The onlookers were a little unable to believe what they saw.

The middle-aged man who made the move was a powerhouse in the Divine Power Realm, and his body had already been tempered to be comparable to Divine Iron.

As a result, the fat Taoist priest in front of him just threw a stone casually and burst one of the opponent's legs.

How much effort does this have to take?


A miserable howl sounded, and the middle-aged man's face was distorted, and his eyes glared at Ye Xiaofan angrily.

"Stinky Taoist, give me death."

He slapped his palm on the ground, endured the severe pain and flew up instantly, the divine power between his palm fingers churned, and the air roared.

The terrifying palm wind went straight to Ye Xiaofan, blowing his robe hunting.


Three stones cut through the air and hit the man's hands and the remaining leg accurately.

The hand bones and leg bones exploded almost at the same time, and blood mist and white bone scum splashed everywhere.


Because the injuries were too severe for the man to support the flight, he fell to the ground in one case.

As for the palm print that was punched by him, Ye Xiaofan just blew a breath and defeated it.

The onlookers were stunned again.

At this moment, I found out that the two sides were not opponents of the same level at all.

Xiong Xinzhu covered his red lips in surprise, and his big watery eyes were dazed.

This is the so-called Qi and Blood Realm in Ye Xiaofan's mouth???

Not to mention that she was confused, even the Blood Bamboo King in her body was also confused.

She didn't expect that she would also have a day to look away.

Ye Xiaofan condescendingly looked down at the middle-aged man whose limbs were broken, and pouted, "Just your little strength?" Dare to stand up and challenge the poor road, I really don't know who gave you the courage? "


A mouthful of blood spurted out of the middle-aged manhood, and his face quickly turned pale.

"Second brother."

The faces of the other Wang family members changed drastically, and they immediately rushed over and glared angrily at Ye Xiaofan.

"Stinky Taoist, how dare you..." Before

he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Xiaofan: "Less nonsense here, if you want to take revenge, hurry up, Dao Ye is very busy, there is no time to accompany you here."

"Stinky Taoist, since you want to find death, we will fulfill you."

Several Wang family members glanced at each other, and then joined forces to kill Ye Xiaofan.

A shot is a killing move, without leaving the slightest hand.

For a time, the spiritual power in the field boiled, and several terrorist attacks rushed towards Ye Xiaofan.

"Grasshoppers shake trees."

A flash of disdain flashed in Ye Xiaofan's eyes, and he raised his hand and threw all the stones in his hand, and at the same time drank loudly in his mouth: "Heavenly Lady scattered flowers." "

Poof, poof....

The bodies of several Wang family members were instantly shot out of the blood hole by countless stones.


Then they all screamed and fell to the ground.

Ye Xiaofan opened his mouth and blew out a violent wind, blowing away all the oncoming attacks.

The onlookers were once again stunned, and their eyes were full of shock.

All this in front of them made them feel a little unreal.

A group of masters were solved so easily.

At first, no one expected such a result.

Throw stones.

What's the difference between this and a small child fighting?

Listening to the screams coming from the field, whether it was humans or monster beasts present, their hearts were a little scared.

Several members of the Wang family were covered in blood holes, some of them had their limbs exploded, their flesh and blood were blurry, and the white bone slag was clearly visible.

But a few people are not low in cultivation, and they can't die for a while, so they can only let that kind of pain and torture.

Ye Xiaofan walked in front of several screaming Wang family members, looking helpless: "I obviously advised you before, why didn't you listen?"

"Haven't you heard an old saying?" If you do not listen to the poor preaching, you will suffer a loss.

"Poor Dao is obviously a good intention, but you don't appreciate it."

Speaking of this, his eyes showed disappointment: "And your strength is really weak and weak, I obviously only used a little strength, but I didn't expect you to be so fragile." "


Several members of the Wang family were so angry that they spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Killing people is also a murderous heart.

Who can stand this.

I saw the corners of the onlookers' mouths twitching.

Ye Xiaofan hooked his hand at Xiong Xinzhu not far away: "Girl, come here."

Xiong Xinzhu came to Ye Xiaofan stunned: "Former... Predecessor. The

girl couldn't help but be a little nervous, and at this moment she knew that what Ye Xiaofan said earlier was simply nonsense.

Qi and Blood Realm?

Is there such a powerful Qi and Blood Realm in this world?

What an international joke.

Ye Xiaofan pointed to several Wang family members and said, "What are you doing stunned?" Such a good opportunity, revenge.

Xiong Xinzhu then understood what Ye Xiaofan had asked her to come over, and immediately looked at several Wang family members, with undisguised killing intent in his big eyes.

Only then did several members of the Wang family realize that death was coming.

One person endured severe pain and gritted his teeth and said, "You... What do you want? I tell you, if you dare to mess around, our Wang family will not let you go, let alone your Xiong family. Xiong

Xinzhu didn't talk nonsense at all, his spiritual power boiled, and he delivered a blow full of anger and hatred.

The man who spoke on the spot turned out to be frightened by the other Wang family members.

But it's a pity that the girl won't give them a way to live, and quickly shot to kill a few people, without the slightest drag.

After doing everything, the girl saluted Ye Xiaofan respectfully: "Thank you senior."

Ye Xiaofan didn't care, and said with a smile: "How is it?" Isn't it cool to have a hand blade enemy?

Xiong Xinzhu hesitated, then nodded.

Ye Xiaofan snorted and waved his hand: "You retreat first, there are still things to do in the poor road."

After Xiong Xinzhu retreated, Ye Xiaofan looked at the onlookers and monster beasts again, and a harmless smile appeared on his face: "Dear Daoists, who else do you have to challenge?" "

All the forces have retreated, and they dare not step forward at all.

Challenge a hammer.

The fat Taoist priest in front of him severely injured several Wang family experts with a wave of his hand, and they went up to deliver vegetables.

Even the eyes of the Tiger King and the Frog King flashed with jealousy, and if they were in their heyday, they might go up and challenge them.

But now with injuries on his body, without the certainty of victory, both sides dare not take this risk.

Even if they luckily won Ye Xiaofan, there were still two demon emperors in the distance.

Who knows if the other side will make a move?

Seeing that no one dared to challenge, Ye Xiaofan looked at the golden-robed old man in the sky.

"Old man, can you come down and return to the poor road now?"

A smile appeared on the golden-robed old man's face: "Little Taoist, you do have some means, but you want to get the old man's approval based on this, and it's still far from it."

Ye Xiaofan's face was suspicious: "What do you mean?" Didn't you say that you will recognize the Lord as the ultimate winner?

The onlookers also looked suspicious, not understanding what medicine was sold in the golden-robed old man's gourd?

The golden-robed old man showed a hint of mockery on his face: "Hehe, that's just that the old man is bored and teasing."

"Just because you ants are worthy of making the old man confess the Lord, it is really not self-sufficient."

Hearing this, the faces of the major forces present changed in unison.


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