The eyes of several demon emperors were cold, and they quickly looked at the two who spoke.

Ye Xiaofan also looked over.

Situ Jing looked indignant and looked very angry.

"Master, let me go and slaughter those two guys." Jin Wanjin's voice was full of killing intent.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand: "Let me deal with it."

He walked in front of Situ Jing and looked the female chief in front of him up and down.

There is a heroic air between her eyebrows, and just from her appearance, she knows that she is a woman with a strong sense of justice.

It's normal to be able to say that.

Situ Jing said coldly, "What to see?" Dead fat, God is unfair, only let me Situ Jing fall into the hands of garbage scum like you, want to kill or kill, listen to the respect, our Situ Jingruo frowned, it was raised by a bitch. The

faces of the military in Donghai Base City changed slightly, and although Situ Jing said what they wanted to say, it was very likely to cause murder.

Ye Xiaofan showed a smile in his eyes, not angry, and said with a smile: "In this way, I will ask you a few questions, if you can answer them, I will release you."

A flash of surprise flashed in Situ Jing's eyes and said, "You asked."

"Listen to what you just meant, you call yourself a righteous man, don't you?"

Ye Xiaofan asked the first question.

Without thinking, Situ Jing replied, "Of course, our Situ Jing has acted with a clear conscience in his life, and it is by no means comparable to an unscrupulous scum like you who colludes with demon beasts and robs others."

All the military people nodded one after another, indeed, Situ Jing was such a person.

I don't know how much I have paid for Donghai Base City over the years.

Ye Xiaofan still had a smile on his face and continued to ask, "Is it?" That Xiong Xinzhu's sister died unjustly, and countless people in the Xiong family died, why didn't you, as the head of Base City, seek justice for the citizens of Base City?

Situ Jing's expression froze, and he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

"Hehe, aren't you unashamed of your heart? Why not answer?

Ye Xiaofan asked with a smile, and there was no joy or anger in his voice.

Seeing that Situ Jing didn't answer, Ye Xiaofan asked again: "Listen to what you mean, you seem to hate demon beasts?"

Situ Jing took a deep breath and nodded, his eyes showing a light of hatred: "Those beasts deserve to die, I can't wait to kill them."

Ye Xiaofan smiled again and asked, "The creatures that belong to the same blue star, why should they die?"

Situ Jing didn't hesitate to say, "Shouldn't they die when they attack human beings, destroy our human homeland, and commit all kinds of crimes?"

Ye Xiaofan asked again, "Then why would they do this?"

"Of course, because those beasts are inhuman and are savage monsters, those beasts should not have wisdom and strength."

Hearing these words, all the demon beasts glared angrily, and those eyes couldn't wait to tear Situ Jing alive.

"Human nature?"

Ye Xiaofan smiled, his smile full of irony.

Situ Jing said coldly, "What are you laughing at?" The

smile on Ye Xiaofan's face slowly converged, and he asked in a deep voice: "Is the humanity in your mouth the boundless slaughter created by human beings against countless animals and plants?"

"Compared to the sins that human beings have committed, what the demon beast is doing now is nothing, at most it is just a courtesy exchange."

The voice was deafening, and the hearts of the humans and monsters present trembled.

Some demon beasts had tears in their eyes, but they didn't expect that these words would come out of the mouth of a human.

That's what they say.

If it weren't for the accumulated anger, all kinds of demon beasts would not have gone crazy attacking humans.

After all, dealing with humans also comes at a cost.

The humans fell silent.

Situ Jing gritted her teeth and said, "You... You... You're saying a tough word.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed a mocking smile and continued: "There is nothing bad about the way in the current world, it is just natural selection.

"I'll tell you the truth, with the ability of the poor path, you can kill all the demon beasts on the blue star."

When the forces heard this, they were horrified in their hearts, and looked at Ye Xiaofan in disbelief.

Don't talk about them Dragon Country.

Even if you add several other countries on Blue Star, I am afraid that they dare not say such a big thing.

Ye Xiaofan ignored everyone's expressions and said to himself, "But why should I do this? Kill all the monsters and plunge humanity into endless infighting?

Situ Jing was silent.

Because that's right.

In human history, there have been so many wars.

The number of deaths is countless times greater than in the shemale war.

"And even at this time, human beings are still intrigued, and the major family chaebols are fighting for their own interests."

Ye Xiaofan sneered, "Such a human being, why should the poor road save it?"

Situ Jing stopped talking at all, because she didn't know what to say at all.

This is indeed the case.

In today's Dragon Kingdom, the major families and chaebols are constantly fighting.

If we are closely together, the situation is definitely much better.

The eyes of the forces were inexplicable, and they only felt that the fat Taoist priest in front of him was a master who had experienced red dust and had a deep Taoist practice.

Just as they were thinking like this, they heard Ye Xiaofan say: "Fellow Daoists, is there any truth in what you said about the poor road? The

demon beasts all nodded in agreement, while the humans only partially agreed, and the other part, although they did not agree, did not say anything to refute it.

A kind smile appeared on Ye Xiaofan's face: "Then since this is the case, all the Daoists will give the treasures on their bodies to the Poor Dao, let the Poor Dao take it back to build a Taoist temple, and spread these moralities to all sentient beings in the world." The

corners of the mouths of all the forces twitched, and the admiration that had been hard to arise in their hearts disappeared, and some demons couldn't help but say: "Dao Chief, haven't you monks always paid attention to money and things outside your body?" Why do you want so many treasures? It

was a rat demon who spoke, and it also saw that Ye Xiaofan was not a murderer, so it dared to ask.

Ye Xiaofan sighed: "Hey! Money is indeed something outside the body, but life is not easy, and there is no way to be poor.

"Moreover, Poor Dao once issued a great wish, we must solve the hatred between humans and monsters and lead the two races to establish an era of peace and friendship."

"And if you want to do all this, you can't do without money, and there is no way to rob all the Taoists."

Ye Xiaofan looked heartbroken: "Don't hide it from all the Daoists, every time the poor Dao does this kind of thing, it will be very painful."

"That kind of pain is incomprehensible to ordinary people, but for the sake of all sentient beings in the world, Poor Dao is willing to bear this pain alone."

Seeing Ye Xiaofan's righteous and awe-inspiring look, all the forces were speechless for a while, and they were refreshed by the shamelessness of the fat Taoist priest in front of them.

Even a group of pets and Qin Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

Let's just say, you have to have a degree of face, right?

Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?

The rat demon sighed and said bitterly, "Dao Chief, for the sake of you speaking for my demon clan earlier, I will give you the opportunity I have obtained."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up: "Thank you Daoyou." With

the rat demon taking the lead, the other demon beasts also opened their mouths one after another, expressing their willingness to give away the opportunity they got.

It's still painful, but it's much better than before.

At least the fat Taoist priest in front of him looked quite pleasant.

In the end, even the Peacock King spoke, and it looked at Ye Xiaofan with burning eyes: "Dao Chief, you are the first human to speak for my demon clan, this emperor admires, it is no problem to let this emperor hand over the treasures on his body, but this emperor has one condition."

Jin Wanjin reprimanded: "Daring, it is already extrajudicial grace for the master not to kill you, you flat-haired beast actually dares to raise conditions."

The Peacock King glanced at Jin Wanjin with cold eyes, and then continued to Ye Xiaofan: "Dao Chief, the conditions of this emperor are very simple, only seek a fair battle with this toad spirit, as long as you agree, I will take the initiative to hand over the opportunity I got, otherwise this emperor will never compromise even if he blows himself up." "

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