The scene in front of him, Ye Xiaofan had expected it, and immediately ordered the dragon pattern black gold ding.

"Xiaoding, leave them to me."

The dragon pattern black gold ding quickly enlarged, turning into a hundred meters high, and a huge suction force came from the ding's mouth.

Those fleeing guys were immediately pulled back by this terrifying suction force.

Bang bang bang....

The crowd of people and demons smashed on the hard square, and they fell dizzy.

Ye Xiaofan stepped forward with a displeased expression: "How can you do this?" My Dragon Country is a great country, passed down for thousands of years, it is a country of etiquette, as a person and demon of the Dragon Country, how can I be so ignorant of etiquette, and actually want to eat the overlord meal? The

humans and monsters present looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths couldn't stop twitching.

The shameless behavior of this dead fat man in front of them simply refreshed their three views.

A fish demon beast retorted in a low voice: "I'm from the East China Sea, no... It's not from the Dragon Kingdom.

Ye Xiaofan's figure flashed, and in an instant he arrived in front of the big fat fish, slapped the other party's head, and scolded: "Dog thing, what nonsense, isn't the East China Sea from my Dragon Kingdom?" "

Not to mention the East China Sea, the entire ocean belongs to my Dragon Kingdom."

The fat head of the fish buzzed, and it only felt like it was about to explode.

Looking at the fierce fat Taoist priest in front of him, he was extremely afraid at this moment.

Seeing that the other party was still fighting, it hurriedly said: "Senior, spare your life, I'll give it to me." After

speaking, it opened its mouth and spit out a large pile of treasure medicine.

This is its awakened talent, and there is a small space in its belly that can be used for storage.

"Not bad, remember, don't talk nonsense later."

Ye Xiaofan patted the head of the fat-headed fish, then put away the treasure on the ground, then looked at the others and demons, and said with a smile: "Did you see it?" This is the demon of my dragon country, I know what it means to be polite and honest, and you must learn from it. The

corners of the mouths of the people present and the demon twitched again.

Let's just say, can you order a face?

Although he scolded Ye Xiaofan countless times in his heart, he did not dare to show the slightest expression on his face.

But some people were not afraid of death and threatened loudly: "Stinky Taoist, we are official people, you can think clearly."

Ye Xiaofan looked at the man who spoke and said lightly, "What's wrong with the official?" Doesn't the official have to give money for meals? "

Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and give money, don't force Master Dao to be rough."

In the end, under Ye Xiaofan's obscenity.

In order to save their lives, the people and demons present could only reluctantly hand over the treasure medicine dug up under the mountain.

Looking at the mountains of treasure medicines piled up in front of him, Ye Xiaofan's mouth almost reached the root of his ear.

That's called a happy.

In comparison, the people present and the demon were in a different mood, their hearts were extremely painful, and the corners of their eyes twitched.

If it wasn't for the defeat, I really wanted to rush up and unload the dead fat man in front of him.

"Thank you, if you think the poor cooking skills are good, remember to give a 5-star praise, goodbye."

Ye Xiaofan put away all the treasure medicines, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

"Damn stinky Taoist, you wait, if you don't take revenge, I swear not to be a demon."

There was a big demon roaring angrily, with endless anger in his voice.

There are also human beings who are unwilling to roar, with hatred and resentment in their eyes.

After venting fiercely for a while, everyone and all the demons left one after another.


After Ye Xiaofan left, he went to Lingbao Peak next door.

At the top of the mountain, I met a large group of people and demons, including two familiar faces.

Exactly the purple rose and the panther.

It's just that at this time, the expressions of the two are ugly, that look, like a dead father.

The expressions of the others and the demon were similar.

Hearing the movement, all the forces brushed together, and when they saw the familiar fat Taoist, the faces of the purple rose and the black panther suddenly became even more ugly.

Ye Xiaofan didn't care at all, stepped forward and said with a smile: "Two Daoists, I haven't seen you for a long time, I don't know what's wrong with you?" Why is his face so ugly? "

It's good not to mention this, when I mention it, the faces of the two are even more ugly, and the blue tendons on their foreheads are bulging.

Why are the two like this?

It started not so long ago.

The forces searched all the way and finally came to the top of the mountain.

Not surprisingly, he met the two old sixths waiting on it, Big Black Dog and Jin Wanjin.

"Hur hand over the treasure as soon as possible, otherwise your life will not be saved."

Looking at the two black and white figures that suddenly jumped out in front of them, the forces were dumbfounded.

Purple Rose and Black Panther, in particular, couldn't believe their eyes.

I finally escaped the fat Taoist priest, but I encountered other robbers.

Without any accidents, both sides were angry from the heart, and evil was born on the side.

"Who are you? Did you rob me and wait, are you looking for death? The

black panther immediately shouted angrily, and his body turned into an afterimage, killing Jin Wanjin and the big black dog who changed his shape.

The result was no surprise, and he was slapped away by Jin Wanjin.

The peak of the Demon King, which could be the opponent of the two old six.

Not to mention the big black dog, even Jin Wanjin is now the peak of the middle stage of the Inscription Realm, only one step away, he can enter the late stage of the Inscription Realm, and there are very few opponents in the entire secret realm.

With a bang, the panther smashed on the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his breath instantly withered.

This scene stunned all the forces present.

A top demon king is not the opponent's enemy.

Jin Wanjin swept his cold eyes to all the forces present: "Don't make a mistake for yourself, this emperor only robs money and does not die, quickly hand over the treasure on his body, otherwise he will bear the consequences." "

How can the forces willingly hand it over, that is what they got with great difficulty.

When someone shouted, "Guys, let's strike together, I don't believe it's not the opponent of these two bastards." As soon as

everyone wanted to rise up and attack, a terrifying aura suddenly descended, overwhelming the people present and the demons breathless.

Don't say resist, you can't even move.

It was the big black dog who made the move, and it said indifferently: "Don't be wrong, if this emperor wants to kill you, you only need to move your fingers, but thinking that there is a good life in heaven, so this emperor only robs money, not takes Er's life."

Purple Rose looked up with difficulty, horror in her eyes.

This aura was too terrifying, even more terrifying than their mysterious Great Chief of the Night Rose.

As far as she knew, that Great Leader was an existence at the peak of the Inscription Realm.

The person in front of him was even stronger than the Great Leader, wouldn't he have surpassed the Inscription Realm.

Thinking of this, the purple rose was even more horrified in her heart, knowing that this time she was afraid to plant it again.

She couldn't help but feel like crying.

What's all this called?

It was clear that they came to compete for opportunities, but they were repeatedly robbed.

In the end, under the coercion of the big black dog and Jin Wanjin, the forces could only unwillingly hand over all the opportunities they got.

"Remember, we are Yin and Yang Infinite Dao thieves, and I hope there is a chance to see each other again."

The words fell, and the two figures disappeared into the field out of thin air.


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