Hearing this, the guy who had suffered losses at Ye Xiaofan's hands had already understood his intentions.

This is clearly another robbery.

"The poor road doesn't want much, just divide the opportunities you get here with me nine out of ten."

The corners of the mouths of the forces twitched, and there was not much to ask for.

Why aren't you all going?

Hearing the movement, the major forces in the main hall also walked out.

Chen Jiangnan immediately drank coldly: "Such a big breath, actually dare to blackmail our military, I really don't know whether I am dead or alive." It

turned out that in the main hall earlier, they also heard the conversation outside.

Some people who had been robbed by Ye Xiaofan quickly said the matter.

After learning what Ye Xiaofan had done, the major masters were angry.

Among them, the most angry was the Tiger King, who was seriously injured and unconscious, and all the things on his body were robbed.

Not to mention the things obtained in the secret realm, even the previous things have been robbed.

Although it knew that Ye Xiaofan was very strong, it was still extremely angry, and opened its mouth to roar: "Stinky Taoist, take your life." "

It radiates a dazzling light all around it, and its body quickly grows in size.

In an instant, it turned into a colorful tiger hundreds of meters long.

The tall body towered into the sea of clouds, like a fierce beast, and its power was extremely terrifying.

Seriously injured by the Five Thunder Talismans, the Tiger King felt that he had been attacked by a sneak attack, and he did not have time to exert his full strength, otherwise he would never have been defeated so easily.

The huge tiger opened its mouth and spit out countless wind blades and swept towards Ye Xiaofan and several people.

The forces fled.

Qin Feng's three and Xiong Bold also quickly retreated, leaving Ye Xiaofan in place.


The roar continued, and countless terrifying wind blades drowned Ye Xiaofan.

Xiong Cai'e exclaimed: "Senior, he..." Xiong

Xinzhu comforted: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, this attack can't help the senior." As

for Qin Feng and Xiong Dao, their faces were calm.

In the eyes of the two, even the slightest worry was disrespectful to Ye Xiaofan's strength.

After a long time, the wind blade slowly dissipated.

All the forces fixed their eyes and saw Ye Xiaofan still standing there intact.

Not to mention the injury, even the clothes were not damaged in the slightest.

Both humans and demon beasts widened their eyes, unable to believe that everything in front of them was real.

After suffering that kind of attack, there was actually nothing wrong.

It's just incredible.

You know, the Tiger King is a strong man in the late stage of the Inscription Realm.

Go all out, even experts like Chen Jiangnan dare not be careless.

Suddenly, a possibility came to mind.

"Could it be that this unscrupulous Taoist in front of you is also a terrifying existence of the Yuan Infant Realm?"

Thinking of this, the forces were taken aback.

When did the existence of the Yuan Infant Realm also have so much?

The Tiger King was surprised at the same time, but his heart was even more angry.

"Stinky Taoist, this king will not believe in killing you."

It opened the blood basin to go to its mouth, the spiritual power in its mouth gathered, and the next moment a cyan wind vortex appeared.

The wind vortex contains terrifying power, as if it can shatter everything.

"Wicked beast, Hugh must be presumptuous!"

Ye Xiaofan broke off with a snort, his body suddenly jumped into the air, and he threw a punch lightly.

The next moment, the fist exploded, and the head of the Tiger King exploded with most of his body, and the seemingly terrifying wind vortex was also stirred up by the fist.


The headless corpse fell, emitting a deafening roar.

The eyes of the forces widened, completely unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

The Tiger King in the southeast of the Dragon Kingdom was hung up like this.

In the crowd, the people of the Wang family showed fear.

Previously, they were waiting to see Ye Xiaofan's joke, but they didn't expect the result to be like this.

At the thought of provoking Ye Xiaofan outside the secret realm, the people of the Wang family couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts.

They actually provoked such a powerful being.

The other few silently retreated for a distance, not daring to get too close to the Wang family.

Ye Xiaofan didn't care what the expressions of the forces were, directly took out several large iron pots and barbecue grills, and ordered Qin Feng: "Dispose of the remaining two tiger legs." Without

any hesitation, several people quickly went to deal with the tiger leg.

Ye Xiaofan looked at the forces with a smile: "Don't be afraid, Daoists, this evil tiger has been dealt with by the poor road." The

forces came back to their senses and looked at Ye Xiaofan with amazement.

The one in front of him seemed to be even stronger than the one not long ago.

"Well, let's talk about the mental compensation fee." Ye Xiaofan brought things back to the topic.

All the forces looked at each other, and their faces couldn't help but look a little ugly.

I want to refuse to resist, but I am really scared in my heart.

The one in front of him was much more ferocious than the previous two.

Didn't you see the end of the Tiger King? Dead is not peaceful.

All the forces unanimously looked at the Peacock King and Chen Jiangnan.

In the field, these two are the strongest.

One person and one demon looked at each other, and the Peacock King took the lead and said: "Everyone, as long as we work together, we will not be afraid of anyone.

Its words instantly ignited the emotions of all forces, and some demon beasts loudly echoed: "The Peacock King is right, as long as you work together, you will not be afraid of any enemy."

Chen Jiangnan also spoke in a deep voice: "My Jiangnan base is unyielding." "

Swear to die unyielding, swear to die unyielding..." A

group of military experts echoed one after another, with a high fighting intent in their eyes.

Looking at the agitated forces in front of him, Ye Xiaofan touched his nose.

How do you feel like a big villain.

He said bitterly again: "Fellow Daoists, the poor road is just looking for you to pay a little mental damage, so you can't make such a big move, so as not to hurt the peace." The

Peacock King shouted angrily: "Less nonsense, if you want to fight, you will fight."

It killed Ye Xiaofan with lightning speed, and all the demon beasts followed closely.

On the other side, Chen Jiangnan also brought a group of human experts to kill.

Xiong Cai'e looked worried again: "Senior won't be in danger, right?" This

time, even Xiong Xinzhu was a little undecided.

Qin Feng comforted: "Don't worry, just relying on these guys can't help the seniors."

On the other side, the big black dog demons also secretly shook their heads, feeling that the group of guys in front of them was just uncomfortable.

Looking at the major forces that were killing towards him, Ye Xiaofan was really helpless.

He quickly summoned the dragon pattern black gold ding, which rose in the face of the storm, and instantly turned into a giant ding that covered the sky, and the dragon pattern on the top wall was lifelike, like a real dragon, and the top mouth was sprayed with mysterious fairy light.

The boundless coercion fell, and the figures of the humans and demon beasts below were instantly fixed.

One by one, their faces showed shock.

The Blood Bamboo King lost his voice and said, "This is an immortal weapon!?" How can it be? How could this guy have an immortal weapon??

The monk in Qin Feng's body was also shocked and inexplicable: "Who is this Taoist priest?" How could there be such a terrifying weapon? Xiong

Xinzhu and Qin Feng both asked about the two in their hearts, but it was a pity that the Blood Bamboo King and the monk did not answer the two.

Looking at the people who were fixed, Ye Xiaofan's face was full of helplessness: "They all said not to hurt the peace, why don't you guys listen?" None

of the forces spoke, and their eyes were full of horror and horror.

I never expected that Ye Xiaofan actually had such a terrifying spirit treasure!!


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