Deep in the Shu Mountains, in a natural cave mansion, countless demon beasts are entrenched here.

In the deepest part of the cave mansion, there is a huge white snake.

The white snake only has a snake head exposed, and it exudes a terrifying aura.

The huge triangular pupils looked down, staring at the black snake demon king below with chills in his spine.

"Did that stupid toad really say that?"

An indifferent female voice sounded, like that ghostly cold wind, as if floating out from the Nine Nether Hell.

The Black Snake Demon King nodded hurriedly.

"Lord Demon King, that toad said, soon he will come and marry in person, so that ... Prepare you".

"Hmph, I don't know if I'm alive or dead."

The White Snake Demon King snorted coldly and ordered, "Don't care about that dead toad, if it dares to come, I will take its life." Pass on the order, guard the good medicine valley, do not allow anyone to approach, and those who dare to disobey the order will be killed. "

Obey, Lord Demon King."

The demon generals were ordered to leave.


In another cave mansion, a silver-backed centipede was lying on a throne, and after hearing the report of his subordinates, he immediately straightened up and exclaimed:

"What you said is true, the golden toad brother has really reappeared?"

The demon general affirmed: "The subordinates have confirmed that the news is correct. The

silver-backed centipede said excitedly: "Great, if the golden toad boss returns, the treasure medicine will belong to us."

"You guys are good to guard the cave mansion, and King Ben will go out."

The centipede demon king said, turning into a black demon wind and disappearing into the cave mansion.


In the western base city, in the center stands a building thousands of meters high, known as the Star of Bashu.

This is the military headquarters, and in today's society, the base city is all militarized management.

Only in this way, when attacked by monsters, decision-makers can make the right response in the first time.

"Uncle, just tell your father the news, I won't go."

Somewhere in the building, Qin Feng said to Xiao Qianjue.

Xiao Qianjue sighed lightly: "A Feng, go down and recuperate."

Qin Feng nodded silently, and then turned around and left here.

Xiao Qianjue sighed lightly again, and then walked towards the top floor of the building.


A luxurious office on the top floor.

Behind the solid wood desk sat a middle-aged man with a resolute face, wearing a straight military uniform and restrained breath.

Just sitting there gives people a strong sense of oppression.

The man is the head of the Western Base City, and he is also the first strong person in the Base City, "Qin Zhentian".

It is precisely because of his presence that Western Base City can defuse crises again and again.

Qin Zhentian looked at Xiao Qianjue who was in his hand and asked, "Qianjue, what happened to the demon power fluctuation just now?"

Xiao Qian never hid it, and said truthfully: "It's the Golden Toad Demon King."

Qin Zhentian was shocked when he heard this: "What, the Golden Toad Demon King is born again?" A

solemnity flashed in his eyes, he had fought with the Golden Toad Demon King before, and he knew the horror of the other party.

Xiao Qianjue nodded, and then said, "Brother-in-law, I have one more thing to report."

Qin Zhentian looked puzzled: "What's the matter." Xiao

Qianjue quickly said about the thousand-year-old treasure medicine.

"It's actually a thousand-year-old treasure medicine?!"

Qin Zhentian's eyes condensed slightly, and he confirmed again: "Are you sure that the news is reliable, is it really a thousand-year treasure medicine?"

Xiao Qianjue nodded affirmatively: "This matter was personally seen by Xiao Feng, the Centipede Demon King and the White Snake Demon King had a big war to win the thousand-year treasure medicine, and the recent demon beast riot in the depths of Shu Mountain was precisely for this reason."

Qin Zhentian's face sank: "That kid went to Shushan?"

Xiao Qianjue nodded and said with a bitter smile: "Brother-in-law, Xiao Feng is actually not as unbearable as you say, and you should also give him some care sometimes."

"Hmph, fart skills are not hard without character, and he dares to go to the depths of Shushan Mountain with his little strength, I really don't know how to write dead words."

Qin Zhentian snorted coldly, his face was very displeased, and he waved his hand: "Okay, don't talk about that incomplete thing, this matter is very important, I will go to the military meeting now."

"Wait, brother-in-law." Xiao Qianjue shouted.

Qin Zhentian looked puzzled: "Is there anything else?"

After Xiao Qianjue hesitated for a moment, he nodded and said, "In addition to this matter, there is another thing I don't know whether to talk about or not?"

Qin Zhentian said displeased: "Tell me what these things are for, hurry up."

Xiao Qianjue organized the language and probably said what Xiao Luoli told him.

