"Ahem..." The

cough suddenly sounded, very harsh in this silent hall.

Some people looked curiously, and after seeing the black and white figure walking in, their faces suddenly became ugly.

"You two bastards, you actually dare to come?"

Someone gritted his teeth and stared at the two black and white figures not far away.

They are the victims of not so long ago.

Seeing the purple rose's pretty face livid, the white rose said curiously: "Lao Jiu, what's wrong with you?" "

Because there was a big war just after coming, Purple Rose hadn't had time to tell White Rose what happened not long ago.

She took a deep breath and gritted her teeth to tell a general account of what happened not long ago.

After hearing this, White Rose's face turned suddenly gloomy, and a pair of phoenix eyes looked coldly at the black and white figure not far away.

At the same time, other victims told their peers what had happened.

After learning the truth of the matter, all the forces present were furious.

Feeling the fury that sprang up in the field, the big black dog and Jin Wanjin were not afraid at all, and the latter said arrogantly: "Don't talk nonsense, hand over all the treasures on your body, otherwise let you look good." Someone

sneered: "You two bastards actually dare to come, just this time to solve you." "

This time is different from before, almost all the big forces have gathered here.

They don't believe it, and the forces are not the opponents of these two guys in front of them.

Phoenix Ji Empress Bai Susu's face was all ugly, and the fish dragon beside it was a little curious.

It is not the first time it has heard of the name Yin Yang Wuji Thief.

I know that he also appeared in Emei last time, and he also robbed Huang Ji and Bai Susu of the opportunity.

Chen Jiangnan was the first to stand up and looked at the two with an unkind expression: "It's really a bit too much for the two of you to act like this, hand over the robbed treasures, I may be able to open the net later."

Jin Wanjin glanced at the former and pouted, "Which onion are you?" Also qualified to dictate to the emperor here?

Chen Jiangnan's face sank: "It seems that the two of you are toasting and not eating and punishing wine." Well, let me meet you. He

stepped out, his breath climbing step by step, like a peerless divine weapon about to be unsheathed.

A sharp glow swept through the audience, and both humans and demon beasts felt pain in their bodies.

There are demon beasts who are secretly frightened, worthy of being the number one master in the east, and this strength is really extraordinary.

Chen Jiangnan's voice was indifferent: "I repeat, hand over the treasures you robbed, I can consider keeping all your corpses." "


The big black dog figure suddenly disappeared, like a black lightning, and instantly arrived in front of Chen Jiangnan.

Pu Fan's big palm shot out, Chen Jiangnan's face changed greatly, and he subconsciously raised his hand to block it.

With a bang, he was directly slapped out and smashed on the distant temple wall.

The big black dog stopped his hand and scolded: "Garbage one, dare to pretend in front of this emperor, and don't see if you are worthy?" All

the forces came back to their senses, and all looked at the big black dog with horrified eyes.

Chen Jiangnan was a complete inscription realm, and his strength was extremely terrifying, and he was actually slapped by the man in black in front of him.

This strength can be called terrifying.

It is quite possible that the inscription realm has been exceeded.

When they thought of this, all the forces were horrified in their hearts.

The existence of the Dragon Kingdom beyond the inscription realm is not absent, but those are the real big people who sit in the overall situation.

Generally, there is nothing major, and basically it does not appear.

The forces never expected that there was actually one in the secret realm.

Jin Wanjin stepped forward and scolded, "Did you see it?" If you dare to force and nag, this is the end. Hurry up and hand over the treasure, this emperor does not want to say more. All

the forces were cold, and their faces were a little gloomy.

Let them hand over the treasure, it is simply worse than killing them.

At this moment, Chen Jiangnan stumbled over.

The corners of his mouth were bloody, his face was a little pale, and he was obviously not lightly injured.

"Chief, are you all right?"

Immediately, a military man greeted him, his face full of worry.

Chen Jiangnan shook his head, and then his eyes stared at the big black dog: "My Dragon Kingdom definitely does not have a figure like you, who are you?" "

The existence of the Yuan Infant Realm of the Dragon Kingdom, he basically knows about it, and he is very sure that there is no such person.

The big black dog said proudly: "The name of this emperor, how can you inquire?" "

Quickly hand over the treasure, I will only seek wealth and not kill people, but you must cooperate, otherwise this emperor will not mind killing chickens and monkeys."

Chen Jiangnan's face was a little ugly, and his heart was a little desperate.

He had fought with the existence of the Yuan Infant Realm in Kyoto, and he knew the horror of such existence.

Even if the forces present are combined, they are unlikely to be opponents of the other side.

Maybe desperately, there are some odds of victory, but it is also an absolute victory and requires a great price.

Just when the forces hesitated, the Peacock King stood up, and his voice was narrow: "Chen Jiangnan, you are also a hero among human beings, and you are actually afraid of two robbers."

"Even if my Peacock King dies in battle, he will never compromise like two robbers."

After speaking, it burst out with breath and shouted: "If you don't want to hand over the treasure, kill with me." The

Peacock King turned into a white light and rushed straight at the big black dog, with a high fighting intent in his eyes, without the slightest retreat.

Seeing this, other forces also took action.

They don't want to hand it over, and they got it with great difficulty.

The big black dog's face turned cold: "Toast and don't eat and punish wine." Its

breath erupted, and it instantly fought with the Peacock King.

Jin Wanjin's face changed slightly, he didn't expect that this time the forces would actually resist, and quickly joined the battle group.

"Chief Elder, we..."

Chen Jiangnan took a deep breath, his eyes showed a high fighting intent, and spit out a word: "Kill!"

"We are also up, we can't let this group of monster beasts compare."

Several people from Kyoto also rushed up.

The next moment, all the forces present began to besiege Big Black Dog and Jin Wanjin.

Even Phoenix Ji and Bai Susu joined the fray.

The two demons held a fire in their hearts, and naturally they would not miss this opportunity.

In the siege of all forces, the big black dog is okay, after all, the strength is strong, and there are almost no injuries.

But Jin Wanjin was miserable, basically beaten to the head.

The big black dog wanted to rescue, but was entangled by a group of Inscription Realm powerhouses.

Among them, there are also powerhouses at the peak of the Inscription Realm such as Chen Jiangnan and the Peacock King.

I couldn't get out of it for a while.

Of course, there is a little more reason.

It can't use its means without reservation, otherwise once it is seen by Phoenix Ji, it will be finished.

In the end, Jin Wanjin really couldn't stand it, and quickly transmitted a message to the big black dog: "Brother Black Emperor, let's withdraw, I will die if I fight again." The

big black dog also saw that the situation was critical, gritted his teeth, and finally could only retreat with Jin Wanjin unwillingly.

Seeing this, all the forces were excited.

They actually repelled a Yuan Infant Realm existence, which was really a commendable thing.

Although the two were repelled, the forces also suffered heavy losses, and many people were seriously injured.

Subsequently, the forces began to heal their wounds in the main hall.


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