
The deputy chief calmed everyone, and then said in a deep voice: "I feel that this time the beast tide is not so simple, it is likely to be a premeditated attack. Everyone

was shocked when they heard this, and if they thought about it, this may indeed be very big.

The sea beast attack happened to be selected when Situ Jing and the others were not there, and the information transmission of the base city was also blocked by the enemy with unknown means.

These indications suggest that someone has been planning all this for a long time.

Someone said angrily: "These beasts, aren't they afraid of the liquidation of my Dragon Kingdom afterwards?" "

No one can answer this answer, because no one knows what these sea beasts think.

At this moment, someone panicked and reported: "Gentlemen, something is wrong.

All the high-level officials looked at each other, and the deputy chief at the head asked in a deep voice: "What happened?" Panicked like this?

The man panicked, "Chi... Red... The Red Dragon Emperor is here. Hearing

this, all the high-ranking officials stood up from their seats in shock.

One person was shocked: "How is it possible? Why did the Red Dragon Emperor come here? Is it crazy? Do you really want to upset the current balance? "

In the previous sea beast attacks, the strongest was only a top king, and the demon emperor basically would not make a move.

Because once you do that, even if you break the balance, it will cause shocking changes.

Two years ago, an extremely strong man appeared in the Dragon Kingdom, who once committed suicide into the ocean alone and fought with the overlord of the ocean, the "Whale Emperor".

No one knows the outcome of that battle, only that later, a peace agreement was signed between humans and monsters.

The top management no longer conquests each other.

The so-called high-level here refers to the demon emperor.

Of course, this refers to the Demon Emperor leading a large army to capture the base city, and if the Demon Emperor challenges a certain master of the human race alone, this is not considered to be a disruption of the balance.

Since then, a delicate balance has been formed between humans and monsters.

Although there is constant friction at the bottom, as long as the top level does not move, it will not cause a violent war.

If the Demon Emperor leads the Demon Beast army to attack the Human Base City, it can be regarded as disrupting the balance.

That way, even if the Dragon Kingdom doesn't make a move, the Whale Emperor will also take action to solve the guy who broke the balance.

The Whale Emperor, who is the true overlord in the ocean, is rumored to have broken through the shackles of the inscription realm and entered a new realm.

How strong it is, no one knows.

I only knew that as soon as this order came out, no demon emperor in the ocean dared to mess around after that.

There was a demon emperor on land who wanted to challenge the majesty of the whale emperor, but he didn't need the whale emperor to make a move, and he was killed by a demon emperor in the ocean.

Since then, no demon beast has dared not take the words of the whale emperor seriously.

Now that the Red Dragon Emperor has done so, he has undoubtedly broken the balance.

After the shock, the faces of the high-ranking officials were extremely ugly, and there was a trace of panic in their eyes.

The Red Dragon Emperor personally came out, not to mention these people, even if Situ Jing was there, he might not be able to hold it.

The Red Dragon Emperor, who is the overlord of this part of the East China Sea, has been famous for many years, and in the early years, he launched many beast tides to attack humans, but they were all blocked back.

It wasn't until the treaty came out two years ago that it became honest.

Unexpectedly, it actually jumped out again.

Some people lamented: "Is my Donghai Base City really doomed?"

The deputy chief comforted: "Don't be too discouraged, as long as the satellite sweeps us, maybe we can detect the abnormality." Someone

said desperately: "I'm afraid it's not possible, not long ago, the entire East China Sea was covered with a thick fog, and at this moment, it is estimated that our East China Sea Base City has been engulfed, it should also be the ghost of the Red Dragon Emperor, and the satellite can't see it clearly at all."

The deputy chief took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in his heart, and loudly boosted morale: "Don't be discouraged, the big deal is to die in battle, we Dragon Kingdom soldiers, why fear death."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately lifted their spirits, and then gritted their teeth and said: "The deputy chief is right, our Dragon Kingdom soldiers are not afraid of death."

"Even if it is death, let those beasts know how powerful our Dragon Kingdom soldiers are."

At the same time, above the misty East Sea, a red dragon was coiled in the thick fog.

Beside it, there is also a huge killer whale levitating.

His body was black and white, and the aura on his body was extremely majestic, and he was not weaker than the Red Dragon Emperor in the slightest.

If there are high-ranking military officials here, they will definitely recognize the identity of killer whales.

The former is a big demon under the Whale Emperor, and its appearance here is enough to show that the Whale Emperor is aware of all this.

Killer whale said lightly: "Chilong, how long do you say this East China Sea Base City can last?"

The Red Dragon Emperor smiled and said, "If Situ Jing's woman is here, it is estimated that it can last for a while, but now, it can be broken in two or three hours at most." "

In the Donghai Base City at this moment, although there are many masters left, there are many masters left.

There are also millions of troops, plus a variety of lethal thermal weapons, and a defensive array that covers the entire base city.

Since the revival of Reiki, although human dependence on thermal weapons has decreased a lot, it does not mean that they are not used directly.

If you want to attack demon beasts with thermal weapons, it is undoubtedly very difficult.

Because the demon beast's divine sense is keen, when the demon king can even detect the danger coming in advance, it is difficult for thermal weapons to lock it.

So in terms of offensive, humans rarely use thermal weapons.

But in terms of defense it is different.

When the monster beast is attacking the city, it will not escape, and thermal weapons play a certain role.

Moreover, each base city also has weapons of mass destruction, so that if the base is breached, it will be used to die with the monsters.

The killer whale nodded slightly, and a flash of expectation flashed in his eyes: "When we capture the East China Sea Base City, we will have a stronghold on land, and then we can further capture the famous mountains and rivers."

The Red Dragon Emperor also looked forward to it: "I heard that the famous mountains and rivers of the Dragon Kingdom are all connected with the ancient sects of the ancients, and there are countless opportunities in them, and once we get them, our strength can be quickly improved."

The killer whale collected his thoughts and spoke: "Chilong, the task of capturing Donghai Base City is entrusted to you, I will go to Dragon Tiger Mountain."

The Red Dragon Emperor's expression moved: "Brother Kun, do you want to?"

The killer whale nodded and snorted coldly: "Dragon Tiger Mountain is the Taoist ancestral court, the opportunity there must be amazing, this emperor actually came, naturally he wanted to get a piece of the pie."

The Red Dragon Emperor hesitated, "But if you do this, will it break the agreement between His Majesty the Whale Emperor and the temples of the gods?" The

killer whale didn't care: "It's okay, I will hide my figure and make a secret move at that time, as long as they don't have direct evidence, they can't help us." With

that, its figure quickly shrunk, and then it turned into a black light and left here.

The Red Dragon Emperor retracted his gaze and commanded the sea beasts to attack the East Sea Base City with all his strength.

At the same time, the Jiangnan base on the other side is in a similar situation.

For this time's plan, the temples of the gods had been laid out in detail a long time ago, and it could be said that it was foolproof, so no one noticed it.

If no reinforcements arrive, there would be only one outcome for the two base cities.



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