"Why are you all here today? Is there any happy event?

Ye Xiaofan looked at Xiao Luoli with a curious expression.

The latter was curious: "Who else is coming?"

"It's the girl who was with you last time." Ye Xiaofan explained.

Xiao Luoli's eyes showed abruptness, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, we just want to come and see Xiao Man." "

Brother Ye, let's go, I'll take you for a ride."

Qin Feng looked at Ye Xiaofan carefully, but did not see the slightest difference.

The bald young man in front of him was wearing a white T-shirt, with two big justices written on his back, looking a little natural, without the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power and qi and blood power on his body, just like the mortals around him.

He once again doubted in his heart that the person in front of him was really a hermit powerhouse???

Xiao Luoli introduced: "Brother Ye, this is my cousin Qin Feng.

Ye Xiaofan stretched out his palm with a warm face: "Hello, hello, my name is Ye Xiaofan, and I am the brother of this girl's classmate."

Qin Feng stretched out his hand to shake Ye Xiaofan, and also introduced himself: "My name is Qin Feng."

Ye Xiaofan nodded, and was just about to withdraw his palm, but found a force coming from his palm.

Looking in surprise, he found that Qin Feng was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Huh, come to this?

Ye Xiaofan held his palm lightly, exerting one billionth of his strength.

Qin Feng, who was originally smiling, suddenly changed his face.

He only felt a terrifying force coming from the palm of his hand, and wanted to resist, but in front of this power, his power was like the difference between Firefly and Haoyue.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "This handsome guy, what's wrong with you?" Is it uncomfortable?

Xiao Luoli also noticed that Qin Feng's expression was wrong, and said curiously: "Cousin, why does your face look a little white, what's wrong?"

Qin Feng couldn't say it bitterly, he originally wanted to test Ye Xiaofan, but instead he lifted a stone and hit his own feet.

Just when he couldn't bear it a little, Ye Xiaofan suddenly let go of his hand.

Qin Feng withdrew his slightly trembling hand, and said with a strong smile: "It's okay, it's okay, let's get out of here quickly." "

The three got into the hovercar and drove out of here.

After a while, the hovercar drove outside the small courtyard.

Several people got out of the car and entered the small courtyard, and the three women in the courtyard suddenly looked over.

When she saw the person coming, Su Qingxue beckoned: "Luo Li, big brother Ye."

Xiao Luoli walked over quickly and complained, "Qingxue, when did you come over?" Don't call me.

Su Qingxue chuckled, "Don't be angry, I just came over not long ago." Seeing

Ye Xiaofan again, Su Wan'er did not dare to have the slightest contempt in her heart.

Qin Feng looked around after entering the courtyard, but he didn't see the slightest surprise, but with the previous lesson, he didn't dare to be careless.

Ye Xiaofan patted the back of Ye Xiaoman's head: "Okay, hurry up and help cook."

"Brother, don't hit me on the head."

The girl glared at Ye Xiaofan angrily, and then greeted Xiao Luoli and several people: "Sister Luoli, you talk first, I'll go and help my brother."

After that, she followed Ye Xiaofan into the kitchen.

After a while, he came out again, and came out with a plate of fruit in his hand: "Sister Luo Li, the meal will have to wait for a while, you guys eat some fruit first." "

Dragons... Dragon's Blood Fruit !!

After seeing the fruit on the plate again, Qin Feng's pupils shrank and rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had seen it wrong.

After repeated confirmation, it was found that the fruit on the plate was the same as the legendary dragon's blood fruit.

He never expected that he would not see the dragon blood fruit here.

Seeing Qin Feng's expression different, Ye Xiaoman said a little embarrassed: "Sister Luoli, I know that the things you eat on weekdays are very expensive, although this fruit is a special fruit that my brother grabbed from the supermarket, it tastes very good, I hope you don't dislike it." "

Supermarket grab fruit specials ???"

Qin Feng was speechless for a while, and Ye Xiaofan really dared to say it.

It actually said that dragon's blood fruit was a special price fruit grabbed by supermarkets.

That's really nobody.

"Don't dislike, don't dislike."

Xiao Luoli quickly shook her head, grabbed one and nibbled it, and then her eyes shone: "Xiao Man, which supermarket did this fruit grab from, this taste is really good, much more delicious than those fruits in our family." The

two women of Su Qingxue on the side were speechless for a while, can the heart be delicious? This is a top-notch medicine.

Qin Feng also stepped forward and picked one up and stuffed it into his mouth.

After tasting the taste, he was finally convinced that the fruit in front of him was 100% clear.

He no longer had doubts in his heart, and he was sure that Ye Xiaofan was probably a peerless powerhouse.

Ye Xiaoman put the fruit plate down, then turned around and entered the kitchen.

Seeing that Su Qingxue and the two did not eat, Xiao Luoli wondered: "Qingxue, why don't you eat."

Su Qingxue shook her head: "Luo Li, you... You guys eat, we've just eaten.

Xiao Luoli was stunned and continued: "It's okay, eat a little more, it's quite a lot anyway."

Su Qingxue shook her head: "No... No need, my aunt and I have already eaten a lot. Seeing

that Xiao Luoli still wanted to persuade again, Qin Feng leaned over and whispered a few words.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes showed shock.

First looked at Su Qingxue and the two, and then looked at the few fruits left on the plate, she decisively shut up.


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