Ye Xiaoman wiped the little maza with a towel, handed it to Su Wan'er and said: "This aunt, come and do it, our family conditions are simple, I hope you don't dislike it."

Su Wan'er hesitated and sat down reluctantly, but her face was a little ugly.

If it weren't for taking care of Su Qingxue's face, she really wanted to turn around and leave.

"You guys do it first, I'll go wash some fruit for you."

Ye Xiaoman entered the house and opened the refrigerator, filled a plate of unknown fruits, washed the back end with water, and came out.

"This is the special fruit that my brother grabbed in the supermarket, it tastes quite good, come and taste it."

Su Qingxue picked up one and took a bite, and her eyes suddenly lit up: "Wow, it's really delicious." When

Su Wan'er on the side saw the fruit on the plate, her eyes suddenly froze and she almost exclaimed.

"Dragon... Dragon's Blood Fruit !!

She was secretly surprised that the fruit on the plate was very similar to the top treasure medicine she had eaten.

Dragon's blood fruit, a top-level treasure medicine, only Kunlun Mountain has it in the entire world.

A few years ago, a black moth with terrifying strength appeared in the Kunlun Mountains.

There are rumors that after bathing in dragon blood, there is a high chance that the divine dragon phantom will condense.

For the sake of future generations, the major masters of the human race went to Kunlun to prepare to hunt the dragon.

That battle was extremely fierce, dragon blood spilled all over the earth, and although the dragon was finally killed, the human race also suffered heavy losses.

In the Kunlun Valley, a treasure medicine plant evolved after bathing in dragon blood, and finally turned into a dragon's blood fruit.

Taking the dragon blood fruit also has a certain chance of condensing the divine dragon phantom.

Later, in order to compete for the dragon blood fruit, humans once again had a fierce battle with demon beasts.

But this time humanity failed miserably.

Because a super existence that surpassed the demon king was born in the Kunlun Mountain - Bai Ze.

Since then, there has been no sense of humanity and he has stepped into the Kunlun Mountains at will.

Fortunately, although Bai Ze is strong, he does not kill, as long as the human race does not attack Kunlun Mountain, it will not make a move.

Su Wan'er took a deep breath and suppressed her unrealistic thoughts, feeling that she must have seen it wrong.

How could it be the dragon's blood fruit in front of you?

That precious thing could not have been in such a place anyway.

Once, their Su family spent a great price in order to get a few.

Su Qingxue picked up one and handed it over: "Aunt, you taste it, it's really delicious."

Su Wan'er also hesitated, but still took it, she still had a trace of doubt in her heart.

Take a gentle bite and the fragrance of the flesh explodes on your taste buds.

A familiar smell pervades the mouth.

"This smell, is it..."

Su Wan'er's beautiful eyes widened, and her eyes showed disbelief.

This taste was very familiar to her, exactly the same as the taste of the top treasure medicine in the past.

After quickly eating a fruit, she carefully senses the changes in her body.

"Really... Really!! Su

Wan'er's delicate body trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes showed strong disbelief.

Su Qingxue licked her red lips and sighed: "I really don't know which supermarket Big Brother Ye grabbed this kind of fruit, the taste is really unspeakable, I have never eaten such a delicious fruit before."

Ye Xiaoman said proudly: "That's, my brother doesn't have other skills, but it's definitely a lever in buying things."

"Not only is it cheap, but it tastes really good."

Listening to the conversation between the two girls, Su Wan'er no longer knew what to say.

That's dragon's blood fruit, can it be delicious?

"You guys talk first, I'll go change clothes."

Ye Xiaoman glanced at the pajamas on his body and said to the two women.

After she left, Su Wan'er hurriedly said: "Qingxue, eat a few more, such a good opportunity is a rare encounter in a hundred years." Seeing

Su Qingxue's doubts, she explained in a low voice: "This is not a special fruit at all, this is the legendary dragon blood fruit."

