Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3091: No. 3093 attached to the body 1

After a while, Ye Xiaomu was scared again. "That is, it is possessed by ghosts. Is there any sequelae?"

Liu Laotou waved: "Not a thing, most bad breath, insomnia, put a stinky fart, just a few days."

Ye Xiaomu laughed and cried, said:

"That, now regret it still has time?"

After Liu Laotou was laid out, he couldn’t help but say that he posted a charm on the back of Ye Xiaomu’s head, and then stuffed the ghost hair he had received into Ye Xiaomu’s mouth.

Ye Xiaomu almost didn't spit it out.

"Resist the point!" Liu old man glanced at him, returned to the front of the altar, began to burn paper, took out a peach sword, and danced.

"A fragrant world, people do not separate, after I was Sanqing, I was ordered to keep the world..." He sang as he danced the sword, tossed for ten minutes, Ye Xiaomu did not feel any problem, asked: "That Is the ghost not coming, or is it?"

"Stand yours!"

Liu Laotou’s voice just fell, and suddenly the copper bell placed on the altar began to ring the bell. Ye Xiaomu just wanted to open his mouth. He only felt that the ghost hair in his mouth suddenly squirmed, and some got into the nose, hurry. I reached out and licked it. As a result, my hands just lifted up, and I couldn’t move immediately. My consciousness was still there, but my body didn’t seem to be my own.

He didn't know that his eyes had turned green, his face was evil, and he looked at Liu Laotou.

"Old things, who are you!" turned out to be a girl's voice.

Standing next to him, Bai Yizhen’s father was scared and opened his mouth.

"Liu Ming, the thirty-eighth generation disciple of Qingcheng Mountain, has come to overtake you."

"Qingcheng Mountain... Oh, it depends on you?"

Liu Laotou sat in front of the altar in front of the altar and looked at Ye Xiaomu. He said: "I am not good at learning, not necessarily your opponent, but it is also a mage. If you encounter evil spirits and hurt people, don't dare to care, look for you today. However, I want to help you but I have a relationship. What kind of hatred does Shantou have with you? Is there any possibility of resolving it?"

"Resolve? Haha..." The female ghost laughed and suddenly pointed her finger at Bai Yijun's father. "What evil enmity, why don't you ask me this jealousy! He knows best!"


Liu Laotou also stunned.

When Bai Yiqi’s father heard this, he slammed on the floor and cried, “You are my daughter... I know that I am sorry for you. At the beginning, I have no other way. You really have to blame... just blame me, thousand. Don't blame, she is your sister after all..."

"Sister... I don't have such a blessing!"

The female ghost snorted and looked at Liu Laotou and said: "You are as innocent as this kid, but don't blame me for not reminding you, I have to order the life of this kid, and then deal with you!"

After that, he actually controlled Ye Xiaomu’s body and walked toward the edge of the Tiantai.

Liu Laotou was shocked and hurriedly jumped up and poked him with a mahogany sword.

The female ghost controls Ye Xiaomu, and the left and right dodge, flexible to Liu old man can not hit.

"Haha, you are just an alchemist, it is a bad old man, and you want to buy two or two silver for three or two dollars!"

The female ghost smirked and laughed on the roof with Liu Laotou. After a while, Liu Laotou was panting. He gave up the attack with the mahogany sword and changed to a curse.

The charm attached to the back of Ye Xiaomu released a golden light, all falling on Ye Xiaomu, like a net to cover him in the middle, Ye Xiaomu's consciousness at this time exists, but he can't control the body, he feels When the female ghost was there, when Liu Laotou recited the curse, he felt an external force and seemed to want to drive the female ghost out of his body.

The female ghost is struggling against the strength.

Ye Xiaomu felt that her ability to control her body weakened, so she desperately wanted to squeeze her away.

The female ghost barely controlled his body and walked up to the top of the platform.

"No, don't hurt him!"

Bai Yijun’s father rushed over and hugged his feet. The female ghost slammed into the air and flew three.

Ye Xiaomu is close enough to the rooftop. Liu Laotou is in a hurry, but he does not dare to stop the curse. The curse can still delay her movements. Once stopped, she will jump again and jump in one step.

Finally came to the edge of the roof, the female ghost showed a smug smile, took a leg, just then, suddenly burst into a tremble, then, a figure popped out from Ye Xiaomu, his body fell to the side of the roof On the top, only half a step away from the edge.

Ye Xiaomu lay on the floor and gasped, looking up, the little girl in a red dress, suspended above her head and looking at herself with a strange expression.

"I will definitely take her life. If you want to protect her, then walk!"

After that, she flew down the rooftop.

Lying on the ground, Ye Xiaomu gave a sigh of relief, just a little bit of his own life was explained.

For a long time, he climbed up from the ground, patted the gray on his body, and walked over to Liu’s old man. While walking, he complained that Liu’s old man was not reliable. He said that he only borrowed his body and almost lost his life.

"It is indeed my mistake." Liu Laotou admitted, "I know that she is a good repairer, but she did not expect that she is so strong, can ignore my soul spell, forcibly control your body... just, you should die now. what?"

"I oh, you are damn! I am dead by what!" Ye Xiaomu was very dissatisfied.

Liu Laotou asked him to tell the feeling after being possessed. After listening to it, he was even more emotional. "You are an ordinary person. After being possessed by the devil, you can actually go back and regain control of the body? Although I was at the time In the thought of the soul curse, gave her a lot of interference, even then, this is not something that ordinary people can do..."

Liu Laotou fell into meditation.

Ye Xiaomu couldn't understand what he was saying and asked, "What does that mean?"

"There is only one possibility, your soul is much stronger than the average person!"

"What... what does it mean?" Ye Xiaomu still doesn't understand.

“It means you have a good spiritual talent!”

"Amount, don't be kidding." Ye Xiaomu waved his hand and didn't take it as one thing.

Liu Laotou still wants to say something. At this time, Bai Yiqi’s father came over miserablely and begged him to save Bai Yiyi.

While Liu Laotou packed up the implement, he said to Bai Yijun’s father: "You also saw that the female ghost is going to take her life. I have no choice but to fight. I have just taken your money and I have to. Take this old life to fight together, but the so-called knowing yourself and knowing each other, you must tell me everything about her, who is she, and what is the enemy with your family?"

Bai Yiqi’s father bowed his head and sighed again and again: “In fact, she is also my daughter...”

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