Blue Star, Dragon Country.

In the western base city, the shrill alarm suddenly sounded.

"The southern block of Base City has been invaded by monsters, please quickly retreat towards the nearest shelter."

"The southern block of Base City has been invaded by monsters, please quickly retreat towards the nearest shelter."


Deafening sirens continued to sound throughout the city.

People rushed out of their homes and fled towards the nearest shelter.

For a while, the southern neighborhood was in chaos.

At the end of the sky, a group of huge black crows were rapidly approaching the center of the city.

Each crow is more than ten meters in size, and its wings are extended, setting off a wind and smashing the houses below.

They are like high-speed fighter jets, and their power is extremely terrifying.

Some slow-running humans, after encountering the wind, suddenly turned into a pile of blood clots, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

Just as people were panicking, several rainbow lights flew over in the distance.

They were dressed in special armor, and their bodies exuded a powerful aura, like a humanoid brute dragon.

"It's the warrior, the warrior is coming, we are saved."

Seeing the comers, the crowd who had not yet fled away immediately cheered, and their eyes showed excitement that could not be concealed.

"Demon beasts, dare to trespass into my Terran territory, I don't know if I am dead or alive."

One person shouted loudly, took out a long knife from his back, and slashed out at the crow flock in front of him.

A fierce blade swept into the sky, chopping several crows in half on the spot, spilling blood into the air.

The rest of the warriors also shot out one after another and killed the crows.

Behind someone, a phantom of the god and elephant condensed, and the sound of the elephant was earth-shattering.

With its punch, the divine elephant phantom roared and rushed out, knocking the crow to pieces, turning into a mist of blood.

In a short time, the crow flock that was still raging was brutally killed.

"Damn humans, dare to make a move against my people."

Suddenly, a roar shook the earth, and at the end of the sky, a huge black shadow rushed like lightning.

Looking at it, it was also a crow, but it was dozens of times larger than other crows.

The wings were spread out, more than a hundred meters long, the feathers were black and shiny, and the sharp claws flashed with a cold light.

A terrifying aura swept over, and the warriors were shocked and retreated one after another.

"This breath, it's the demon king, run away."

One person shouted in horror, without any hesitation, turned and fled.

The rest did the same, with no intention of staying.

The strength of the demon king is extremely terrifying, and it is not something they can compete with at all, and they can only be sent to death if they stay.

"Want to go, have you asked King Ben?"

The Crow Demon King roared, his wings shook slightly, and the terrifying wind swept out, and a group of fleeing warriors were immediately stirred into a blood mist, and only one or two were lucky to escape.

Seeing this, people shouted in horror and fled towards the shelter with a look of trepidation.

"Cubs, kill this group of humans for me."

The Raven Demon King commanded the remaining crows, his eyes flashing with icy cold.

Subsequently, the human race in the region was subjected to unprecedented slaughter.

The Raven Demon King looked down on all this from above, his eyes indifferent and emotionless.

Suddenly, its eyes suddenly froze, and it was attracted by a figure on the street not far away.

It was a young man who looked to be in his early 20s, wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt, loose shorts and a pair of flip-flops.

On the back of the T-shirt are printed two big words - justice.

It is as if to tell that he is the embodiment of justice.

Although the young man is not old, he likes to raise a bald head.

And it's still the shiny kind, without a single hair.

The bright head and casual dress make the young man look a little natural.

While everyone was fleeing for their lives, the young man was carrying two plastic bags and walking leisurely on the street, seemingly unaffected by the surrounding killings and had no intention of escaping.

"Oh, interesting human."

The Crow King sneered, spread his wings and flew towards the youth.

"Human, you have a lot of guts, are you willing to be a slave of this king?"

It was suspended at an altitude of tens of meters, and its eyes looked down indifferently at the youth below.

The young man stopped, raised his head slightly, and lazily looked at the Raven Demon King above.

"Little crow, I'm in a good mood today, I don't want to kill, let's go quickly." The young man not only did not escape, but reminded him with a kind face.


The Crow Demon King roared, his wings flapped up, and two terrifying winds swept down, slashing at the young man's head.

With two bangs, smoke and dust filled the air in an instant, the road below was cut into pieces, and the figure of the young man was drowned in wind and dust.

"I don't know what is dead or alive."

The Raven Demon King sneered and immediately planned to leave, but at this moment, a coughing sound came from the dust below.

"Ahem, this dust is really choking."

The Crow Demon King's pupils shrank suddenly, fixed his eyes, and saw a figure revealed in the slowly dispersed dust.

The youth is actually intact.

The Crow Demon King was shocked: "You are a mortal, how is it possible..." The

young man shook the dust on his body, raised his head and looked at the Crow Demon King lazily: "I only punch one, whether I can survive depends on your creation?"

The Crow Demon King came back to his senses and shouted angrily: "Arrogant human being, you have completely angered King Ben, and King Ben is going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces. With

that, it swooped down towards the youth, ready to take the other's life.

The young man's expression was still lazy, there was no trace of fear on his face, he put down the two plastic bags in his hand, clenched his fists slightly, and then gently blasted out into the air.

