Spirit Plant Immortal Clan

Chapter 216: Ways to break the impasse (Subscribe please)

Just when everyone was planning to observe this wood area and divide it.

A loud laugh came from the border of the wood area.

"You are really lucky. I didn't expect that you all found such a treasure land."

"It's worth it that the clan leader has spent half a month following you. "This wood area is favored by our Sima family. Leave quickly."

"I will give you a hundred breaths to consider, don't make mistakes. "

After saying this, the old thief Sima exuded a foundation-building aura and looked at everyone coldly, as if intimidating them.

Liu Fenghan's face suddenly changed, and he turned his head to look.

Suddenly, he saw a middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe suddenly appear at the border of the wood domain.

He was suspended in this underground space, with extraordinary momentum, like a real immortal.

If that person had not taken the initiative to show up, Liu Fenghan might not have been able to see this person.

And this person was leisurely looking at the wood domain here, and slowly flew towards Liu Fenghan and others.

"Standing in the void."

"A strong man who builds foundation? "

Liu Fenghan's heart was suddenly filled with shock and waves.

Although Qi-training cultivators can also fly in the void, this action consumes spiritual energy and is rarely performed by ordinary people.

Only those who have mastered the art of escape will use this as a means of travel.

And according to the words of the foundation-building strongman, this person is probably coming with great momentum.

Nine out of ten, some conflicts will break out later.

For this reason, Liu Fenghan suddenly felt a pressure coming.

The other cultivators were even more panicked.

At this time, Zhang Wei, the leader of the Jinsha Sect, recognized the identity of the man. He immediately guessed a possibility, and then he glared at the old patriarch of the Fang family and said angrily.

"Senior Fang, did you reveal the news of this place to the old thief Sima?"

The old patriarch Fang's face remained unchanged, and he quickly denied it.

"How is it possible? "

Zhang Wei of the Jinsha Sect had no evidence that he had brought him here, so he could only snort coldly.

What he didn't know was that he had guessed right.

At this moment, Patriarch Fang looked at the old thief Sima in the sky, and his heart was a little excited.

"The old thief Sima is here indeed."

This person was indeed brought here by him, but the two parties were not good friends, but had some conflicts. He designed to bring him here for a special plan.

But of course, this matter could not be said.

And the "old thief Sima" who was looking at the situation in the wood domain here seemed to have heard Zhang Wei's questioning, but laughed loudly and calmly.

"You two forces and my clan live in Huying County together. If I didn't know that so many cultivators from your two forces came here, it would seem that my clan is too incompetent. "

"But I didn't expect that your two major forces have connections with so many forces. "

"Also, don't let me say it a second time, leave quickly. "

After hearing this, Liu Fenghan immediately understood the identity of the old thief Sima.

It is said that there are currently two major foundation-building forces in Yuquanshan Fang Family and Huying County where Jinsha Sect is located.

One of them is Sima Family.

However, it is said that the history of the Sima Family's rise to power is rather mysterious.

This family once had a female cultivator with extraordinary qualifications a hundred years ago. In the end, the female cultivator was valued by a foundation-building master cultivator from a foundation-building family in Yitalang County and was taken as a concubine.

This family also got a small spiritual vein from the foundation-building family and established a real family from then on.

As time went by, the foundation of this family became stronger and stronger, and they were also somewhat dissatisfied with the status quo.

In addition, the foundation-building family it was attached to also intended to expand. Therefore, after Feixing Valley opened up the Tahu County, the two families used Some "special means" were used to reach a small deal with some high-level officials in Feixing Valley, and all the military exploits in their hands were gathered together.

In the end, the Sima family successfully bought one of the only three second-level spiritual veins in Huying County, and had the foundation for foundation building.

And it is said that the Sima family paid a big price and received huge support from the mysterious foundation-building force, which enabled the head of the family, Sima Changming, to enter the foundation-building.

Since then, the Sima family has been smooth sailing, becoming one of the two major foundation-building forces in Huying County, and secretly threatening the small Qi training forces in the nearby thousand-mile area to pay salaries every once in a while, otherwise they will secretly destroy them.

And those small forces have no connections, so they can only do it obediently.

The Fang family and the Jinsha Sect are among them.

"This is troublesome. "

Liu Fenghan frowned.

That old Sima thief must be very strong as he is in the foundation building stage.

And since this person followed him here, he might have sent a message to the family behind him. By then, even if Sima thief was driven away, the news of the Wood Domain here would cause trouble.

Just at this time, the old patriarch of the Fang family who was questioned actually made a suggestion.

"My fellow Taoists, this Wood Domain is a treasure land for growing spiritual plants, which can increase the growth rate of first-level spiritual plants by five or six times."

"And the foundation of the Wood Domain here is particularly solid, and there is a chance to impact the quasi-second-level realm."

"Then its value will be even greater."

"It would be a pity to give it up."

"And according to my understanding, that old Sima thief has only been in the foundation building stage for three short years, and his strength should not be particularly strong. Moreover, this person has exhausted all the Sima family's assets in order to impact the foundation building stage, and he still has no second-level spiritual weapon in his hands."

"Under such circumstances, his strength is bound to be weak."

"And I have a powerful formation method. I have a chance to trap it for a moment and a half, and I can also pose some threats to it during the period."

"How about we give it a try and see if we can drive it away?"

Zhang Wei of the Jinsha Sect probably understood what the old patriarch of the Fang family was thinking, he said coldly.

"Even if the old thief Sima is driven away, how can he give up? By then, news about the Wood Domain will inevitably spread to the outside world. What we will face then is not just one old thief Sima, but two or even three. Even the other monks behind him will come, and we will be attacked by a group. "

The old patriarch of the Fang family said with a smile

"The wood domain here contains countless mysterious magnetic energy. As long as I am given enough time, I will be sure to set up a quasi-second-level formation here. Even if it is attacked by a group, it will not matter."

"As long as we can delay it, we will have enough time to report this to Feixing Valley and seek protection from Feixing Valley while sacrificing 30% of the interests of the Wood Domain here."

Zhang Wei of Jinsha Sect was shocked when he heard this.

"I didn't expect this old ghost's formation attainments to reach such an extent."

The quasi-second-level formation is particularly powerful, and it is said that it is not a problem to block the foundation-building monks.

But relatively, the layout of this type of formation is relatively difficult.

Generally, it is difficult for a first-level formation mage to set it up. Only the quasi-second-level formation mage who has touched the second-level formation method has a chance to set it up.

And this kind of characters are particularly rare.

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