All the forces also saw the clue, and the offensive in their hands became more ferocious.

Just when the forces attacked the Yellow Turban Lux.

In a secret place, two ordinary demon beasts secretly observe everything, they are the big black dog and Jin Wanjin.

After watching for a long time, the two confirmed that Ye Xiaofan was not present.

Then he killed and helped all the forces to deal with the Yellow Turban Lux.

It's just that they didn't exert their full strength, and only burst out the power of the early stage of the Divine Power Realm.

At this moment, the minds of all the forces were on the Yellow Turban Lux, and they didn't have the heart to pay attention to the two extra demon beasts.

As the forces continued to attack, the light on the eight Yellow Turban Lux became more and more dim.

If this continues, it will not be long before it will be completely defeated.

And as time passed, more and more people and monsters came to the main peak.

Among them, there are many Xuan Tortoise and Frogs, Tiger King and other peak demon emperors.

Of course, there are Phoenix Ji, Bai Susu and Ichthyosaurus.

Even Purple Rose and the others, who were stunned by Ye Xiaofan at the beginning, came.

It can be said that except for Xiong Bold and Xiong Cai'e and Ye Xiaofan, almost all the forces have reached the main peak.

With the arrival of so many strong people, one of the yellow turbans was finally defeated and painted as a golden talisman, which immediately triggered the looting of all forces.

They also saw that the Yellow Turban Lux here was not ordinary, and naturally they would not let it go.

As the first statue was defeated, the remaining seven statues were also defeated one after another.

In the end, the eight talismans were also divided among several major inscription realm powerhouses.

Among them, the three demon emperors of Phoenix Ji got two.

The appearance of the three strange demon emperors immediately aroused the alarm of other forces.

Because of what happened just now, the Frog King was already unhappy with the fish dragon, and immediately asked: "Aren't you the Eastern Great Demon?" Where did it come from? The

other forces all looked at the three demon emperors, their eyes filled with hostility.

They are sure that the three demon emperors are by no means the Eastern Great Demons, they should come from other places, which is already considered to be breaking the rules.

Yuhualong did not panic at all, and said lightly: "I'm waiting for the hidden demon in the east, and I don't know that I'm waiting for the name."

The Frog King sneered: "Don't be fooling around here, what are the big demons in the east, I have a number in my heart, honestly explain, where did you come from?"

Xuangui also spoke: "Guys, these three guys are obviously breaking the rules, why should we let them get the opportunity in the east?" When

the forces heard this, their expressions moved, and the hostility in their eyes became even stronger, and they had the tendency to rise up and attack without saying a word.

The three demon emperors also saw this, and the fish dragon immediately conjured its original form, a red carp.

It said loudly: "Old Wang Ba, others don't know this emperor, you should know this emperor, right?"

Xuangui was taken aback when he saw the true body of the fish dragon: "You... You are a fish dragon, you are actually alive, and you have successfully transformed into a dragon!?

After hearing this name, the Frog King's face also changed slightly.

Because it has also heard of each other.

Many years ago, there was a carp demon in the Yangtze River, which did not like to seize territory, but was just a mind to cultivate, and it had only one purpose, to transform into a dragon.

At that time, it also caused ridicule from many demon beasts.

Carp turns into a dragon, it's too difficult.

But it did not give up, in order to transform the dragon, it once entered the East China Sea and joined the Red Dragon Emperor's command, wanting to ask the Red Dragon Emperor for the method of transforming the dragon.

But in the end, it was reported that the carp demon stole the treasure of the Dragon Palace and was chased and killed by the masters of the Dragon Palace, and in the end, the Red Dragon Emperor personally came forward to kill it.

I thought that the whimsical carp was long dead, but I didn't expect it to be alive.

Not only that, but he also successfully transformed into a dragon, and he was also a distinguished golden dragon.

Legend has it that the golden dragon is the most noble existence in the dragon family, and among them is the five-clawed golden dragon.

At that time, the Frog King had not yet risen, so he had only heard the story of the fish dragon.

But the Xuan turtle has seen the ichthyosaur because it has lived for a very long time, and the ichthyosaurus has also consulted it.

King Xuangui was puzzled: "Isn't it rumored that you were killed by the Red Dragon Emperor?" Hearing

this, the fish dragon's face suddenly became gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Back then, that old dragon saw that I had a tendency to turn into a dragon, and was afraid that I would threaten its status, so he designed to frame me.

"This emperor came back this time to seek revenge on that old dragon."

"One of these two is Lady Ben and the other is Sister Ben Huang, do you have any opinions?"

The forces were a little surprised when they heard this, but they didn't expect that there were so many hidden secrets in this.

But after knowing the true identity of the fish dragon, the forces were not good to say anything.

Because strictly speaking, the former is indeed a big demon in the east.

Of course, the most important thing is that if you want to take down the three demon emperors, you must pay a great price.

The forces are not stupid, and now there is a step, and it just happens to go down.

Bai Susu and Phoenix Ji both looked at the fish dragon in surprise, but they didn't expect the former to have such a past.

Bai Susu comforted: "Husband, when the matter here is over, we will go and help you take revenge."

Phoenix Ji also spoke: "Yes, when the time comes, let's strike together and kill the Red Dragon Emperor." "

Although the several demon emperors do not deal with each other on weekdays, they are still very united when they are external.

The fish dragon nodded gently, and his voice was as cold as a knife: "At that time, I will personally blade the old dragon." The

big black dog and Jin Wanjin who changed their bodies were also a little surprised, and secretly glanced at the fish dragon.

Subsequently, all the forces rushed towards the main hall.

But I found that the main hall was empty, almost nothing.

In the center of the main hall, there is a stone stele, on which countless ancient texts are engraved.

These ancient texts are complicated and obscure, and the forces simply cannot understand them.

On top of the stone stele, there are also three talismans, one on the top and two below, just forming a triangle.

When they saw these three talismans again, the eyes of all the forces lit up, and they immediately rushed towards the stone tablet.

The talisman that can be placed in the main hall will never be simple.

The next moment, a great war broke out.

In order to compete for the talisman, the forces fought a lot.

And the battle is more terrifying than before, all of which are a deadly fight.

I want to get those three talismans.

The big black dog was also not hiding its strength, and its aura burst out, instantly shaking away the people and monsters around it, rushing towards the stone tablet in big strides, grabbing one of the talismans.

When the forces saw this scene, their faces were anxious.

But the next scene left them stunned in place.

I saw that the moment the big black dog touched the talisman, it was suddenly shocked by a mysterious force and flew out, and slammed on the ground.

The warring forces suddenly stopped, and all looked at the three talismans in amazement, only to realize that it didn't seem that simple.

Chen Jiangnan said in a deep voice: "Don't do it first, wait for me to go up and test it again."

All the forces nodded, and all of them stared nervously at the stone tablet.

Chen Jiangnan carefully walked to the stone stele, reached out and touched another talisman, and the result was the same as before, it was ejected by a mysterious force.

Then someone tried to touch the third talisman, but the result was the same.

Only then did the forces realize that the talisman in front of them could not be obtained at all.

Jin Wanjin immediately rushed to the big black dog: "Boss, are you okay?" The

big black dog climbed up, his face was a little ugly, and then he made a look at Jin Wanjin.

Then the two quietly retreated, and quickly transformed into the appearance of Yin and Yang Infinite Thief outside.

Then he entered the main hall in a big way.


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