Heavenly Master Secret Realm, on a certain main peak.

The forces glared angrily at the two black and white figures.

Someone said without indignation: "Who the hell are you?" Dare to rob so blatantly, are you not afraid of causing public anger?

The white-clothed figure sneered: "Joke, a bunch of garbage, why should I be afraid."

"Hurry up and hand over the treasures on your body, otherwise you won't want to leave here."

The black-robed figure also spoke: "We only seek wealth and do not harm lives, and we should hand over our belongings as soon as possible, otherwise we will bear the consequences." The

faces of the forces were ugly, and as soon as they reached the top of the mountain, they ran into two guys in front of them who claimed to be Yin and Yang Profound Dao.

The two were very shameless, and they wanted to rob them of all the opportunities they got as soon as they came up.

What is even more hateful is that they are not the opponents of the two in front of them.

Among the group of demons, Phoenix Ji's eyes were cold, and it didn't expect that these two guys actually appeared.

Thinking of Centipede Zhixing's words, and then thinking of the powerful aura emitted by the black-robed figure just now, it was already eighty percent sure that most of Centipede Zhixing's speculation was true.

Fortunately, it made preparations in advance, if the two people in front of him are really big black dogs and Jin Wanjin, then when the time comes to return to the base city, it will naturally be able to detect it.

"I hope it's not you, otherwise I'll make you look good when the time comes."

It whispered silently in its heart, and a flash of hatred flashed in the depths of its eyes.

In order not to arouse suspicion, it also followed the forces in loud protests.

The big black dog shouted angrily: "Shut up for me, give you another chance, either hand over the chance or die." A

fierce killing intent swept through the audience, whether it was humans or monsters, they felt a chill down their backs, and a deadly crisis hit their hearts.

The forces had no doubt that if they dared to talk nonsense again, the black-robed man in front of them would definitely go on a killing spree.

In desperation, they had to reluctantly hand over the opportunity that they had worked so hard to get.

After the robbery, the two quickly disappeared.

Phoenix Ji took a deep breath, suppressed the irritable emotions in her heart, and then quickly left here.

The other forces also left with a dejected look.

After Jin Wanjin and the big black dog left, they found a place to hide and roughly divided the chance they got.

Seeing all kinds of supreme treasures, the mouths of the two demons were almost grinning to the root of their ears.

Jin Wanjin asked, "Brother Black Emperor, where are we going next?"

The big black dog pondered and said, "There are no more peaks left, for the sake of safety, let's go directly to the main peak." "

It immediately changed its shape and turned into an ordinary demon beast.

Jin Wanjin also changed his body shape closely after.

Before going to each mountain, both will change their appearance, and only after determining that Ye Xiaofan is not there, will they appear to rob the forces.

This is also done to be foolproof.

Then, the two demons went straight to the main peak, ready to stop after the main peak snatched it.


There are two sides to the story.

On the other side, Xiong Cai'e is being chased and killed by a group of people.

It was no one else who was chasing her, it was their Xiong family's enemy, the Wang family.

"Stop, hand over that treasure, or my royal family will destroy your Xiong family when they go back."

The people of the Wang family shouted threats in an attempt to deter Xiong Cai'e.

How could Xiong Cai'e be afraid, she had already seen the brutality of the Wang family.

Even if she is handed over, the other party will not let her go.

Holding a green bamboo in her hand, the green bamboo is only more than one meter tall, but the whole body is green, and the leaves exude rich vitality, and at a glance, you can tell that it is a spiritual root of not low grade.

This was what she had previously obtained on one of the main peaks, but when she was digging, she ran into the people of the Wang family, and this was the scene at this moment.

Xiong Xinzhu's strength was relatively weak after all, and as time went on, the pursuers in the rear were getting closer and closer to her.

Just when Xiong Cai'e looked desperate, a big demon flew in front.

It was a giant panda with a round body and black and white hair.

Xiong Xinzhu's eyes showed a trace of vitality, and he immediately said loudly: "I also ask the senior to come to the rescue, I am willing to give the spirit bamboo in my hand to the senior." "

Even if she gives the treasure to a demon beast, she will not cheapen the Wang family.

When he saw the green bamboo, the bear dared to come out.

Originally, if the other party did not say, it would also come to the rescue.

Not to mention now.

It flashed and reached the middle of the two sides, blocking the way of several people from the Wang family.

Feeling the thick aura exuding from Xiong Dao's body, several people in the Wang family looked slightly shocked.

One person politely handed over his hand: "This senior, that woman robbed us of things, and I hope that the senior can give my Wang family a face, don't interfere, my Wang family will remember this kindness."

Xiong boldly said with disdain: "What kind of thing is the Wang family, and it is also worthy of letting the old bear give face?" Several

people in the Wang family looked a little gloomy when they heard this, and the person who spoke took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a calm voice as much as possible: "Senior, my Wang family is the first family in Donghai Base City, and there is still some strength in this eastern region, and I hope that my senior can give face, my Wang family will be grateful."

The bear boldly opened his mouth and yawned, not salty or light: "All said, you players are a garbage in the eyes of the old bear, don't force it here."

"Hurry, hand over the treasures on your body, and the old bear can consider leaving you a whole corpse."

Several members of the Wang family were furious, and one said coldly: "Beast, don't go too far, really think that my Wang family is afraid of you?" "

They dare to be so arrogant, mainly because the giant panda in front of them is a strange face.

They had never heard of any powerful panda monsters, so they did not feel how strong the panda that looked a little humble in front of them was.

Xiong Cai'e was also surprised, but she didn't expect that the giant panda in front of her didn't put the Wang family in her eyes at all.

"A few scumbags, they also dare to force and nag here."

The bear boldly poked out its paw and shot straight at several people.

With its shot, an extremely terrifying aura emanated.

"Demon... Demon Emperor. Several

members of the Wang family looked horrified, and then turned around and fled.

But how could they escape, the huge bear paw fell, and several people instantly exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

The bear boldly flew forward, caught a few falling storage rings, and Shen Nian leaned inside to check it, and when he saw the treasures inside, he burst into laughter.

Xiong Cai'e, who was not far away, was already dumbfounded.

She never expected that a big demon she met casually was actually a demon emperor.

What to do? It won't eat me, right?

Xiong Cai'e was afraid in her heart, and her legs and stomach trembled a little.

At this time, Xiong boldly looked over, his eyes fiery and said: "Quick... Give me that bamboo. Xiong

Cai'e dared to hesitate, and quickly stepped forward to carry the green bamboo in her hand.

The bear boldly took it, sniffed the breath emanating from the bamboo leaves, and suddenly looked intoxicated, biting off one of the leaves, chewing it, and the expression on his face was even more intoxicated.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, it's delicious."

Xiong Cai'e said carefully: "Former... Senior, can I leave?

Xiong boldly looked surprised: "Are you leaving for Mao?"

Xiong Cai'e's face changed, and several bad possibilities instantly thought of in her heart, and her eyes showed despair.

Seeing her expression, Xiong Bold said angrily: "What kind of expression are you?" The emperor will not eat you again. "


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