The two warriors who had survived before flew over and bowed to the middle-aged man: "I have seen Lord Commander." "

The middle-aged man's name is Li Yunshan, and he is the commander of the Southern District Guard.

Li Yunshan opened his mouth and asked, "Can you see who killed the Crow Demon King?"

The two shook their heads decisively, and one of them said: "When we saw the arrival of the Crow Demon King earlier, we fled for our lives as soon as possible, and by the time we reacted, there was no movement here.

Li Yunshan pondered, "In this way, the battle will end in a short time. "

The Raven Demon King is a great demon who has just broken through to the Vientiane Realm, so the strength of the person who made the move should be in the Awakening Realm."

"There are still such masters hidden in the Southern Region?!" A dignified look flashed in Li Yunshan's eyes.

A hovering car drove up and jumped a young girl from above.

The girl was about sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a snow-white long dress, her dark hair was scattered over her shoulders, and she exuded a cold and noble temperament.

But from the perspective of temperament and clothing, it is known that his origin is extraordinary.

"Uncle Li, I heard that this side was attacked by demon beasts, what's going on?" The girl looked at Li Yunshan and asked.

Li Yunshan nodded: "It's the Crow Demon King who broke through not long ago, it has already been killed, Qingxue, why are you here?"

"I'll go to my classmates." Su Qingxue explained, then looked at the Crow Demon King who only had half of his body left and lost his legs, and said in surprise: "Uncle Li, your strength has increased again?" Killed a demon king so quickly!

Li Yunshan shook his head with a bitter smile: "I didn't kill it."

Su Qingxue was even more surprised: "It's not Uncle Li, are there other Vientiane Realm powerhouses in the Nancheng District?"

Li Yunshan shook his head: "When we came, the Crow Demon King had already been killed, and who did it is still unknown, but one thing is certain, there are probably other Vientiane Realm powerhouses hidden in the South City Area."

Su Qingxue nodded, then said goodbye to the former and left here in a hovercar.


The base city south district, southeast of the location, there is a very large residential area.

The houses here are extremely dilapidated and resemble urban villages in the old century.

Those who live here are ordinary people living at the bottom of the base city.

A few kilometers away from the residential area are the tall city walls.

Outside the wall, there is an endless barbaric forest, inhabited by countless powerful demon beasts, which is very dangerous.

The city wall is made of special materials, which is very strong, and only those demon beasts whose strength has reached the level of a demon king can break it.

However, the wisdom of this level of demon beasts is very high, and they generally do not take the initiative to attack the base city.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as the Raven Demon King not long ago.

As soon as he broke through to the demon king, his self-confidence swelled, and he came to the human city to provoke, and there is no need to say more.

In the southeast of the residential area, there is a simple courtyard.

Ye Xiaofan returned here carrying a plastic bag in one hand and two bird legs in the other.

Because of the attack of the demon beast just now, the people all fled to the shelter, and Ye Xiaofan did not meet a single person on the way back.

Entering the yard, an old hen immediately greeted him.

"Master, it seems that a little crow has invaded Base City just now, have you encountered it?"

"Are you blind, don't you see the bird's leg that the master is carrying on his shoulder?"

Not far away, in the water tank, a golden carp jumped out of the water, and the voice was disdainful.

"Stinky carp, you shut up for me." The old hen shouted in dissatisfaction.

The carp pouted: "Everyone has the freedom to speak, you care about me?"

"You two are arguing every day, are you annoyed?"

Under the eaves not far away, a large black dog with a strong body raised his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of impatience in his voice.

"It's just, I'm bored." On the pony next to the big black dog crawled a golden toad, which also glanced at both impatiently.

If anyone saw this scene, they would be surprised.

Only when he reaches the demon queen can he spit out words.

In other words, in this small courtyard, there were four demon kings hidden.

And they are all Ye Xiaofan's pets.

Among them, except for the big black dog, the other three were all captured by Ye Xiaofan from the outside.

After his strength became stronger, his feelings gradually became indifferent, plus he also experienced a lot of things, and he lost interest in many things.

One of the few hobbies is raising small animals.

So he captured several demon kings in various places and raised them at home.

"Okay, okay, don't argue, when Xiao Man is coming, you all give me honesty, don't scare those children, otherwise I won't finish with you."

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand at several demon kings, and then began to process the various ingredients he bought.

Not long ago, Ye Xiaoman called, and she successfully condensed the power of the divine elephant and officially stepped into the ranks of warriors.

