minute, you are not saying that no one is living in the vicinity of twenty miles, where is the town?"

"Yes, there is no, but we are lost in the other side, we can't find the direction at all, and we have an hour to go. I don't know where to go."

"So how do you know that it is another town?"

"Because the building in this town is new, there are people living, but no one on the road. We saw people in the house through the lights. We don't know where it is. Just go forward. At this time, we passed by. The hospital is a three-story building with a yard. At that time, Bai Yizhen was not a stomachache. We simply sent her in, thinking about taking a shot or getting some medicine.

The hospital is very old, and the facilities seem to be decades old. We didn't care. I thought that the hospital in a remote town would definitely be backward, but...no one in the hospital, no one.

We searched the entire three-story building, some rooms opened the door, the facilities inside were clean, although the old points, but certainly some people live, some rooms are still lit, but it is no one.

Some rooms couldn't open the door, but there was no movement inside. We had to go back to the hall. The registered ward was connected with the pharmacy. The door was opened and the shelves were filled with medicine. They were brand new. . There was no one everywhere... We were a little scared at the time, and we were going to leave. At this time, the phone on the table rang. ”

When it comes to this, it stops again. Ye Xiaomu looked at him silly, a little bit of back and cold feeling.

The little fat man was playing the game, listening to the president’s story. At this time, he completely forgot the game. He looked up at the president in a stupid way. The lines of death in the game were not taken care of.

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