Su Qingxue looked dazed: "Dragon Blood Fruit, what is that?" "

The Dragon Blood Fruit is the top treasure medicine, and only a few people have heard of it, so Su Qingxue doesn't know.

Su Wan'er explained quickly.

After learning the truth of the matter, Su Qingxue's beautiful eyes widened and looked at the dragon blood fruit on the plate in a daze.

At this moment, she seemed to finally know why Ye Xiaoman was so talented.

Eating these things every day, can talent be bad?

Then, she stared at the fruit on her plate with glowing eyes.

Su Wan'er also picked up one and began to chew it slowly.

At this moment, she had no doubt in her heart, and she was very sure that Ye Xiaofan was a senior master.

Dragon's blood fruit, a precious thing, is casually taken out to entertain guests.

Such a generous approach, not to mention their Su family, I am afraid that it is difficult for the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom to do it.

She secretly looked at the golden toad and the old hen, and a solemnity flashed in her eyes.

If Ye Xiaofan is a senior master, then the two in front of him are also very likely to be two top demon kings.


A hovering car drove into the residential area, and two people sat on it, Xiao Luoli and Qin Feng.

Qin Zhentian and the two did not believe it, but Qin Feng believed a little in his heart and planned to come and take a look.

Looking at the dilapidated and simple house in front of him, Qin Feng couldn't believe it.

That kind of hermit high-ranking person actually lives in such a place?

"Luo Li, how far is it?" He asked impatiently, wanting to see the hermit master quickly.

"Cousin, don't worry, it's almost here."

As soon as Xiao Luoli finished speaking, she saw a group of people around the supermarket in front of her left.

In the middle of the crowd, a bald young man was arguing with a young cashier.

"Obviously you still want to find me for four cents, who asked you to exchange it for a lollipop for me without authorization."

"I don't have children at home, what are you doing with my lollipop?" The bald young man looked unhappy: "You guys are buying and selling, I want to report you." The

young cashier looked confused and said apologetically: "Sorry sir, we have no change here."

"It's okay without change, who stipulates it, you have no king's law, call your boss to me." The bald youth loudly refuted.

The young cashier looked impatient, took out a piece of money from his pocket and handed it to the bald young man: "The boss is not there, I'll give you a dollar, let's go quickly." The

bald young man not only did not answer, but became even more angry: "I sent you this dollar? I am dissatisfied with your approach, you actually took a dollar to insult me, called your boss, and must apologize to me today. The

onlookers around secretly shook their heads, thinking that this little girl was really unlucky enough to actually encounter this bar spirit.

Ye Xiaofan is very famous in this area, firstly, he especially likes to raise the bar with people, and secondly, he is very good at bargaining.

For example, right now, don't try to reason with him, because you can't talk to him.

"That's Big Brother Ye!?" Xiao Luoli looked surprised.

Qin Feng was a little confused: "That is the hermit master you said??" "

The existence of raising two top demon kings actually quarreled with the supermarket cashier for a few cents.

Such a big contrast made it difficult for him to accept for a while.

A trace of doubt arose in his heart, the person in front of him was really a peerless powerhouse?

Xiao Luoli parked the car and said to Qin Feng: "I'll go down and take a look." "

I'll go too." Qin Feng also followed and got out of the car.

Ye Xiaofan was imposing: "Hurry up and call your boss, you must give me an explanation today."

The young cashier was about to cry: "This big brother, our boss is really not there, am I wrong, I'll give you money, you can leave here quickly."

Ye Xiaofan just wanted to speak, but heard a shout behind him.

Turning his head to look, he suddenly saw Xiao Luoli waving at him.

"Hmph, I still have business, so I won't worry about you this time."

Ye Xiaofan snatched the dollar coin from the cashier's hand, then turned around and walked out of the supermarket quickly.

The cashier and the onlookers looked confused.

Doesn't it mean that you can't see it?

Is this a god horse operation?


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