Purple Rose looked at the Lingbao Peak in front of her and muttered, "This time I will definitely not meet that dead Taoist." In

order to avoid Ye Xiaofan, she changed her general direction.

Behind her, there were also several black-robed killers, who had met not long ago.

In the other direction, the Black Panther Demon King had the same idea, and its eyes squinted slightly at the Lingbao Peak in front of him.

"This time, I will definitely not meet that dead fat man again."

Both of them held this idea and climbed towards the top of Lingbao Peak.

The two sides would never have dreamed that there were two other old sixes waiting for them at the top of the mountain.

At a certain foot of Lingbao Peak, a young girl carefully came out of the jungle, glanced around, found that there was no one, and quickly walked towards the top of the mountain.

The girl is Xiong Xinzhu.

Her little face was dirty, and her clothes were torn in many places, and it seemed that she had suffered a lot of twists and turns along the way.

"I don't know where my sister-in-law and seniors went?"

While walking, Xiong Xinzhu carefully looked around, afraid of encountering some enemy.

She is just a purple mansion realm, and she will definitely end up if she encounters other people or demon beasts.

Soon after, the girl came outside an attic covered in vines.

Cutting off the vines at the gate, Xiong Xinzhu carefully got in.

After rummaging inside, he found several tattered spirit treasures, and tried to confess the Lord by dripping blood, but there was no response.

This indicates that the Lingbao has been damaged.

Xiong Xinzhu was a little disappointed, and then prepared to leave here, but at this moment, her eyes were attracted by a broom in the corner.

To be precise, attracted to the broom stick.

It was a piece of dead bamboo, and for some reason, Xiong Xinzhu suddenly noticed it.

The girl stepped forward, pulled the dead bamboo out of the broom, and held it in her hand for a while.

The ghost sent God, and he confessed the Lord with a drop of blood from the dead bamboo in his hand.

What shocked the girl, the blood was instantly absorbed by the dead bamboo, and then the dead bamboo emitted a blood-red light, looking extremely strange, and then turned into a red light and flew into her eyebrows.

Xiong Xinzhu was stunned in place, and some did not recover from this sudden shock.

"Hahaha, I actually met the purple bamboo fairy body, it seems that the king's life should not be extinguished."

Suddenly, a loud laugh sounded in her head.

Xiong Xinzhu's small face changed, his eyes looked around, and he said vigilantly: "Who... Who's talking?

"Little girl, don't be afraid, I am the Blood Bamboo King, using your body to warm this last trace of true spirit, it will not hurt you."

Xiong Xinzhu finally heard it clearly this time, and the voice sounded directly in her head.

It was a mature female voice with a hint of coldness and coldness.

It's like the sound of an ice beauty in her 30s.

Just then, the voice sounded again.

"Little girl, are you willing to worship this seat as a teacher?"

Xiong Xinzhu was stunned for a moment, and then hesitation appeared in his eyes.

Grandpa Ring, she also knows this kind of thing, and knows that this is a rare opportunity.

Of course, it can also be a disaster.

Because the other party may really want to take her as an apprentice, or he may want to take her away through this.

But thinking of the hatred of the family, the girl finally gritted her teeth and agreed.

"I... I promise. "

Very good, this seat is now passing on a piece of exercises to you, good students cultivate, if there is anything you don't understand, please ask this seat."

The voice sounded again, and then a majestic message exploded in Xiong Xinzhu's mind.

The girl's pretty face turned pale in an instant, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

This stream of information was so huge that it caused her head to burst with a headache, as if it would explode in the next moment.

After a while, the heart-rending pain slowly dissipated.

The girl accepted the extra memories in her mind, and then her beautiful eyes slowly widened.

"Apprentice, thank you, Master."

She hurriedly saluted the void, with a thick respect in her voice.

"You are a good student cultivation, if you don't understand something, you can ask the teacher at any time, don't bother if you have nothing to do, you need to rest for the teacher."

"Yes, Master."


At the same time, on another mountain, something similar happened.

Qin Feng looked at the white-clothed monk with an illusory figure in front of him, and said helplessly: "Senior, I really can't worship you as a teacher, I already have a master."

The white-clothed monk's voice was gentle: "Little benefactor, you can think clearly, this is a great opportunity, there were countless people who wanted to worship the poor monk as a teacher, and the poor monk would not even look at it, now such a good opportunity is in front of you, you must not miss it."

"The poor monk also sees that you have quite a wise root, so he wants to take you as an apprentice, let you enter my empty door, and learn boundless Buddhism."

Qin Feng was even more helpless.

Not long ago, he got a strange bead, but he never thought it was actually a relic with the remnant soul of the monk in front of him.

As soon as the other party came out, he would take him as an apprentice.

Qin Feng was helpless.

Not to mention that he already has a master, but he doesn't have it, and he can't worship it.

He didn't even find a wife, how could he be a monk?

As if seeing what he was thinking, the white-clothed monk followed the good way: "Little benefactor, the seven emotions and six desires will only increase people's troubles, it is better to let go early, and follow the poor monk to become a Buddha as an ancestor, wouldn't it be beautiful."

Qin Feng shook his head resolutely: "No, no, I have a master, and I won't be a monk."

"It's okay, I think the little benefactor has not experienced the suffering of seven emotions and six desires, and when you realize it in the future, it will not be too late to worship the poor monk as a teacher, and the arms of the poor monk will always be open for you."

After the white-clothed monk finished speaking, he turned into a ray of light and flew into Qin Feng's eyebrows.

Don't wait, I won't realize it in my life... Qin Feng secretly pouted and let him take the initiative to become a monk, how could this be?

Unless the sun hits the west and comes out.


On the top of the Baoyao Peak, ten large cauldrons were steaming hot, and the rich fragrance wafted on the top of the mountain.

Except for the dragon meat stewed in the big iron pot in front of Ye Xiaofan, the other big iron pots stewed only demon king meat.

As for why this is done, the reason is simple.

The broth in the other nine large iron pots was prepared for the hard-working medicine collectors under the mountain.

He Ye Xiaofan acted honestly and upright all his life, and would never do anything to take advantage of others.

Well, anyway, Ye Xiaofan thought so in his heart.

As for whether others think like this, then it is none of his business.

It took several hours to simmer before ten pots of soup were ready.

Ye Xiaofan began to eat happily, and after a while, he finished the pot of dragon broth.

There is no doubt that the strength has increased again.

The number of golden dragons in the body increased by 10 at once, and with the previous one, there were already more than 200.

A smile appeared in Ye Xiaofan's eyes, at this speed, it would not be long before a purple-gold divine dragon could be condensed again.

"If only I could hunt a few more ancient demons."

After this period of squandering, there was not much left of the black moth's flesh and blood.

After all, his current amount of food is amazing, and he has to eat hundreds of pounds of meat in one meal.

Suddenly, Ye Xiaofan's ears moved, and he heard the sound of breaking the air under the mountain.

He quickly put away the empty large iron pot, then took out the dragon pattern black gold ding, and then got into it, and then let the dragon pattern black gold ding turn into the size of a baby's palm, and found a random place to hide.

Soon after, a group of figures flew up.

There are monsters and humans.

When they saw the large iron pot with a rich fragrance on the top of the mountain, they were all stunned, and their faces showed confusion.


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