After a long day, they had actually been being teased by the golden-robed old man in the sky.

The other party did not want to recognize the Lord from the beginning.

The most ugly face is the four demon emperors.

So they fight to death, what is TND for?

The Tiger King roared angrily: "Old Zao Mao, you are too much of a tiger, you are just a talisman, dare to be so arrogant?" "


When the old man heard this, he was furious, and his body lit up with brilliant thunder.

A golden thunderbolt with a thick mouth slashed at the Tiger King.

The huge body of the Tiger King was instantly wrapped in brilliant thunder light, and everyone even saw a white skeleton from the thunder light.

It took several seconds before the thunder light slowly dissipated.

Looking at the Tiger King again, his breath is weak, his fur is scorched black, his eyes are rolled, and he looks like he will hang up at any time.

"Great King..." Several

big demons immediately rushed up, their eyes filled with deep worry.

"A beast, you also dare to be presumptuous in front of your old husband, if you hadn't pleased your old husband before, you would now be a dead corpse."

The golden-robed old man spoke indifferently, his voice was condescending, and he didn't put the so-called demon emperor in his eyes at all.

The hearts of the forces trembled, and their eyes showed horror and fear.

Although they had long guessed that the Avatar Talisman was terrifying, everything in front of them was beyond their expectations.

With just a random blow, he severely injured a demon emperor.

This method is afraid that it has gone beyond the scope of the inscription realm.

In an instant, no one from all the forces dared to say more, for fear of accidentally provoking the golden-robed old man and following in the footsteps of the Tiger King.

Seeing the change in the expressions of a group of ants below, a flash of pride flashed in the eyes of the golden-robed old man, and then his eyes looked at Ye Xiaofan playfully: "Little Taoist, do you still want the old man to recognize you as the master?"

Ye Xiaofan plucked his ears, and then blew a breath into his fingers that didn't have anything, and said lightly: "Nonsense, of course I thought about it, you are such a good baby, how can Dao Ye let it go?" The

expression on the old man's face froze, as did the expressions of the humans and demon beasts present.

He looked at Ye Xiaofan dumbfounded.

The heart said that this Taoist priest is afraid that he is not crazy.

Didn't you see the tragic situation of the Tiger King?

Still dare to provoke the golden-robed old man, isn't this pure and pure looking for death?

"Hehe, little Taoist, you surprised the old man."

The golden-robed old man in the sky smiled, but that smile was a little cold.

"But even so, the old man still wants to kill you, because an ant like you is not qualified to provoke the old man."

Ye Xiaofan reached out and pulled out his other ear again, and pouted: "Okay old man, you are just a defective product, what kind of music is placed here?" Hurry down and recognize the poor as the Lord.

When he heard the three words of defective product, the golden-robed old man was furious.

Dragons have anti-scales, and they will die if they touch it.

And the three words of defective products are the reverse scales of the golden-robed old man.

"Ants, you look for death."

The old man was full of blonde hair and windless, and his body was full of thunder and lightning.


As soon as the thunder and lightning that reached the thickness of the water tank fell straight down, draped over Ye Xiaofan.

The terrifying thunder light instantly enveloped him.


Xiong Xinzhu's pretty face changed, and his eyes showed worry.

All the forces present were speechless for a while, and their hearts said that Ye Xiaofan was purely self-seeking.

Just when all the forces felt that Ye Xiaofan was certain to die, including his thunder light slowly dispersed.

The figure inside was revealed.

When they saw Ye Xiaofan's figure again, all the forces present gasped in unison.

I saw that the fat Taoist priest in the field was actually intact.

Not only that, but it is also red and looks even better than it was before.


At this moment, in addition to Bai Susu and Yuhualong, all the forces present, including the golden-robed old man in the sky.

All confused.

Can anyone say, what is the situation of this Nima?

"Hmph, the master's strength is beyond the understanding of you scum."

The fish dragon secretly pouted, and a pair of dragon eyes flashed with disdain.

Ye Xiaofan ignored everyone's shock, raised his head and continued to look at the golden-robed old man: "Old man, the thunder and lightning just now is good, let me lift my spirit a little, and I won't give me a few more words." The

golden-robed old man only felt that his majesty had been seriously provoked.

"Ant, the old man will kill you today."

The thunder on his body was even more terrifying, and then countless thunder fell, slashing towards Ye Xiaofan.


The sound of electric arcs continued to explode, and golden thunder illuminated the entire mountaintop, and the scene looked extremely terrifying.

The forces retreated one after another, for fear of being affected by the terrifying thunder lightning.

After a while, the terrifying thunder slowly dissipated.

All the forces brushed and looked at it, and then gasped again.

Ye Xiaofan was still intact.

"How is that possible? What the hell is this kid freak? Actually fearless of the attack of the Five Thunder Talismans?? "

Not to mention the others, even the Blood Bamboo King in Xiong Xinzhu's body feels incredible.

Not to mention Xiong Xinzhu, a small mouth can almost be stuffed into eggs.

The golden-robed old man in the sky was a little crazy: "Ants, how is it possible?" Who are you?

Ye Xiaofan shook the somewhat wrinkled Daoist robe that was electrocuted (because the clothes were changed with a variety of faces, so they would not be damaged by electricity), and said lightly: "The noble surname is Ye, the name is Tiande, and the name is Ye Tiande." Heaven has the virtue of a good life, and it is said that it is the poor way. The

corners of someone's mouth twitched secretly.

Just you still Tiande?

It doesn't look like it any way.

Although the forces here have not been robbed by Ye Xiaofan, they don't look like a virtuous person as far as the things that the other party just did.

The golden-robed old man quickly calmed down and spoke in a deep voice: "No matter who you are, old man, he will kill you today." As

soon as the words fell, a rune lit up in his eyebrows, and the thunder light around his body became more and more dazzling, and the terrifying thunder even permeated all around.

The void was distorted and deformed by the terrifying thunder.

Just as the golden-robed old man was about to strike again, Ye Xiaofan's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the golden-robed old man, and in the midst of the change in the other party's face, he fanned out with a big ear scraper.

Just this moment, he almost didn't interrupt the old man.

It instantly exploded and returned to its original appearance, a golden talisman full of thunder.

Ye Xiaofan grabbed the talisman and said angrily: "A broken talisman, can it be turned over?" "

Mess around, let go of the old man."

The Five Thunder Talismans struggled violently, wanting to earn more from Ye Xiaofan's hands, but they couldn't.

Wu Lei Fu was horrified in his heart: "You... Who are you? How could there be such terrifying power?

"Who am I? Of course I am your future master, give me the truth.

Ye Xiaofan cursed, and then summoned the dragon pattern black gold ding, threw the five thunder talismans into the ding's mouth, and said in his heart: "Xiaoding, let me suppress this old man, when is the time to be honest and release it." "

Don't worry, leave it to Benxian."

The Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding agreed, and then began to suppress the Five Thunder Talismans.

"This... This is Xianbao, how is it possible? Who are you? "


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