Seeing that Xiong Cai'e still looked scared, Xiong Bold was a little helpless, so he had to change to the appearance of a little Daotong.

Xiong Cai'e was stunned in place: "Senior, you you you..." Xiong

boldly explained: "Just now that was my true body, and my master and I came from other places, so I hid my figure.

Then it changed back to the prototype and said, "Let's go, follow me next."

Xiong Cai'e's eyes showed joy and nodded vigorously.

From entering the secret realm to now, she has encountered countless crises, and only at this moment has a sense of security in her heart.

One person and one bear quickly left here and continued to look for opportunities in the secret realm.


On the other side, Ye Xiaofan and Xiong Xinzhu went to another main peak.

But this time the luck is not as good as before, the opportunity above the main peak has long been raided, and the major forces have left, obviously they are one step late.

Ye Xiaofan glanced at Xiong Xinzhu suspiciously, and said in his heart that he had guessed wrong?

The girl is not a daughter of destiny.

Or is it that the daughter of destiny also has times when she misses her hand.

Just as he was thinking like this, Xiong Xinzhu suddenly walked towards the Spirit Plantation on the side.

The main peak where they are now is called Lingzhi Peak.

As the name suggests, it is a place where various rare spirit plants are grown.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaofan also followed, wanting to see what the girl planned to do.

I saw Xiong Xinzhu searching for a while in the forest plant, and finally pulled out a seedling from the overgrown spirit plantation.

The seedlings are only palm-long and have three leaves.

Because I was too young, I couldn't tell what kind of breed it was.

Xiong Xinzhu handed the seedling to Ye Xiaofan: "Senior, I feel that this seedling is a little unusual, it may be some rare spirit plant." "

Since awakening the Purple Bamboo Immortal Body, she has been able to have subtle and special sensations for some special spiritual plants.

Ye Xiaofan took it and took it in his hand to examine it carefully, but he couldn't see a reason.

I can only ask the dragon pattern black gold ding in my heart: "Xiaoding, can you help me see if there is anything special about this seedling?" "

Throw it in and I'll take a look."

Ye Xiaofan summoned the dragon pattern black gold ding and threw the seedling in.

Soon after, the dragon pattern black gold ding gave a feedback: "Boy, you are not lucky, this is a seedling of the transformation tree, when mature, it can bear the shape fruit and help the demon beast to transform into shape."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect it to be really a treasure tree.

Then, his eyes became even more fiery when he looked at Xiong Xinzhu.

It is worthy of being the daughter of destiny, and this luck is really different.

Xiong Xinzhu was a little uncomfortable looking at it, and asked in a low voice: "Senior, what's wrong with you?" "

It's okay."

Ye Xiaofan shook his head, and then told the other party that this was a seedling of the transformation tree.

Xiong Xinzhu was also a little surprised after hearing this, but he didn't expect it to be really a treasure tree.

Ye Xiaofan took out the seedlings of the Transformation Tree again and played with them in his hands, his eyes were fiery.

If the Transformation Tree is cultivated and mature, and the Transformation Fruit is produced at that time, the demon beasts under the sky will not come to him to beg him.

He knew that some demon beasts were very eager to take shape.

Like those pets he owned.

Thinking of this, he asked in his heart: "Xiao Ding, is there any way to make the metamorphosis tree grow quickly?"

"It should be fine to plant it in a vibrant spiritual spring, or with your blood."

Ye Xiaofan was stunned for a moment, and immediately bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood on the seedling.

The blood is quickly absorbed by the seedlings, and then the small trees emit a faint green light.

When the green light dissipated, the blade was so much larger than before.

Ye Xiaofan was helpless for a while, and if he went down at this speed, he would be drained of blood, and he was afraid that he would not be able to grow to the towering tree.

"It seems that I have to go to Kunlun when I turn back."

He secretly thought in his heart that there was a fairy spring in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains, which contained powerful vitality.

Ye Xiaofan guessed that it should be a spiritual spring, as long as the transformation tree was planted in it, it should be able to grow quickly.

Xiong Xinzhu looked a little curious on the side, but did not ask.

Subsequently, the two left Lingzhi Peak and went to another mountain.

And the mountain where the two went was the mountain where Phoenix Ji and other forces were located not long ago.

Undoubtedly, nothing was gained.

Just when the two looked disappointed and were about to leave, a burst of golden light suddenly shone under the mountain.

That golden light was not ordinary golden light, it carried a pure and divine power, just like the legendary Buddha light.

The two quickly walked towards the location where the golden light emanated.

Soon after, it finally came to the source of golden light.

Golden light emanated from a cave.

The two entered the cave, and when they saw the scene inside, Ye Xiaofan was a little confused.

In the cave, a young man sat cross-kneeled, his eyes closed, and in his hand held a bead, from which the brilliant golden light emanated, enveloping the young man's body.

And the young man in front of him was none other than Qin Feng, who had not been seen for a long time.

The situation in front of him made Ye Xiaofan a little puzzled, and he immediately asked the dragon pattern black gold ding in his heart: "Xiaoding, what is the situation?"

Immediately afterwards, there was a surprised voice of the dragon pattern black gold ding: "This little guy is channeling Buddha nature, and the one in his hand should be a relic son."

Ye Xiaofan was puzzled: "What is Buddha-nature?"

"Enlightening Buddha nature, can also be regarded as awakening Buddha roots, once awakened Buddha roots, then on the path of Buddhism, can be called a piece of openness, if there is no accident, this little guy will definitely become a Buddhist monk in the future, this kind of opportunity is not ordinary people can have, I think this little guy is also a blessed person."

Ye Xiaofan's mouth opened slightly, and he looked at Qin Feng in front of him again, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he guessed in his heart that the former was also a child of destiny?

Subsequently, he withdrew from the cave with Xiong Xinzhu and protected him outside.

After arriving outside, Xiong Xinzhu finally couldn't help but ask, "Senior, do you know the person inside?"

Ye Xiaofan nodded: "That's one of my juniors."

Xiong Xinzhu nodded silently and did not ask more.


On the other side, above the main peak, the strongest of the major forces is fighting against a group of Yellow Turban Lux.

This time the Yellow Turban Lux is different from before, looking smaller, but stronger.

There are eight statues in total, and they stay in the main hall at the top of the mountain for a week.

The positions occupied by each other are more peculiar, and they seem to have just formed a formation.

At the beginning, after the barrier outside the mountain gate was broken, the strongest of the major forces went straight to the main peak.

After searching on the main peak, he came to the top of the mountain and prepared to enter the main hall, but was stopped outside by these eight yellow turban warriors.

The more so, the more the forces want to go in and find out, guessing what is the most amazing treasure in it.

Otherwise, there would never be eight Yellow Turban Warriors guarding it.

The major powerhouses shot one after another, constantly attacking the eight Yellow Turban Lux.

The light on the eight Yellow Turban Lux was dim, and it was obvious that the energy was about to run out, otherwise it would definitely not be something that these guys in front of them could provoke.

Chen Jiangnan shouted: "Everyone, if you work harder, these Yellow Turban Lux should not last long." "


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