Such a happy event, Ye Xiaofan naturally wanted to personally cook for his sister to celebrate.

Ye Xiaoman was very happy when he learned this, and was ready to call a few classmates who had a good time to celebrate together at home.

Ye Xiaofan was very fast, and it didn't take long to process the various ingredients he bought, only the last crow leg.

Just as he was about to dispose of the crow's legs, the courtyard door was pushed open and three young girls walked in from outside.

"Brother, I'm back."

A girl with a ball head, wearing a pink sweatshirt, and a round and cute face shouted at Ye Xiaofan sweetly.

The two girls next to her, one wearing a long white dress, with a cold and noble temperament, was Su Qingxue not long ago.

The other girl has long bright red hair and a pure and beautiful face.

Although his appearance is pure, his body is extremely full.

Don't look at the girl is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but in terms of body development, it is no worse than some women in their 20s.

"Xiao Man, you wait a minute, you can eat right away." Ye Xiaofan said with a smile.

Ye Xiaoman snorted and introduced Ye Xiaofan: "Brother, these two are my classmates, Su Qingxue and Xiao Luoli." The

two women also looked at Ye Xiaofan curiously.

With a shiny bald head, some natural faces, and a height of more than one meter and seven meters, he doesn't seem to have the slightest place to stand out.

Xiao Luoli was surprised: "Xiao Man, is your brother really bald?"

Ye Xiaoman nodded: "It's bald very early, Luo Li, isn't your family making shampoo, have time to take a bottle for my brother to try and see if it can grow again."

Xiao Luoli nodded gladly: "No problem, I'll bring you a few bottles when I go to school tomorrow, to ensure that your brother's hair grows again, still as flowing as before."

Ye Xiaofan said with a dark face: "Xiaoman, can you not talk about hair."

Ye Xiaoman stuck out his tongue, and then said to the two women: "Luo Li, Qingxue, you guys do it first, I'll help my brother."

Xiao Luoli nodded, turned her head and saw Su Qingxue staring at the bird legs not far away, wondering: "Qingxue, what are you looking at?"

Su Qingxue came back to her senses and spoke, "Don't you think this bird's leg is a little familiar?" "


Xiao Luoli carefully lit up the legs of the two birds, and Xu Yu was surprised: "Is this the legs of those crow demon beasts?"

"It should be right." Su Qingxue nodded in confirmation.

Ye Xiaoman was very surprised: "Brother, is this true??"

Ye Xiaofan nodded honestly: "I just picked it up on the way back from grocery shopping."

Ye Xiaoman was even more surprised: "Brother, you picked up the demon beast meat again?"

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "You know my luck has always been good.

Xiao Luoli looked surprised: "Xiao Man, what do you mean, does your brother often pick up demon beast meat?"

"Yes, every time this side of the South Region was attacked by demon beasts in the past, my brother would pick up some demon beast meat." Ye Xiaoman smiled and said, "My brother is lucky." "

And this kind of thing??" Xiao Luoli was surprised.

Su Qingxue's beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and she carefully looked at the two crow legs for a while, and suddenly thought of the two bird legs lost by the crow demon king.


An unrealistic idea suddenly appeared in her mind, and she immediately felt that it was impossible.

What is in front of him is just a mortal, how can he do such a thing?

"Xiao Man, I don't need your help here, go and accompany your classmates."

Ye Xiaofan stopped his sister, who wanted to help, took out a shiny kitchen knife and began to cut the bird's legs.

Seeing this scene, Su Qingxue completely put aside the unrealistic idea in her heart.

Even if the demon king dies, his flesh and blood are very hard, and it is not something that ordinary kitchen knives can cut.

Those kitchen knives sold on the market can cut up to dead Purple Mansion Realm demon beasts.

Then, Su Qingxue began to look at everything in the small courtyard, and when she saw the big black dog and the old hen, she was a little surprised: "Xiaoman, you still have so many pets in your family!"

"Yes, Xiao Man, you still have food and pets at home, your brother is quite powerful." Xiao Luoli was also surprised.

Now that humans are cowering in the base city, a large area of land outside is occupied by monsters, and humans can no longer grow various crops as before, resulting in a great shortage of food.

Most of the people at the bottom can only barely solve the problem of food and clothing, and it is very difficult to eat a meal of meat.

Unless it is like today, when the monster beast attacks the base city, some people who are not afraid of death will go to pick up the corpse of the leaky monster beast.

