Ye Xiaofan's words were loud and powerful, and his face was even more painful.

I don't know, I thought how much he suffered losses and grievances.

But the actual situation was that after hearing these words, the corners of their mouths twitched violently, and there was an impulse in their hearts, and they wanted to go up and give Ye Xiaofan a few big mouths.

But alas, they don't have the guts.

In the end, under Ye Xiaofan's coercion, everyone still handed over the opportunity they got on the Fu Qiu Peak, and then left with great suffocation.

Looking at the mountains of treasures piled up in front of him, Ye Xiaofan's mouth almost reached the root of his ears.

"Dear Taoists, go slowly, let's see you again."

When the forces heard this, they ran faster.

Goodbye ghost.

They only hoped that they would never meet Ye Xiaofan, a lack of virtue Taoist, again in this life.

Ye Xiaofan looked at Bai Susu and the Fish Dragon and waved his hand, signaling them to act on their own.

The two did not hesitate and quickly left here.

After the two left, Ye Xiaofan replaced Xiong Xinzhu.

"The former ... Predecessor. The

girl became even more nervous, and she was really scared in her heart.

Ye Xiaofan saw her nervousness and said with a smile: "Girl, don't be afraid, come, these things are given to you."

He pulled out more than 10 pieces from a large pile of treasures and handed them to the girl.

The other party is the son of luck, so you have to make a good friend.

Previously, it was precisely because of the other party's guidance that he could get the Five Thunder Talismans.

The two peaks in front did not get such a powerful treasure.

This is enough to show that the luck on Xiong Xinzhu's body is very strong, as long as you take it with you, you will definitely have good luck.

Xiong Xinzhu's eyes widened, a little incredulous: "Give... For me??

Ye Xiaofan nodded with a smile: "Why, is it too little?" If it is too little, I will give you a few more pieces.

He took a few more and handed them to the girl.

"No... Not too little.

Xiong Xinzhu hurriedly waved his hand and quickly took it.

Looking at the magic talisman in her hand, the corners of the girl's eyes were slightly curved, and it was difficult to hide the joy in her heart.

At this moment, the girl seemed to understand Ye Xiaofan a little.

What is immoral?

If she had that strength, maybe she would do the same.

In the current world, becoming stronger is the only truth, otherwise you will be bullied by others.

For example, their Xiong family is because their strength is too weak to fall to today's end.

Seeing the joy on the girl's face, Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "How is it?" Isn't that a good feeling?

Xiong Xinzhu hesitated, then nodded.

It's a little unethical, but it's really cool.

Ye Xiaofan put all the treasures he robbed into the storage ring, and then said to the girl: "We should also go, which mountain do you think we should go to next?"

Xiong Xinzhu looked at the remaining six peaks, and after a moment of hesitation, pointed to one of them.

Then the two left Fuqi Peak and headed to the mountain that Xiong Xinzhu pointed to.


Somewhere in the secret realm, the Frog King meets the Xuangui King.

Seeing the former's ugly face, the Xuangui King was curious: "Brother Frog, what's wrong with you?" Why is the face so ugly?

The Frog King did not hide it, and said roughly what happened earlier, and said angrily: "I don't know where that stinky Taoist priest came from, his strength is actually so strong!"

King Xuangui was also taken aback when he heard this: "There is such a powerful master, if it really follows what you said, I am afraid that it has already surpassed the inscription realm."

"It should be." The Frog King nodded and said with a resentful expression: "I'm angry with this emperor, I really want to crush that stinky Taoist priest to ashes."

King Xuangui comforted: "Brother calm down, as long as we act according to the plan, we are not afraid of revenge, I think those guys from the temple of the gods should have already come at this time."

The Frog King nodded slightly when he heard this, and a light appeared in his eyes: "Yes, as long as what the temples say is true, when he leaves the secret realm, it will be the death period of that stinky Taoist." "


At the same time, outside the secret realm, a group of black-robed people came.

On their chests were embroidered a blood-colored ancient temple, which was none other than the people of the temple of the gods.

The leader was a middle-aged man, he looked at the huge stone gate in the sea of clouds, a flash of fire flashed in his eyes, and he felt the urge to go in and find out.

But thinking of the business here, he quickly collected his thoughts and ordered the black-robed man behind him: "Disperse, set up a formation." A

group of black-robed people immediately dispersed, and under the details, there were exactly 36 people.

After the 36 black-robed people dispersed, they surrounded the entire Dragon and Tiger Mountain, and then each took out a formation flag, and there were many complicated runes on the formation flag.

Under the guidance of the middle-aged man, a group of black-robed men buried thirty-six array flags into the ground almost simultaneously.

Then he took out a large pile of spirit stones and buried them around the formation flag.

In the next moment, 36 pillars of light soared into the sky, fused into unity in the sky, and then turned into a light mask to envelop the entire Dragon Tiger Mountain.

The middle-aged man landed on Dragon Tiger Mountain, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered: "The Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Great Array has finally been arranged, and when those guys come out, they can be hunted down, and when the time comes, take away the opportunities they have also obtained, and the strength of my temple of gods can be greatly increased." "

It turns out that the news of Dragon Tiger Mountain was released by the Temple of the Gods.

Their purpose in doing this was to lure the masters of the two major base cities of Jiangnan and Donghai to Dragon Tiger Mountain, and then break them one by one.

On the other side, the Temple of Gods and the Red Dragon Emperor were already making a move on the two base cities.

On their side, they set up a large array outside Dragon Tiger Mountain, and waited here for rabbits.

That would not only kill the major forces, but also obtain the resources they obtained in the secret realm.

It's a double win.

Because he was a little uneasy, he also secretly found the two demon emperors of Xuangui and Frog, and prepared to come together inside and outside when the time came.

The middle-aged man's mind moved, and the light mask that shrouded Dragon Tiger Mountain disappeared, and then he also found a place to hide.


On the other side, the two major base cities of Donghai and Jiangnan were attacked at the same time.

The high-level officials who stayed behind in the base city immediately wanted to ask for help, but found that the phone could not be reached.

What they didn't know was that before the temple of the gods started, it was convenient to lay a large array outside the two base cities, isolating the signal transmission.

It can be said that today's two base cities are truly isolated.

Donghai Base City, looking at the thousands of sea beast armies outside the city, the people who remained in the base city were very panicked.

Sea beasts, that is a more terrifying existence than demon beasts.

And looking at the posture of the sea beast, it seems to be pouring out.

As far as the eye can see, the entire air is densely packed with sea beasts.

In Donghai Base City, a group of high-level military officials are holding an emergency meeting.

One of the leaders asked in a deep voice: "Is the phone still not reachable?" Someone

immediately replied: "Deputy chief, I can't get through, I have already investigated, and the information of the entire base city cannot be transmitted."

When everyone heard this, their faces sank.

If the information does not get out, their side is equivalent to an isolated city.

"Damn, why did the beast tide break out at this time?" Someone cursed angrily.

In the past, the sea beast siege of the city has not happened.

But the scale is not as big as this one.

In addition, at that time, Situ Jing and the others were there, and they repelled the sea beast relatively easily.

But this time, the scale of the sea beast not only increased countless times, but also chose when Situ Jing and the others were not there.

It was as if all this had been calculated in advance.


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