Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 215: Post-war Harvest (Subscription Request)

Then, the old patriarch of the Fang family shouted.

"Fellow Daoists present, now that the situation has come to this, don't hold back."

"I will help you break the trapping magic here and kill the demons here together."

Then, he exerted his strength again, and burst out with a strength that was not weaker than that of the master of Xingjian Temple. In just a few breaths, he directly smashed the powerful trapping cover set up by several demons.

He pinched his fingers and remained calm.

Countless formations of yellow sand immediately poured into the demon group, directly targeting the three demons in the late stage of Qi training in the demon group, bombarding them frantically, and beating them to the point of being miserable.

And the old patriarch of the Fang family was full of expectations.

"It is said that the crystal of the demon spirit contains the origin of the wood domain and has infinite vitality. Once taken, it can prolong life. It is a rare spiritual object that can prolong life. If I can get a few more, I will definitely be able to protect my clan for another ten or even twenty years."

"It's a pity that the demon spirit king who has completed Qi training has been targeted by fellow Xingjian. Otherwise, if I can kill him, I estimate that with his crystal core alone, I can directly extend my life by thirty years."

"But it's good. With this person blocking the difficult demon spirit king, I can deal with other demon spirits."

"This person is the key to this ultimate battle."

He smiled, showing his old fox nature. Although he wanted to kill the demon spirits here as soon as possible, he didn't want to be the first to come out, so as to avoid any crisis. But fortunately, the master of Xingjian Temple took the lead, and he thought it was a good time.

He was nearly a hundred years old and was close to the limit of his Qi training life.

And the Fang family had no new Qi training cultivators sitting in charge.

Therefore, he attached great importance to his life span, which was one of the reasons why he followed the Jinsha Sect to come here some time ago.

The Star Sword Master actually had this idea, so he would directly sacrifice his powerful natal flying sword.

In addition, his ordinary flying sword was destroyed before, so he naturally needed some precious things to make up for it, otherwise it would be a loss.

Seeing the current situation, Liu Fenghan felt a little sorry.

"The Qi-cultivating Demon King has been targeted, and the late Qi-cultivating ones have also been targeted."

"If that's the case, we can only focus on the five mid-stage Qi-cultivating demons and the rest of the early Qi-cultivating demons."

Then, after he quickly broke through the surrounding attacks, he directly controlled the Jiamu Purple Jade Flying Knife to kill into the demon group, targeting a yellow flower demon in the middle stage of Qi-cultivation.

Chu Xinyue commanded his spirit beasts to help.

Liu Haohe and Liu Guangyao were both wilder. All the high-level demons here were blocked, and ordinary early and middle Qi-cultivating demons could not hurt them at all.

They rushed into the group of demons as if they were in an empty space, and they repeatedly made achievements, riding on the demons and chopping them with axes.

Xiao Yunchu was excited when he saw this scene, and he quickly said to the queen ant beside him.

"Little queen ant, it's our turn."

The queen ant made a strange sound.

Then, five green grass ants suddenly broke out of the ground near the chaotic demon group in the distance.

The demons around them had no time to react and were killed.

And the group of green grass ants were particularly flexible under the command of the queen ant. Once they made achievements, they immediately took the demon bodies and drilled deep into the ground and continued to look for opportunities.

Xiao Yunchu also experienced the pleasure of staying in the back but still being able to make achievements.


His face suddenly showed countless joy.


At the same time

The demon king's face was extremely dark. He really didn't expect that the master of Xingjian Temple was so powerful that he could even master such a treasure as his own flying sword.

And judging from the grade of the flying sword, it should be as high as the first-grade upper grade, and even close to the quasi-second-grade realm, with extraordinary power.

Knowing that he was no match for the enemy, he hurriedly shouted towards the valley deep in the wood domain.

"Child, come to support quickly."

But after dozens of breaths, there was no movement in the valley, and even no response.

He was puzzled.

He called for nearly a hundred breaths in a row, but it was still the same.

He immediately understood that the situation was not good.

He knew the nature of his descendant of the Qingti Spirit Tree, who had perfected his Qi training, and the spirit tree would definitely not escape.

And he had an agreement with the spirit tree that as long as he asked for help, it would be in danger of life, even if the spirit tree was comprehending a powerful spell at a critical moment, it would come to help.

In this case, the only possibility was that the spirit tree had an accident.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

"There is no lack of a cultivator here, and my offspring is strong, and even sacrificed the prototype of a magic weapon. How could there be an accident?"

It was filled with turbulent waves in its heart, and doubts kept coming up.

It didn't figure it out until it was pierced by a sword.

It, the demon king with a long life span who had ruled the wood domain here for hundreds of years, also died.

