After learning what happened, Ye Xiaofan cursed angrily: "Immeasurable fucking Tianzun, the Yin and Yang of the dog day are extremely thieves, and they actually dare to rush in front of Dao Ye." Hearing

these words, the eyes of all the forces present looked over, and their eyes were unkind.

The corners of the purple rose and the panther's mouths twitched.

Sure enough, Ye Xiaofan didn't have any good intentions when he came here.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "Don't misunderstand, poor Daoist doesn't mean this."

Someone asked unpleasantly: "What do you mean?"

"Yes, what do you mean a stinky Taoist? Could it be that they also want to rob us? With

someone taking the lead, the rest of the people also spoke, all glaring angrily at Ye Xiaofan.

The hard-earned opportunity was robbed, and they were already holding their stomachs.

Ye Xiaofan actually jumped out at this time, isn't this purely uncomfortable?

In an instant, the spearheads of all forces pointed at him.

Only the two forces of Purple Rose and Black Panther did not speak.

They all knew Ye Xiaofan's strength and didn't want to offend easily.

Ye Xiaofan didn't want to deal with these unlucky guys, but the other party had to step in, so it's no wonder that he was a no-brainer.

"Damn it, what's the noise? Think Dao Ye is a bully? "

He cursed and cursed, and his eyes were very bad.

The forces were stunned by the roar, and after reacting, they were furious.

"The stinky Taoist priest still dares to be arrogant, flatten him."

A group of humans and demon beasts suddenly swarmed up, ready to teach Ye Xiaofan to be a human.

"Damn it, really a bully?"

Ye Xiaofan's face was gloomy, his body was full of qi and blood power, and a red gold light appeared above his head, and then a red gold dragon head slowly condensed out.

As soon as the dragon head took shape, a terrifying coercion spread out.


plop .... Whether it was humans or monsters, they all knelt down at this moment.

Including purple roses and panthers that retreated into the distance.

The former looked up with difficulty, and there was horror in his eyes.

"This... What is it?

As soon as this thought appeared in her mind, she felt that the coercion intensified, and then she lost consciousness in front of her.

The rest of the people and demons did the same, and they all fell to the ground.

Ye Xiaofan put away the dragon head vision and pouted: "A group of scum, also dare to be arrogant in front of Dao Ye, I really don't know who gave you the courage?"

"Hehe, this trick is quite good for group attacks."

The corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth hooked, and he felt that this move was very good to deter the enemy.

No way, his strength is too strong, if he shoots directly, he will die if he is not careful.

These guys are all leeks in his eyes, but they can't just die.

Then, Ye Xiaofan planned to leave here, but suddenly saw a purple light rising from the bottom of the mountain.

"Hey, is there still a baby?"

He quickly rushed towards the place where the purple light emanated, and soon after arrived in front of a hidden cave.

The purple light is emitted from the inside.

Ye Xiaofan carefully entered the cave, and after walking for a while, he saw the source of the purple light.

"Huh, it's actually this girl?"

He was a little surprised.

In the cave ahead, a girl in a purple dress sat cross-kneeled, and above the girl's head, an illusory purple bamboo was suspended.

It is somewhat inaccurate to say that it is suspended, it should be said that the purple bamboo is rooted above the girl's head.

It's as if the two are one and the same.

The purple light that rushed into the sky was emitted from above the purple bamboo.

The girl's face reflected in the purple light was purple, which added a bit of noble temperament to her.

"What is this?"

Just when Ye Xiaofan was curious, the girl suddenly opened her eyes, and the purple bamboo above her head turned into a purple light and disappeared into her eyebrows.

Seeing Ye Xiaofan, the girl's eyes showed joy: "Hey, it's you, senior." She

had just sensed the arrival of an outsider and ended her cultivation, and she thought it was some kind of enemy, but she didn't expect it to be Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan bowed his head lightly and said curiously, "What was the situation just now?" How can you grow a bamboo stick on your head?

The girl just wanted to say, but thought of the master's instructions, so she said half-truthfully: "I just got a magic weapon fragment, which contains an ancient powerful remnant spirit, she said that I am a purple bamboo immortal body, so she taught me a technique, and after I practiced, I successfully awakened my physique."

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised after hearing this, he never expected that Xiong Xinzhu was actually a special physique.

When thinking of the situation of the former, there is inexplicably a familiar sense of sight.

Isn't this the son of luck?

"Of the two people I caught casually, one of them is actually a son of luck, this is a treasure?"

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed joy, and his eyes when he looked at the girl were suddenly different, and he said with a smile: "Congratulations, congratulations, it seems that this girl of yours is a person with great luck."

Xiong Xinzhu pursed his small mouth, his eyes were full of smiles, and he was obviously very happy.

"Senior, can I follow you next?" The girl looked at Ye Xiaofan and said.

Although she awakened her physique, after all, it was only the Purple Mansion Realm, and it was too dangerous to walk alone in the secret realm.

Ye Xiaofan nodded with a smile: "Of course."

This girl in front of him is a person with great luck, even if the other party does not say, he will take the other party with him.

After staying together for a long time, the luck on the other party's body may also be able to share some of it with him.

Then the two walked out of the cave, ready to leave the place.

"Girl, this Taoist priest should have changed his figure, and now what is exposed outside is not his real body, you be careful."

A voice suddenly sounded in my head.

It was the Blood Bamboo King, the master of Xiong Xinzhu.

Xiong Xinzhu was slightly shocked in his heart, and he didn't expect Ye Xiaofan to actually change his appearance.

"Master, senior should not harm me, I feel that he is a good person." She conveyed her thoughts to the Blood Bamboo King.

"Silly girl, knowing people and not knowing their hearts, the most important thing when walking outside is to be cautious and careful, and do not easily trust others."

Blood Bamboo King Dundun taught: "Just as the so-called defensive heart is indispensable, no one can trust it 100%, remember."

"Got it, Master."

The girl did not refute this time and obediently accepted the teachings of the master.

The two left the cave and saw Ye Xiaofan heading down the mountain, Xiong Xinzhu was a little puzzled: "Senior, don't we go to the top of the mountain?"

Ye Xiaofan didn't reply, "If you don't go, there are a group of poor ghosts above." Xiong

Xinzhu's delicate face showed dazedness, and he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all.

But she didn't ask much and quickly followed.

After walking for a while, she seemed to remember something, and asked blankly again: "Senior, why don't we fly?"

Ye Xiaofan turned his head and looked at it, a gentle smile appeared on his face: "Because... I won't.

Xiong Xinzhu was stunned, and three big question marks popped up in his mind.

The senior in front of him actually can't fly.

How is this possible?

Only the Qi and Blood Realm cannot fly.

Could it be that Ye Xiaofan was just a Qi and Blood Realm?

How is this possible?

Although she didn't know how powerful Ye Xiaofan was, she knew Xiong's bold strength.

The other party's respect for Ye Xiaofan is enough to show that the former's strength is by no means simple.

Such a being actually does not fly.

She really couldn't believe it.

Seeing the girl stunned in place, Ye Xiaofan said angrily: "Don't make such a fuss, I have just reached the Qi and Blood Realm, isn't it normal that I can't fly?" "


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