The next moment, the terrifying fist exploded, setting off a raging wind, and the Crow Demon King who swooped down only felt a deadly crisis coming, and his eyes showed horror.

But before it could react, its head and upper body exploded to smithereens.

Blood spilled all over the ground.

With a bang, the remaining half of the Crow Demon King's body smashed on the ground, smashing the ground into dense cracks.

The crows in the distance, seeing their demon king dead, all showed horror on their faces, and quickly scattered and fled here.

When the crowd who were fleeing the shelter saw this scene, they all showed doubts, not understanding why the crow group suddenly fled?

Looking at his fist, the young Mosuo muttered with his chin: "The strength seems to have increased again, this time it only used half the strength of the last time, and actually killed a demon king."

"Or is this crow too weak?"

"Hey! I haven't exercised much lately, why is my strength still increasing? The

young man lowered his head, his eyes full of helplessness.

His name is Ye Xiaofan, and he is an authentic "ordinary citizen" in Western Base City.

Well, at least he himself thinks so.

The reason why Ye Xiaofan became so powerful today had to start ten years ago.

Ten years ago, Reiki suddenly revived, and creatures around the world began to evolve wildly, especially various animals.

After being nourished by Reiki, his strength grew by leaps and bounds.

For the first time, human rule was seriously threatened, and most of the area originally ruled by humans was quickly overrun by various evolved monsters.

At first, humans can still fight against one or two with thermal weapons, but over time, thermal weapons gradually become useless.

At this critical moment, the ancient warrior rose up and blocked the attack of the demon beast.

Finally, under the leadership of powerful warriors from all over the world, humans established a base city, bringing humans together to resist the invasion of monsters.

Today's Dragon Kingdom, there are a total of nine base cities, and the western base city is one of them.

Later, in order to resist the invasion of monsters and beasts more effectively, the high-level human beings established the Martial Arts Academy and began to train young warriors, opening the era of national cultivation.

Ye Xiaofan's dream is to become a warrior.

If you want to become a qualified martial artist, you must release your qi and blood and condense the virtual shadow of the gods.

As long as the divine image phantom is condensed, it also represents the first realm of officially entering the martial artist - the Qi and Blood Realm.

In order to become a martial artist, Ye Xiaofan has been training hard for 10 years, but he still can't condense the phantom of the gods.

But his strength is constantly getting stronger, but the way his power is displayed is different from others.

The Qi and Blood Realm is the cultivation of constantly condensing the power of qi and blood in the body, and when the power of Qi and Blood is condensed to the extreme, it will turn into a god-like phantom.

Condensing a divine elephant phantom, it has the power of an elephant, that is, 10,000 catties.

This is what the ancients said about the power of the dragon and elephant.

Others condense the power of qi and blood into a god-elephant phantom, and some genius characters can even combine the power of ten elephants into one, condensing the divine dragon phantom, and can put the dragon-elephant phantom out to fight and kill the enemy.

Ye Xiaofan was different, he condensed a direct divine dragon phantom, and it was different from others.

Others are blood-red divine dragons, and hiss are golden divine dragons, and they cannot be put outside the body.

Others condensed at most a few divine dragon phantoms, they had reached the limit, and then they would break through to the next realm, but he condensed hundreds of them, and still did not mean to stop.

Because he couldn't form the power of qi and blood into a dragon-elephant phantom and release it, Ye Xiaofan had never been able to become a warrior.

Others have always thought he was an ordinary person.

But the real situation is, how strong Ye Xiaofan is now, even he doesn't know?

He only knew that so far, he had condensed a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine golden divine dragons, and only one was short of one thousand.

In the past ten years, he has continued to exercise, the golden divine dragon in his body has continued to increase, and his strength has continued to become stronger, but there has been no other change in his body.

No, there is another change, the hair is unknowingly lost.

He became stronger and bald.

"Hey! I don't know how long it will take to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm??

Ye Xiaofan sighed, his eyes were confused, and he looked at the sunset setting in the sky, and he was suddenly shocked: "Oops, Xiao Man is about to leave school, I have to go back quickly." He

picked up the plastic bag and prepared to leave here.

After running a few steps, he quickly retreated back.

A hand knife slashed down, chopping off the two thighs of the Raven Demon King, and then cutting off the claws, leaving only the most essence part, and finally carrying the two thighs and quickly leaving here.


Not long after Ye Xiaofan left, several warriors with a powerful aura flew over from a distance.

When they saw the body of the Crow Demon King, several warriors were shocked.

"How is it possible, the Raven Demon King is actually dead? Who killed it in such a short time? Are there still hidden powerhouses in the base city?! "

Several people are strong men in the military, and after receiving the news of the attack of the Crow Demon King, they rushed over as soon as possible.

It was only a quarter of an hour before and after, and someone actually killed the Crow Demon King in such a short time.

A middle-aged man with a resolute face spoke, "Bring back the body of the Crow Demon King, let people investigate the undamaged surveillance in this area, and see if you can find some clues?" "


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