Ye Xiaofan first heard the shocked sound of the five thunder talismans, followed by a series of screams, and then there was no movement, guessing that the other party should have been completely suppressed by the dragon pattern black gold ding.

"It's really a stubborn old man, and he has to be rude."

Ye Xiaofan secretly pouted, then looked at the stunned forces present, and said with a smile: "Let all Daoists laugh."

All the forces came back to their senses, and then all looked at Ye Xiaofan with surprised eyes.

This fat Taoist priest was simply too unusual, and the Zhenshan Talisman Five Thunder Talisman of the Talisman Peak was actually slapped back to its original form by the other party.

What kind of strength does this grandma have?

Just when the forces were shocked and inexplicable, Ye Xiaofan suddenly said: "Dear Daoists, I see that you consumed a lot before, there are some healing treasures here in the poor road, I don't know if you need it?"

He took out a large number of treasure medicines from the storage ring, all for healing and restoration.

The forces were stunned, and some didn't understand what Ye Xiaofan meant?

He actually took the initiative to take out the healing treasure medicine.

Isn't it a little too generous?

Seeing that all the forces were stunned in place, Ye Xiaofan smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, there is nothing bad about the poor road, we can all come over, we should help each other, if you need it, just come and get it."

As he spoke, he also secretly made a look at Yuhualong and Bai Susu.

The two immediately replied, quickly flew over, picked up the treasure medicine on the ground and stuffed it into their mouths, and thanked them in their mouths: "Thank you senior."

Ye Xiaofan shook his head with a smile, indicating that he didn't care.

After the two of them ate several treasure medicines, they began to close their eyes and heal their injuries.

When the forces saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Although they did not participate in the previous battle for the Five Thunder Talismans, they did not miss a shot when they competed for the opportunity under the mountain, and they were basically more or less injured.

Although they also have their own healing treasure medicine, good healing treasure medicine is rare and precious, and if they are not forced to do so, generally no one is willing to use it.

At the moment, there is a free one, and the forces are naturally moved.

But for a while, there was some hesitation, mainly because he was afraid that Ye Xiaofan had ulterior motives.

But in the end, someone did not resist the temptation.

With the 1st person there is the 2nd person, and then more and more.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the person in front of him after eating the treasure medicine, the other hesitant people did not hesitate, rushed up one after another, picked up the treasure medicine given by Ye Xiaofan and began to heal their injuries.

The scene added up to hundreds of people and monster beasts, and Ye Xiaofan took out 1,000 jewelry medicines, which was completely enough to divide.

Looking at everything in front of him, the corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth slightly hooked.

Xiong Xinzhu walked over and said with a puzzled expression: "Senior, why did you take out the treasure medicine you got to others?" The

girl's eyes were filled with deep doubts, and she really didn't understand Ye Xiaofan's operation.

Ye Xiaofan rubbed the girl's head and said with a straight face: "Because only by doing this will my conscience be slightly calmer."

Xiong Xinzhu was even more confused, but after a moment she understood what she meant.

After the forces had divided the 1,000 treasure medicines and healed the injuries to almost the same, Ye Xiaofan smiled and spoke: "Dear Daoists, how are the effects of these treasure medicines?" Still satisfied?

Someone immediately said gratefully: "Senior, the effect of this treasure medicine is very good, thank you for your gift." The

others and demons also spoke, their faces showing gratitude.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand and said with a kind smile: "You don't need to be grateful, just pay for the medicine."

All the forces were stunned in unison, and some people were shocked: "Senior, you... What do you mean?

Ye Xiaofan shook the dust in his hand and said with a smile: "These treasure medicines are all excavated by poor monks, so it's not too much to collect some medicine money, right?" The poor road does not want much, just hand over all the treasures you got in the secret realm. "

Hearing this, the forces still don't understand.

Ye Xiaofan was clearly robbing them by changing the law.

The corner of Xiong Xinzhu's mouth twitched secretly, she finally understood what Ye Xiaofan meant by what he said earlier?

For the first time, doubts appeared in the girl's heart.

Is this senior, who has always made her respect a lot, really a "good person"?

The Blood Bamboo King said coldly: "Shameless and despicable people, girl, less contact with this kind of person in the future."

Xiong Xinzhu was silent, and she was also conflicted in her heart.

On the one hand, Ye Xiaofan helped him a lot, and also let her take revenge, she was naturally very grateful to the other party in her heart.

On the other hand, her morality and conscience were a little unacceptable to Ye Xiaofan's approach in front of her.

In the audience, someone immediately said angrily: "Senior, the treasure medicine was obviously given by you voluntarily, how can you do this?"

"Yes, yes, you are clearly robbery."

Ye Xiaofan looked at the people who spoke and said with a smile: "I volunteered, but I don't collect money if I confiscate it."

Several people looked stunned, and for a moment they didn't know how to refute.

"But why didn't you say it in advance? Say it in advance, we will definitely not take your treasure medicine. Someone asked unwillingly.

Ye Xiaofan was still full of smiles: "Poor Dao is unwilling, how can it be the freedom of Poor Dao?" Can you manage it? "


The man was angry, his eyes glaring at Ye Xiaofan angrily, but he didn't dare to make a move.

Ye Xiaofan's strength had all been seen by all the forces present, and they didn't dare to make a move with him at all.

Seeing that the forces did not move, Ye Xiaofan was a little impatient: "Hurry, don't force the poor road to move." Bai

Susu and Yuhualong quickly stepped forward and handed over most of the chance they got.

It doesn't matter to them, anyway, they still have to be handed over after going back, and the morning and late delivery are the same.

Ye Xiaofan smiled: "Did you see it?" You have to learn from these two Taoists. The

forces were a little shocked, but they didn't expect that the two demon emperors would be the first to recognize it.

Subsequently, the forces couldn't help but look at the other two demon emperors.

The Frog King's face was very ugly, and he obviously had no intention of handing over the chance.

The Tiger King was seriously injured and in a coma, and he didn't know all this.

Ye Xiaofan also looked at the Frog King and said with a smile: "Little Dragon, you have to learn from your clan, as a member of the noble dragon clan, you have to be honest, don't let people look down on you."

The frog snorted coldly: "If you want to rob this emperor, you don't want to." "

It flicked its tail, and the dragon's body soared into the air, ready to escape.

Seeing this, all the forces also got up and fled.

How could they hand over the opportunity they had so hard to get?

Ye Xiaofan quickly took out the dragon pattern black gold ding, and a majestic suction force came out from the mouth, instantly sucking back the fleeing forces.

Bang bang ....

The sound of landing kept ringing.

The forces smashed on the hard ground and fell dizzy.

Ye Xiaofan looked at the people and demons who were a little confused, and his voice was a little displeased: "What do you mean by this?" Want to be a white? These treasure medicines are all picked by the poor road with hard work, it can be said that it took a lot of effort, how much suffering and blood were shed during the period, do you know? If you actually want to prostitute in vain, don't you feel uneasy in your conscience? "


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