Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3090: No. 3092 Looking for the truth 3

Ye Xiaomu couldn't help but look down at his fingernails, but it was all flesh-colored.

Leaving the room and coming outside, Liu Laotou let Bai Yijun's father get a bowl, then open his backpack and said: "Fortunately, you told me that it is a ghost possession, ready in advance, otherwise this At night, there are no places to buy in many places."

He took out an egg, opened the small head, dumped some egg whites, then grabbed a handful of black rice and put it in, then pour the water in, let the white 苒 father go to heat, it is best to cook with a rice cooker meeting.

"When the eggs are solidified, you can take them. Wait a minute, there are two more, one is cooked." He took two raw eggs for him.

Then take out a small bottle, open it and then water it. Stir with a peach tree branch. Ye Xiaomu glanced at it with a red paste and asked him what he was. The answer was cinnabar.

After being able to stir evenly, Liu Laotou took out a brush, rubbed the cinnabar, painted it on a magical sign, and had a word in his mouth. After painting, he turned his wrist and read: "Dise!"

The charm burned and he was thrown into the half bowl of water.

"Is this the water?" Ye Xiaomu asked curiously.

At this time, Bai Yizhen’s father came back with three eggs. Liu Laotou asked them to help. When he entered the house, he helped him sit up and feed her.

"Master, before he succumbed to excessive blood loss, he was still recovering. The doctor said that he could not eat anything..." Bai Yijun's father was a little hesitant.

"Reassuring, I can't die, I will die if I die!"

The half bowl of water was poured, and the white face of the white **** was sharply reddened, and the hands were rubbing against the stomach, and the stomach was getting more and more drums, which was very difficult to accept.

Liu Laotou bent his right **** and suddenly bounced on her forehead.

White slammed "wow" and spit out a large black scorpion. Ye Xiaomu listened to the command of Liu Laotou and used a basin to follow.

A pungent suffocation.

Ye Xiaomu licked his nose and looked into the basin. The sputum was a blackish mucus in the black, which looked disgusting.

Bai Yiqi spit for a while, and the color of the mucus spit out became lighter and darker. It turned from black to red, and then it was close to transparency. The original belly was flattened.

Liu Laotou said that the sound is good, holding her down, Bai Yizhen is still coma, but his face becomes rosy, and the intensity of breathing is much larger than before. This change is white and his father is in his eyes, some excited. , continue to thank Liu old man.

"Things are not finished yet, don't thank me."

Liu Laotou asked Ye Xiaomu to carry the pot of the pottery, came out with him, went to the corner of the stairwell, and drew a charm, thrown into the basin, and the stolen goods immediately burned, the fire turned out to be Turquoise.

Those black mucus, which burned slowly like a fuel, appeared some hair-like things in the middle, twisting constantly in the flame, like a slender scorpion.

Seeing Ye Xiaomu and Bai Yiqi's father were dumbfounded.

After the flame is extinguished, the hair does not move.

Liu Laotou took a charm and wrapped the hair, his face was very dignified.

"Liu Ye, what is this?" Ye Xiaomu asked curiously.

"Ghost hair."

"Ghost..." Ye Xiaomu lived.

Liu Laotou ignored his surprise, took them back to the room, took out the three cooked eggs, found the two did not open, peeled off and swallowed.

"What is this law to do?" Ye Xiaomu said in a reverent tone, and now he is only convinced by Liu Laotou.

As a result, Liu Laotou made him stunned: "I am hungry, I will eat some mats first."

After eating two eggs, he took out the last egg mixed with black rice. After peeling the shell, he stuffed the mixture into the white licking mouth. After a quarter of an hour, he pulled out and the mixture became slimy. And constantly braving the white steam.

Ye Xiaomu curiously touched it, cold as if he had just taken it out of the freezer, and asked Liu’s old man what was going on.

"This is the ghost that pulled out of her body, so it's okay."

Liu Laotou said: "Glutinous rice in addition to corpse, black rice in addition to ghosts, red beans in addition to corpse, rice wine in addition to evil, this can be exquisite."

Bai Yizhen’s father said with excitement: “Master, you mean, relying on her, is it okay?”

"It's okay, but the palliative is not a cure, and now the ghost that entangles her is not there. Naturally, if you come again, you still have to entangle her."

When Bai Yijun’s father heard a dumbfounded voice, he said, “What should I do?”

Liu Laotou greeted them to go out and sat on the outside corridor. After pondering for a long time, he said: "I said, I shouldn’t care about this matter. This ghost is very powerful. He can kill your family at any time and not kill her. Just to torture her. I may not be her opponent."

Ye Xiaomu listened to him and said that he was shocked. He just wanted to speak. Liu Laotou waved his hand and said: "Your boy and I are not outsiders. Since it is your classmate, I am trying to help."

The confidant father said: "Give me two thousand."

"Liu Ye, still have money!" Ye Xiaomu jumped up.

"Crap, catching ghosts is a high-risk occupation, don't give money to anyone, this is still to look at your face, or I will not give 20,000!" Liu Laotou rolled his eyes and said, "Children tell me, any in this world." Everything is causal. I don’t want to pay for it now. You have to go back to the next life. It’s not two thousand things.”

Bai Yijun’s father said: "I give five thousand!"

"Don't be five thousand, two thousand is good. As long as the cash, you don't use the Alipay online banking." Liu Laotou pointed to Ye Xiaomu. "You will give him a good time."

Then I took out a thermos cup and drank two mouthfuls of water. "Well, I am going to say good things. This ghost is very powerful. I can draw a **** charm on the door later, but with my mana, I can only block at most. After three days, three days, I am afraid that it is troublesome... Once the ghost finds that you are looking for a mage, it will definitely start with her, so our time is only three days!"

"Three days..." Ye Xiaomu took a breath, "What are we going to do?"

"Looking for her negotiation!"


On the roof of the hospital, Liu Laotou quickly arranged the altar, let Ye Xiaomu stand in the middle, and began to burn incense and light candles.

Ye Xiaomu thought that the next evil spirit would go to his own body. The whole person was not good. He looked at Liu Laotou pitifully. "Liu Ye, after the ghosts were invited, why not let them go?"


"Ah?" Ye Xiaomu trembled.

"So look for you, your young man is full of yang, plus I have given you a fixed body, he does not dare to occupy you. Rest assured."

(Have a rest today.)

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