In a jungle outside the main peak, two figures, one black and one white, fell from the sky.

The big black dog scolded and cursed: "That group of damn guys, they actually dare to resist and are angry with this emperor."

"It's all that damn peacock, if it hadn't taken the lead, there would never have been anything later."

Jin Wanjin also gritted his teeth, and then looked apologetic: "Sorry, Brother Black Emperor, I dragged my feet."

The big black dog shook his head: "You can't be blamed for this matter, the main thing is that this emperor can't let go of his hand to fight, otherwise he will definitely make those guys look good."

"Forget it, anyway, this time I got a lot of opportunities."

"And someone will clean them up later."

It could only comfort itself so much, and then changed back to its original form.

"Let's go, let's go to the main peak, it's time to meet those guys."

Jin Wanjin quickly changed back to his original form and followed.

The two returned to the main peak soon after, and successfully converged with the Phoenix Ji demons.

Jin Wanjin also deliberately cared: "What are you doing?" Doesn't look good?

Yuhualong roughly explained, gritted his teeth and said, "It's a pity to let those two bastards run away, otherwise you will definitely kill them." Jin

Wanjin and the big black dog snickered in their hearts, but on the surface they pretended to be indignant.

"It's really two bastards, they actually dare to rob your heads, don't let me meet them, otherwise they will definitely make those two bastards look good."

Phoenix Ji ignored the two demons, silently sensing the mark he had left behind, and his expression moved slightly.

It actually felt its mark on the two guys.

"Sure enough, it's you two dog things."

Phoenix Ji secretly grinded his teeth angrily, but it did not make a sound, forcibly suppressed the anger, and prepared to secretly inform Ye Xiaofan after going back.


On the other side, Qin Feng successfully awakened the Buddha Root.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the monk in his body reminded: "Little benefactor, there are two people outside, I am afraid they are enemies, you should be careful."

Qin Feng was startled and walked towards the outside of the cave with a vigilant expression.

The two people outside the cave heard the movement, and after seeing Qin Feng, Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "Boy, you are finally awake."

Qin Feng was stunned, and the other party's tone was as if he knew him.

He tentatively said, "Dare to ask the senior?"

Only then did Ye Xiaofan remember that he had changed his appearance, and said lightly: "I am the master of your master."

Qin Feng immediately understood, a little frightened, did not expect Ye Xiaofan to be such a subtle transformation technique, he immediately stepped forward to salute: "I have seen the senior."

Ye Xiaofan bowed his head gently: "Let's go, follow me to the main peak." Just

at this moment, two figures flew not far away.

It was Xiong Bold and Xiong Cai'e.

Xiong Xinzhu immediately shouted excitedly: "Little sister, over here." "

One person and one bear heard the movement and immediately flew over.

The bear boldly flew over: "Master, I finally saw you."

Ye Xiaofan kicked it away: "Hug and hug, what a system."

Xiong boldly smiled: "Isn't this thinking of the master?"

Xiong Cai'e and Xiong Xinzhu held hands and asked each other.

Ye Xiaofan turned over and rode on Xiong's bold back, and greeted several people: "Let's go, follow the poor road to the main peak." The

next moment, the group headed to the main peak.

On the way, the monk in Qin Feng's body opened his mouth and asked, "Little benefactor, just now that Taoist priest said that he is the master of your master, and the poor monk is a little puzzled, I don't know what it means?"

Qin Feng did not hide it, and explained the general situation.

The monk was silent for a long time after hearing this.

Qin Feng would rather worship a demon beast as a teacher than worship him, a high-ranking monk.

He suddenly felt a sense of frustration.

"Little benefactor, in your eyes, is a poor monk not as good as a demon beast?"

After all, the monk did not hold back and asked the doubts in his heart.

Qin Feng shook his head: "That's not it, but everything has to be said first-come, first-come, and I don't want to become a monk." "

If he had met the monk earlier, he might have really been taught by the former in order to become stronger.

But now it certainly won't.

The big black dog may not be as powerful as the monk was in his life, nor does he know much about it.