And without it sitting in the seat, the other demons gradually couldn't hold on.

As time went by, they all died.

The chaos here also stopped.

However, the atmosphere between the four cultivators reserved here was a little weird.

At this time, Liu Fenghan discovered that two people had died in the Jinsha Sect. They were the wives of the brothers of the sect leader Zhang Wei. Their cultivation was only in the initial stage of Qi training, and their strength was not strong, so the accident happened.

As for the cultivators of Xingjian Daoist Temple and Fang Family, since they were all strong and protected by Qi-cultivating Perfection cultivators, none of them died, but they all suffered some injuries. One person was even pierced by a wooden thorn, and only with the help of a high-level healing pill did he recover.

One person's arm was cut off at Xingjian Daoist Temple.

There were also some injuries on the side of the old Liu Family. Chu Xinyue's King Kong Tiger and the two silver-scaled spiders of the family were seriously injured because they were attacked while killing the enemy. The King Kong Tiger was covered with bloodstains, and even bones could be seen.

The two silver-scaled spiders had many broken legs, and now they have trouble walking.

However, Chu Xinyue has healing beast control skills, so as long as there is enough time, they will be able to recover.

Liu Haohe and Liu Guangyao are fine because they have many defensive methods.

Xiao Yunchu, Chu Xinyue and Liu Fenghan are in the rear and are fine.

As for Xiao Yunchu's green spirit ants, they are really slippery, but they are not seriously injured.

At this moment, the other forces were also looking at each other.

However, when they looked at the Old Liu family, there was a bit of fear between their eyebrows.

First, they felt that the Old Liu family was quite powerful.

Second, the Old Liu family had the core disciples of Feixing Valley sitting behind them, and they were not forces without backgrounds like them that could be provoked.

Moreover, the Jinsha Sect controlled the location of the Wood Domain here. If they took action against them, it was possible that the group of cultivators left behind in the Jinsha Sect would spread the location of this place, and there would be countless troubles at that time.

And the Jinsha Sect itself did not have enough strength to deal with the extraordinary Old Liu family, the Xingjian Taoist Temple, and the Fang family.

The Old Liu family just wanted to share the benefits peacefully.

In this way, the Xingjian Taoist Temple cultivators and the Fang family cultivators who had other thoughts looked at each other.

Among the four major forces here, only these two parties were destroyed and there was no trouble.

But both parties were quite powerful.

Once a conflict occurred, both sides would suffer losses, and the Old Liu family and the Jinsha Sect would definitely reap the benefits.

For a moment, both forces sighed helplessly, and eventually lost their minds due to various concerns.

Then, the master of Xingjian Temple said.

"Don't just stand there, clean up the battlefield."

"The rich wood domain here is waiting for us to divide it."

After that, he went to pick up the wood domain crystal that the demon king turned into after his death.

The Fang family did the same.

"Fortunately, there was no trouble."

Liu Fenghan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he followed Liu Haohe and others and began to clean up the interests of the battlefield here.

This time, he killed a demon spirit in the middle stage of Qi training and two demon spirits in the early stage of Qi training.

Liu Haohe and others killed two demon spirits in the middle stage of Qi training and three demon spirits in the early stage of Qi training.

In total, eight demon spirits were killed, and the record was extraordinary, only lower than Xingjian Taoist Temple and Fang Family.

The Jinsha Sect, which had the largest number of people, had the smallest record, killing only four demon spirits in the early stage of Qi training.

After cleaning up everything,

Liu Fenghan looked at the first-level middle-grade crystal and two first-level low-grade Wood Domain crystals in his hand, and a lot of joy rose between his brows.

"It is indeed as the rumors say, it contains a huge vitality."

"After careful calculation, they are probably stronger than ordinary life-extending spiritual objects."

"The two first-grade low-grade wood crystals should be able to increase the lifespan of Qi training cultivators by nearly five years, and the first-grade medium-grade one is estimated to increase the lifespan by about ten years."

"Moreover, they contain a huge amount of mysterious magnetic wood energy, which can improve cultivation."

"If taken at the same time, it is estimated that I can reduce my hard training by about half a year."

"In this way, I estimate that I will be able to reach the bottleneck of the seventh level of Qi training in the middle of next year."

"And the Purple Moon Spirit Bamboo has entered the late stage of Qi training, and has also condensed the real earth spirit root. Its purple moon power that can break through the realm is bound to be stronger. By the end of next year, I estimate that I can enter the eighth level of Qi training."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but raise countless joy on his face.

"It's really getting closer and closer to building a foundation."

And Liu Haohe and others are also immersed in the joy of getting the spoils at this moment.

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