Qin Zhentian was stunned for a moment, and then said uncertainly: "What do you say, someone raised the Golden Toad Demon King!?" "

He once fought the Golden Toad Demon King, and he knew exactly how terrifying the other party was, and how much he hated humans.

How can such an existence be nurtured by humans.

He didn't believe this kind of thing at all, and thought he had heard it wrong.

Xiao Qianjue nodded: "Although it is difficult to believe, it seems to be the case.

Qin Zhentian scolded: "Nonsense, Qianjue, when are you confused, you actually believe in this kind of thing."

"You were also present in that battle back then, don't you know the temperament and strength of the Golden Toad Demon King?"

"How can such an existence be raised by humans, I see that you were tricked by Luo Li's girl."

Xiao Qianjue was stunned for a moment, thinking of the eccentric Xiao Luoli, and hesitated: "Y... It shouldn't be possible, no matter how naughty Luo Li is, she won't joke about this kind of thing, right?

"Who knows? But with that girl's nature, it's quite possible.

Qin Zhentian snorted: "I see that you are too coddling her on weekdays, okay, follow me to the military meeting, the millennium treasure medicine is a big thing, don't focus on other irrelevant things."

Xiao Qianjue nodded, and also felt that what Qin Zhentian said was reasonable, so he didn't think about it more.


Nancheng District, in a simple courtyard.

Just after dawn in the morning, Ye Xiaofan got up from the bed, quickly washed, and then rushed towards the supermarket not far away with the vegetable basket.

As soon as I opened the door, two women came to me, it was Su Qingxue and Su Wan'er.

After learning about Ye Xiaofan's existence from Su Qingxue's mouth yesterday, Su Wan'er's first reaction was not to believe it.

She didn't think there would be such a presence in the world at all.

But it can't stand Su Qingxue's soft and hard bubble, so he will come here, ready to see what the truth of the matter is?

"Brother Ye." Su Qingxue waved towards Ye Xiaofan, with a sweet smile on her face.

Su Wan'er looked Ye Xiaofan up and down, but did not find anything surprising, and could not feel any fluctuations in spiritual power and qi and blood from the other party.

No matter how you look at it, he is just a mortal.

She snorted in her heart, feeling that her niece was deceived by the tricks of the brat in front of her.

"Xiao Man is at home, you guys go in and do it yourself, I'm going to the supermarket to grab special dishes, and I'm out of company first."

Ye Xiaofan hurriedly finished speaking, and ran away with a puff of smoke.

Only Su Qingxue was left messy in the wind.

"Rob... Grab a special!?

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she really couldn't believe that a peerless powerhouse like Ye Xiaofan would actually go to the supermarket to grab a special dish.

Su Wan'er said displeased: "Qingxue, this is the hermit master in your mouth?" The

corners of Su Qingxue's mouth twitched, and she didn't know how to explain it.

"Aunt, Big Brother Ye may be more casual." She explained with a dry smile.

"Hmph, I'm busy and don't have time to waste time here."

After Su Wan'er finished speaking, she was ready to leave.

Su Qingxue hurriedly stopped: "Aunt, everyone is coming, you can come with me and sit down." Seeing

the girl's pleading face, Su Wan'er finally couldn't leave, and said with a cold face: "I'll sit for a while at most."

Su Qingxue nodded repeatedly.

Afterwards, the two women entered the courtyard.

Su Wan'er scanned around and did not find the slightest peculiarity in the courtyard.

As for the two demon kings in Su Qingxue's mouth, she looked at it carefully for a while and did not feel any demon power fluctuations.

She was more sure in her heart that her niece had been deceived by the other party.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but snort coldly in her heart.

The big black dog and the other four demon kings glanced at the two, and then withdrew their gaze, not paying attention at all.

Ye Xiaoman in the house heard the movement and walked out, and when he saw the two people at the door, he immediately said with joy: "Hey, Sister Qingxue, when did you come?"

Su Qingxue responded: "Just came, Xiaoman, I came uninvited, and I hope you don't be surprised."

Ye Xiaoman waved his hand: "Sister Qingxue is talking about this, we are good sisters, I welcome you to come at any time."

"Come and do it, my brother should go to the supermarket to buy vegetables, and when he comes back, he will cook for you."

Ye Xiaoman beckoned to the two women, grabbed the golden toad on the little horse and threw it aside, and said angrily: "Go aside, I didn't see the guests coming, and I didn't say that I took the initiative to let go." "

Su Qingxue is a little speechless, she is also a top demon king, can't you be gentle?


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