But it can't stand that the other party has a strong master.

Although the monk was very mysterious and knew a lot, Qin Feng still did not think that the former could be compared with Ye Xiaofan.

The other party is a person who can even make a hole in the sky, and the ancient demon said that if you kill, you will kill the lord.

Such an existence seems to him to be unique.

The monk sighed lightly: "Little benefactor, it seems that the relationship between you and me is not enough.

Qin Feng comforted: "Master rest assured, you helped me improve the physique of the root bone, I will remember it in my heart, and when I become strong in the future, I will help you rebirth in Nirvana."

"Amitabha, then there is a little benefactor."

The monk chanted the Buddha trumpet, and an inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes.

Soon after, the group came to the top of the main peak.

At this time, on the square above the main peak, countless humans and demon beasts were doing cross-knee and recovering from their injuries.

Because the main hall was so crowded, some people came out.

Big Black Dog and Jin Wanjin have already joined Phoenix Ji.

At this time, the two were protecting the three demon emperors.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, poor road to come."

Still far away, Ye Xiaofan chanted the Dao number.

When the forces heard this, the faces of some of them suddenly became ugly.

The hatefulness of this product in front of him is even greater than that of the two guys before.

Seeing that Purple Rose's face was ugly, White Rose asked, "Lao Jiu, what's wrong with you?" Could it be that you also have a feud with these guys?

"This stinky Taoist priest is even more abominable."

Purple Rose gritted her teeth and said something in general.

White Rose was stunned after hearing this, there are still such shameless people in this world?

The eyes of the big black dog and Jin Wanjin in the distance froze, but they didn't expect Ye Xiaofan to actually change the technique.

Both of them thought of a variety of faces at the same time.

They only had five in their hands, knowing that there were two more outside.

The two immediately guessed that Ye Xiaofan must have used a variety of faces.

Then, the two demons showed anticipation in their hearts.

This group of guys has finally been cleaned up.

Let's see how they resist this time.

Ye Xiaofan rode the bear and boldly landed on the square, laughing loudly: "Dear Daoists, I haven't seen you for a long time, but do you miss the poor road?" "

Those people and demons who had been robbed by Ye Xiaofan couldn't wait to rush up and give him a few big mouths after hearing this.

Still miss him.

The crowd was eager to tear him alive.

Someone could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, stood up and roared: "Stinky Taoist, you still dare to come, this time you must look good." "

Having just repelled a Yuan Infant Realm powerhouse, the confidence of all the forces at this moment can be described as skyrocketing.

Even if Ye Xiaofan had shown good combat power before, they were all fearless at this moment.

Under the accounts of those victims, the forces present soon knew about the various evil deeds that Ye Xiaofan had committed.

Xiong Cai'e was stunned, and looked at Ye Xiaofan with some disbelief, the former actually offended all the forces here with his own strength.

How much death does this have to be?

She felt a little trembling in her heart, wondering if she was following the wrong person?

According to the current situation, they are certain to die.

Looking at the agitated forces, Ye Xiaofan did not panic at all: "Immeasurable Tianzun, it is a bit excessive for you Daoists to say this, the poor road is doing business, how can it be involved in robbery?"

"How can a person of conscience like the poor road do such a thing that lacks virtue, and you must not slander the poor way."

Hearing this, the forces became even more angry, and some people couldn't help but rush towards Ye Xiaofan.

"Stinky Taoist, I'll kill you."

"Be bold."

The bear boldly opened his mouth and roared, and the terrifying aura directly shook the man out.

"Demon Emperor!"

The forces were shocked, but they did not expect that the mount Ye Xiaofan was riding was actually a demon emperor.

Ye Xiaofan jumped down from Xiong Bold, pointed at the forces and said sadly: "Poor Dao has been good all his life, do you know that you actually slandered Poor Dao so much?" Will this move deeply hurt the young hearts of poor people?

Speaking of this, he changed his tone: "But the poor road has always been kind-hearted, so it is not too much to pursue, you can just compensate me for some mental damage." "


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