Therefore, except for those who are rich or warriors, almost no one will keep poultry and pets.

Ye Xiaoman sighed and said, "There is no way, Da Hei saved my life, we are reluctant to lose it." The

two women suddenly looked curious, and Xiao Luoli couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

Ye Xiaoman did not hide it, explaining: "When the aura was just revived, on the way to escape, I was separated from my family, and it was Da Hei who carried me to find my brother, otherwise I would have been eaten by demon beasts." The

two women glanced at the big black dog in surprise, their eyelids pulled, and they didn't mean to look at them at all.

"The dog who is so heartfelt to protect the Lord really should not be discarded." Xiao Luoli agreed, and then looked at the old hen: "What's going on with it?" There are very few chicken owners in this era.

"Xiaohong lays an egg every day, and the eggs it lays are delicious, I have never eaten such a delicious egg." Ye Xiaoman explained with a smile.

Xiao Luoli didn't believe it: "Xiao Man, what can be delicious about the eggs of the local chicken, not to mention now, even in the old century, that thing is not worth much."

Ye Xiaoman didn't explain, and said with a smile: "You guys will know later, it will definitely make you unforgettable." Xiao

Luoli didn't pay attention to it, she had even eaten the eggs of the Purple Mansion Realm demon beasts, how could she care about the eggs of the local chickens.

Su Qingxue walked to the little maza and squatted down to watch the golden toad lying on it.

Ye Xiaoman introduced on the side: "It's called Akin, but I prefer to call it Xiaojin, which was picked up by my brother when he went out to buy things, because he couldn't eat much, so he kept it at home."

Xiao Luoli was speechless: "I didn't see it, your brother is a mortal, and he actually likes to raise these strange things."

Ye Xiaoman said helplessly: "My brother used to be like this, he liked to raise some strange animals, but unfortunately, with the revival of Reiki, those small animals died, and for this, he was sad for a while."

The two said to themselves, not noticing Su Qingxue's wide beautiful eyes at all.

At this moment, Su Qingxue stared closely at a scar on the golden toad's right eye, as well as the strange pattern in the center of his eyebrows.

A picture that she could not forget appeared in her mind.

It was six years ago, not long after the establishment of the Western Base City, a golden toad demon king came out from the depths of the Shu Mountain, preparing to capture the Base City, if it were not for the first strong man in the Base City, "Qin Zhentian", the Western Base City would have fallen.

That battle was fought in the dark, and Qin Zhentian joined forces with other human powerhouses to barely repel the Golden Toad Demon King.

Su Qingxue just witnessed that battle, and it was also the first time she saw the horror and power of the top demon king, which left a deep impression on her young heart.

Su Qingxue remembered very well that at the last moment, Qin Zhentian left a scar on the right eye of the Golden Toad Demon King.

And that scar was very similar to the scar in front of him, although it was shrunk many times, Su Qingxue still felt familiar.

The most important thing is that the strange lines in the heart of the golden toad in front of him are also the same as the lines in the heart of the golden toad demon king.

If the scar is a coincidence, are the lines too?

And there is another point, since that great war, the Golden Toad Demon King of Mighty Shushan has disappeared since then, and has never appeared again, as if he disappeared from the world out of thin air.

"Really, really?!"

Thinking of that possibility, Su Qingxue was shocked, and her body involuntarily retreated.

Seeing her scared, Ye Xiaoman stepped forward and grabbed the golden toad and said: "Qingxue, don't be afraid, although Xiaojin looks fierce, he is actually very cute." Saying

that, she patted the golden toad's bulging belly, and the former suddenly let out a croak.

"Look, it's very cute."

Xiao Luoli was also surprised: "Qingxue, you have officially become a martial artist, and you are actually afraid of a toad, are you trying to laugh at me." She

had an unconcealable smile in her eyes, and if it weren't for the presence and outsiders, she would have laughed.

After Su Qingxue came back to her senses, her face was slightly red, and her eyes glanced at the golden toad held by Ye Xiaoman in surprise: "Could it be... Could it be that I think too much??

Then she shook her head, feeling that the previous idea was too unrealistic, and withdrew her gaze without giving it any more thought.

But she didn't notice that the golden toad was staring at Xiao Luoli unkindly at the moment.

"Little girl, if it weren't for the master's face, King Ben would teach you to be a man in minutes."

The golden toad thought viciously, broke free from Ye Xiaoman's hand, and jumped back onto the pony.


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