This...... What's going on?

The forces stared wide-eyed, completely unable to understand the situation in front of them.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the forces reacted, and then took the lead in flying towards the hall not far away.

Regardless of what this is all about, chance is the most important.

As a result, I searched around the hall, but found nothing.

In the end, the great victory returned to the square, staring at the nine large iron pots.

"What the hell is going on here? Did someone arrive here early? Doubt

flashed in the eyes of a middle-aged man, and his majestic thoughts dispersed, as if he wanted to find the person who was hiding.

But nothing was found.

"Did you guess wrong?"

He whispered, stepped forward to carefully examine what was stewing in the iron pot, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because he found that there were many treasures in the iron pot, and the meat seemed to be unusual.

"I lean, what kind of fairy smell is this?"

On the other side, there are already people who can't help but taste it.

When I tasted the deliciousness of the broth, my eyes widened.

With the first, there is the second, the third....

"This meat actually contains rich energy, is it demon king meat?"

Soon, it was discovered that broth was not simple.

Subsequently, the forces competed for the broth.

Nine pots of broth were soon divided.

Then the tall forces began to taste it tastefully.

As time went on, more and more forces came to the top of the mountain.

The latecomers saw the scene on the top of the mountain, although they were very confused, but they quickly reacted and joined the ranks of the competition for broth.

It didn't take a while for the nine-pot broth to bottom.

"It's really delicious, and I don't know who stewed this broth?"

Someone licked his lips, his face was endless, and at the same time he was curious who stewed these broths.

Just when the forces were curious, a laughing voice suddenly sounded.

"Are you still satisfied with your Daoist friends?"

The forces were shocked, and immediately looked around, only to see that not far away, I don't know when a fat Taoist priest appeared.

When some of them saw Ye Xiaofan, their faces suddenly changed.

Because they had witnessed what Ye Xiaofan had done before.

Knowing that what was in front of him was an unscrupulous Taoist, he even had the urge to turn around and flee.

But soon calmed down again.

This time is not the first two times, the monster beasts and humans who came to the top of the mountain, together there are more than 100 people.

Among them, there are many top kings, and under the combined force, even the inscription realm can fight.

Why should you be afraid of this unscrupulous Taoist in front of you.

Among the people who came to the top of the mountain were people from the Wang family, and after seeing Ye Xiaofan, their faces suddenly became cold.

"It turns out that you, the stinky Taoist, said, what do you want to do by hiding in the secret?"

A member of the Wang family drank loudly, his eyes showing unkindness.

Ye Xiaofan's provocation against their Wang family not long ago, these guys have not forgotten.

The others and demons also stared at Ye Xiaofan closely, with guardedness and vigilance in their eyes.

The other party suddenly appeared, and if he couldn't get it right, he had some crooked thoughts.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, you Daoists, you just want to come and ask, are you satisfied with what you eat?"

All the forces were stunned, and some people wondered: "You stewed those soups?"

Ye Xiaofan smiled and bowed: "Poor Dao saw the hard work of everyone collecting medicine under the mountain, so he stewed some broth on the mountain, thinking of giving all Daoists fatigue."

The forces looked suspicious, and some people questioned: "You will be so kind? "

This person who spoke had seen Ye Xiaofan's shameless behavior, and he didn't believe that the other party would be so kind in his heart.

Ye Xiaofan didn't answer, looked at everyone again and asked, "Are you satisfied with the broth stewed by the poor Dao?"

A member of the Wang family sneered: "Hehe, stinky Taoist, the soup you stewed is not bad, but it's a pity that you still have to die."

Ye Xiaofan ignored the other party, and looked at the rest of the people and demons again, with inquiry in his eyes.

Although the forces could not understand Ye Xiaofan's thoughts, they still nodded.

The previous broth was indeed delicious and made them feel endless.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed an inexplicable smile: "Since all the Daoists think it's good, then pay before the meal, there are no more poor Daoists, as long as the treasure medicine that you Daoists picked under the mountain before." "

Hearing this, the forces still don't understand.

The fat Taoist priest in front of him was looking for them to rob him by changing his law.

The people of the Wang family immediately laughed angrily.

"Hehe, dead fatty, I'm afraid you didn't eat the bear heart leopard gall, and actually dared to rob so many of us, should I call you stupid, or stupid?"

Ye Xiaofan looked at the person who spoke and said with a smile: "What is Xiong Xin?" Longxin Daoye has eaten it all. When

the words fell, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of the person who spoke, slapped out, and slapped the other party's head on the spot.

Without waiting for several people from the Wang family to react, his figure flickered back to the same place.

"Dear Daoists, this is the price of eating the overlord meal, you can think clearly."

He smiled and spoke, and his round fat face showed a harmless expression of humans and animals.

"Death... He's dead!? "

The forces can't believe their eyes, the Wang family who was killed, they remember well, it seems to be a strong person of the Awakening Mirror.

Just so easily killed.

What was even more terrifying was that the other party's shot, everyone present and the demon did not react.

After several members of the Wang family reacted, they burst into anger.

"Stinky Taoist, you are looking for death."

The remaining five quickly surrounded Ye Xiaofan.

At the same time, the spiritual power in his hand operated, ready to use the strongest means to kill Ye Xiaofan on the spot.

Seeing this, the rest of the forces retreated, obviously not wanting to be involved.

"A bunch of things that don't know if they're alive or dead."

Ye Xiaofan pouted, and then opened his mouth and drank: "Give me a roll." The

sound boomed, and a violent hurricane rose out of thin air, and the bodies of several people who rushed over were shocked, and then suddenly exploded, turning into a blood mist in the sky.

The clouds and mist that surrounded the top of the mountain were all dissipated by this roar.

The forces present were dumbfounded, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

Several masters of the Wang family were hung up like this.

"Immeasurable Tianzun, a few Daoist friends go at ease, don't eat the overlord meal in the next life, the poor Dao will be overtaken for you."

Ye Xiaofan chanted the Dao, with a sad face, and at the same time did not forget to pick up the storage ring that fell on the ground.

Seeing that the corners of the mouths of everyone present and the demons twitched.

Let's just say, can you be a little more shameless?

Ye Xiaofan smiled and looked at the rest of the people and demons: "Everyone, those broths are poor and hard stewed, you can't learn from the Wang family to eat overlord meals, this kind of thing is too immoral, it is simply trampling on the fruits of other people's labor." Hearing

this, the forces only felt awkward in their hearts.

If someone else said that, forget it.

Are you qualified to say this?

What about faces?

Then, the forces did not speak in silence, and turned around and fled at almost the same time.

You definitely can't beat it.

Being able to roar to death several strong people with one throat, including many top kings, this kind of thing can only be done in the inscription realm, and it is not an ordinary inscription realm.

And there is no inscription realm among them, and staying is undoubtedly sending them to death.

Joining forces may have a chance to fight.

But there must have been heavy casualties.

Who wants to?


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