
Xiong Xinzhu almost thought that he had misheard, Cherry's small mouth was slightly open, and his watery eyes were wide, looking extremely cute.

"Hey! I'm not your proud son these days, and it's really difficult for me to practice.

Ye Xiaofan shook his head and sighed, looking frustrated.

Xiong Xinzhu came back to his senses, a little unsure of what to say.

After hesitating for a long time, he said: "Senior, don't be discouraged, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will definitely become strong."

Ye Xiaofan nodded vigorously: "You are right, I must work hard to cultivate and strive to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm as soon as possible."

Xiong Xinzhu waved his small fist to cheer Ye Xiaofan up: "Senior, you will definitely be able to." She

said this, but she was a little dazed in her heart.

If what Ye Xiaofan said was true, then why was there such a powerful apprentice as Xiong Dao?

"Stop being in a daze, let's go."

Ye Xiaofan urged, and walked quickly towards the bottom of the mountain, and the girl immediately followed.

Soon after, the two came to the foot of the mountain.

Looking at the remaining 7 peaks, Ye Xiaofan hesitated, not knowing which one to go to first.

Suddenly thinking of a son of luck next to him, he immediately asked: "Girl, which mountain do you think we should go to next?"

Xiong Xinzhu looked at it and pointed to one casually: "Just that one."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Ye Xiaofan kicked his feet on the ground, his body rushed out like an off-string sword, and instantly reached the end of the sky.

Xiong Xinzhu looked confused.

"This... This is the Qi and Blood Realm???

"Senior, wait for me."

After the girl came to her senses, she quickly followed.

The two soon reached the bottom of that mountain.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the top of the mountain."

Ye Xiaofan said and quickly jumped towards the top of the mountain, the speed was still so fast.

Xiong Xinzhu could only grit his teeth and keep up.

At the same time, on the top of the mountain, the four demon emperors were fighting.

On one side is a golden dragon and a white python, and on the other side is a frog and a colorful tiger.

There were also many spectators on the side.

High in the air, suspended in the air sat an old blond man.

He had blond hair, and his body was full of air that was not angry and self-threatening, like an ancient god.

At this moment, he was watching the battle below with interest.

"The tiger roars."

The Tiger King opened his mouth and let out a roar, defusing the white snake's attack, and at the same time asked, "Who are you?" Why did you come to Dragon Tiger Mountain? "

Just earlier, a group of forces came to the top of the mountain and found a golden talisman in the main hall.

This golden talisman is amazing, it claims to be the Five Thunder Rune, it is the Zhenshan talisman of this talisman peak at the moment, not only can speak, but also turns into a human form.

It was the golden-clothed old man who was watching the battle from above.

He put forward a condition that all the forces present would duel and only the most powerful would be able to get it.

With the Demon Emperor present, other people and demons naturally did not dare to be presumptuous.

Just as the Tiger King and the Frog King were preparing for a duel, two strange demon emperors suddenly appeared in the field, it was Bai Susu and Yuhualong.

So there is a scene at this moment.

The Frog King on the other side also shouted angrily: "You are not the Eastern Great Demon at all, where did you come from?" You have already broken the rules by doing this, leave quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless.

"Just by virtue of the two of you, you dare to make a big fuss here, and win the emperor first."

The fish dragon laughed loudly, and his voice was full of arrogance.


It opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of golden dragon flame, and the air was distorted by the incineration, quickly sweeping towards the frog.

"Arrogant." The frog roared, and also opened its mouth to spew out cyan dragon flame to fight it.

Bai Susu and the Tiger King also fought back and forth, without falling behind in the slightest.

The crowd and demons who were watching were all shocked.

"Where did these two demon emperors come from? Is it so powerful?? In

addition to being shocked, the forces were curious about the origin of the two.

High in the sky, the blond old man looked at all this with a smile.

It has been here for an unknown number of years, and at first saw these guys breaking into the Fu Qiu Peak, it was angry and ready to wipe out these intruders on the spot.

But on second thought, it didn't.

Because it's boring and wants to have fun, that's what happened later.

Wouldn't it be more interesting to let the intruders kill each other.

What it will follow the ultimate winner is just a nonsense it makes up.

Follow these ants in front of you.

Hehe, no kidding.

It is a dignified five-thunder talisman, which was refined by the hands of the Heavenly Master back then, although it is only a defective product, but it is not something that the group of ants in front of you can touch.

On the other side, Ye Xiaofan came to the top of the mountain with Xiong Xinzhu, and when he saw the big battle above, he was a little surprised.

I didn't expect to run into two pets here.

He did not immediately make a statement, and found a human watching the battle and asked in a low voice: "Daoyou, what is the situation?" Why do they go to war? The

human took a look at Ye Xiaofan, did not hide it, and roughly explained the matter.

Ye Xiaofan was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately looked up at the blond old man in the sky, his eyes glowing with thieves.

A talisman that can be transformed is called a real treasure.

He immediately asked in his heart, "Xiao Ding, what is the Five Thunder Talismans?" Is it awesome? The

dragon pattern black gold ding explained: "The authentic five thunder talismans are naturally powerful, and if they are sacrificed by powerful people, they can destroy the heavens and the earth.

"But this one in front of you is just a defective product, which cannot be compared to the real Five Thunder Talismans, but it is also much more powerful than those talismans you got earlier."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up when he listened, and he was indeed a good baby.

At the same time, the Blood Bamboo King also said to Xiong Xinzhu: "Girl, this talisman is not bad, if you can get its recognition, it can be regarded as having some self-preservation ability."

Xiong Xinzhu sighed: "Master, there are so many masters on the scene, let's not think about it." The

Blood Bamboo King sighed: "It's a pity that this seat only has a trace of true spirit left, and it can't help you make a move."

"It's okay, Master, let's take our time."

Xiong Xinzhu thought very openly, and did not feel frustrated that he could not get the Five Thunder Talisman.

Seeing Ye Xiaofan's eyes shining, the man who was questioned by him was speechless: "I said, Fat Daoist, shouldn't you also want to compete for the Five Thunder Talismans?"

Ye Xiaofan nodded affirmatively: "Of course, such a treasure, who doesn't want to get it?"

The man was even more speechless, looked Ye Xiaofan up and down, and pouted: "Come on, there are four demon emperors on the scene, listen to my advice, you better not go up and send it to death."

Ye Xiaofan smiled and did not answer.

Xiong Xinzhu next to him was also surprised, listening to this meaning, the senior was planning to compete.

But didn't he say that he was just a Qi and Blood Realm, so many masters on the scene, it was not pure to send him to death?

As time went on, the battles in the field became more intense.

In the end, the winner was finally divided, Bai Susu was defeated by the Tiger King, and the frog was defeated by the Fish Dragon.

Then the two victorious sides fought together, which can be described as a real dragon and tiger fight.


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