Seeing that the talisman he had worked so hard to obtain was robbed, the panther felt the urge to cry.

But it knows that it is not an opponent.

Where there is life, there is hope.

After converging with his own king, he will come to this stinky Taoist priest to settle the account.

Ye Xiaofan put away the talisman, looked at the person of the Wang family again, and said with a smile: "Daoist, these two Daoists have figured it out, so don't be obsessed." "

Stinky Taoist, you look for death."

The people of the Wang family looked angry, their hands quickly pinched the seal, and the spiritual power around them surged out, turning into a sharp long sword.


As soon as he snapped, countless long swords shot out and went straight to Ye Xiaofan.

"Since the Taoist friends are obsessed, then it is no wonder that the poor Dao."

His figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the Wang family, and he slapped it like lightning.

With a bang, the Wang family's head exploded like a rotten watermelon.

Before the blood splattered out, Ye Xiaofan had already dodged.

Blood spilled into the air, and the headless corpse fell and slammed into the ground covered with fallen leaves.

At this moment, both humans and demon beasts opened their mouths in shock.

A top king, just gone.

The purple rose and the black panther's pupils shrank suddenly, and Ye Xiaofan's strength still exceeded the expectations of the two.

Ye Xiaofan dropped his figure and pulled out the storage ring on the fingers of the Wang family.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, go with peace of mind, the poor road will exceed it for you."

Ye Xiaofan recited a slogan, with a sad face.

I don't know, I really think that he is a Taoist priest with a kind and pure heart.

As a matter of fact.


Ye Xiaofan turned to the shocked Purple Rose and Black Panther and said, "Two Daoists, we will have a period later."

He said and leapt towards the mountain gate, although his body was bloated and fat, but his figure was very light and flowing, and he disappeared after a while.

The humans and monsters present were confused.

Someone looked puzzled: "Why didn't he fly?" But

no one knows the answer.

Black Panther and Purple Rose glanced at each other, then each turned and left.

The two sides had a tacit understanding and did not follow behind Ye Xiaofan, but moved in a different direction.

There was no doubt that they did not want to meet Ye Xiaofan, an unscrupulous Taoist, again.

Seeing the two sides leaving, the rest of the people and the demon beasts also left one after another, and they also did not choose to follow behind Ye Xiaofan.

On the other side, Ye Xiaofan quickly rushed towards the mountain gate in front.

During this period, two waves of great wars were encountered.

But the person who made the shot, but not as good as the purple rose, failed to defeat the Yellow Turban Lux and the wooden man, and finally Ye Xiaofan made a move to take both down.

It's just that once the strength was used too much, destroying a yellow turban warrior.

This had to make Ye Xiaofan sigh again, the strength was too strong, and it was not necessarily a good thing.

After some hurrying, he finally came to the mountain gate.

As far as the eye can see, nine majestic peaks stand between heaven and earth, and the one in the center is the tall and magnificent.

High in the sky above its mountaintop, there is also a majestic heavenly palace suspended.

The clouds and mist surround it, looking like a heavenly fairy in a mythical story.

Ye Xiaofan looked at the mountain peak closest to him, and on a certain cliff, there were three ancient big characters engraved - Treasure Medicine Peak.

Ye Xiaofan touched his chin and pondered.

"Baoyao Peak, could it be that medicinal herbs are grown here?"

Because most of the mountain in front of him was obscured by clouds and mist, and the vegetation on it was abundant, he could not see what was planted inside.

"Just look at it."

Ye Xiaofan decided to go up the mountain to take a look, but just came to the foot of the mountain, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

But the naked eye does not see anything.

"Yes, what is this?"

Ye Xiaofan looked confused, and with a gentle touch of his palm, he found that there was indeed a barrier in front of him that was invisible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the rest of the forces were also blocked by this barrier.

They shot one after another, trying to break through this barrier, but to no avail.

"Xiao Ding, what is this thing?" Ye Xiaofan asked the dragon pattern black gold ding.

"This should be the Heavenly Master's Mountain Protection Array to prevent outsiders from breaking in." Dragon Pattern Black Jinding quickly gave an explanation.

Ye Xiaofan let out an "oh", and then gently threw a punch towards the barrier.


A crisp sound sounded, like the sound of glass breaking.

By the time Ye Xiaofan touched it again, the barrier had disappeared.

"Just this paper paste thing, can prevent outsiders from breaking in?"

He was a little skeptical.

Do you think everyone is a freak like you ??

How strong are you, don't you have a point in your heart?

Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding secretly rolled his eyes.

Then, Ye Xiaofan walked towards the treasure medicine peak in front of him.

At the same time, other forces also found that the barrier had disappeared.

Although he had doubts in his heart, he didn't have time to think about it, and quickly rushed towards the mountain gate.

Ye Xiaofan climbed all the way up and found that among the lush trees, there were many buildings hidden.

Some flat places also have many medicinal fields.

It's just that because no one has taken care of it for a long time, the medicinal field is now full of weeds.

Of course, among the weeds, you can still see many treasure medicines.

Ye Xiaofan looked at it for a while, feeling a little stuffed.

With so many medicinal fields in front of him, let him dig alone, then he has to dig until the year of the monkey.

"Forget it, I'd better go to the top of the mountain and wait for the rabbit."

After Ye Xiaofan made up his mind, he went all the way to the top of the mountain.

During this period, I entered some buildings and looked inside, but found nothing of value.

He guessed that most of the buildings here should be where the former disciples of the Tianshi Mansion lived.

The higher up the medicinal field, the higher the quality of the treasure medicine grown inside.

Don't ask him how he knows, just taste it himself.

He was very fast and reached the top of the mountain in a short time.

At the top of the hill, stands an ancient hall, and in front of the ancient hall is a huge square.

On the plaque above the gate of the ancient hall are written two ancient characters "Medicine Pavilion".

Ye Xiaofan entered the Medicine Pavilion and searched around, except for some ancient books on pharmacology and alchemy, there was basically nothing.

I think when those guys left, they took all the useful resources with them.

As for the treasure medicine in those medicinal fields under the mountain, there is no doubt that they grew from behind.

Ye Xiaofan put a large pile of ancient books into the storage ring, then came to the square, took out the large iron pot and began to stew.

Whether he has a chance or not, dry rice is the most important thing.

While he was stewing here, countless forces under the mountain entered the Treasure Medicine Peak.

When they saw all kinds of treasures in the medicine field, their eyes lit up.

"Hahaha, sent it, sent it."

Some people laughed excitedly, rushed towards the medicine field madly, took out their tools and began to dig for treasure medicine.

At the same time, similar things are happening on other mountain peaks, and major forces are seizing various opportunities above.

The peak next to Baoyao Peak is called Lingbao Peak.

As the name suggests, this is the place where spiritual treasures are refined and stored.

At this moment, somewhere in Lingbao Peak, the big black dog and Jin Wanjin successfully met.

After the two old six met, they quickly made a plan and prepared to do a big vote.

And they also chose the same way as Ye Xiaofan, ready to wait for the rabbit on the top of the mountain.

After all, there are countless buildings on the entire Lingbao Peak, let them look for them one by one, then they have to find the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Monkey.

The best way is to go to the top of the mountain and wait for the rabbits, wait for the other forces to find them, and then send them up.


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