Jin Wanjin said coldly: "Master, this flat-haired beast is inch-inch, and I will slaughter it."

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand to stop: "Ah Jin, this peacock Taoist friend said that it was a fair battle, why, aren't you afraid?"

Although Jin Wanjin felt a little weak in his heart, his face showed a proud color: "How is it possible?" How could this emperor be afraid of a flat-haired beast.

Ye Xiaofan nodded with a smile: "That's right, as a poor demon pet, how can you be weaker than others?" Go, poor road optimistic about you. The

corners of Jin Wanjin's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt the urge to give himself two big mouths.

The Peacock King had resumed his actions at this time: "Toad Spirit, this emperor sees that you are in the middle of the Inscription Realm, and this emperor also uses the strength of the middle of the Inscription Realm to fight you. "

Speaking of which, it suppressed its strength to the middle of the Inscription Realm.

Being looked at by so many pairs of eyes, Jin Wanjin naturally couldn't be timid, and snorted coldly: "I'm afraid that you won't be able to make it with a flat-haired beast?" "

The next moment, the two demon emperors flew into the air and began a shocking battle.

After a while, a huge golden toad fell, fell with a blue nose and a swollen face, and its snow-white belly was facing upward, looking a little funny.

Then a white peacock flew down, and there was some blood stained on its hair, but it was much better than the golden toad.

"Toad spirit, this time for the sake of the face of the Dao Chief, I will spare you."

The Peacock King glanced at Jin Wanjin, and then opened his mouth to spit out a storage ring, took out the contents inside, and handed it to Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan took it with a smile, and seeing that the Peacock King planned to leave, he immediately spoke: "The Peacock Daoist is friendly and slow."

Peacock King Fox looked suspicious: "The Dao Chief still has something."

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "Daoist friends are really temperamental, poor Dao likes it very much, stay and eat before leaving." The

Peacock King wanted to refuse, but looked at Qin Feng and the others who were taking care of the tiger's legs on the side, and chose to stay.

"Since the Dao Elder invited you, then the emperor is not polite."

Seeing that all the demons have handed over things, the human side has no choice, and can only hand over the opportunity obtained.

Ye Xiaofan's mouth was almost at the root of his ear, and he said with a smile: "The gifts of all Daoists, keep the poor road in mind, don't leave, stay and eat a fasting meal." Hearing

this, all the forces suddenly stopped their figures, their eyes brushed together to look at the tiger legs in the distance, and some people swallowed their saliva.

It was the flesh and blood of the peak demon emperor, and most of the people present had not eaten it.

But there are also those who don't want to stay.

Situ Jing shouted to the group of military men, "Follow me out of here." Someone

whispered: "Chief, anyway, the opportunities in the secret realm are almost scavenged, let's eat and leave."

Situ Jing said coldly, "We, the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom, can't we eat the food that comes from us." "

Get out of here with me."

But no one moved.

Situ Jing's face sank: "Why, you want to disobey the military order?" Someone

whispered: "Chief, that is the flesh and blood of the Tiger King, but you can't ask for it, don't be stubborn, stay and eat a little, and we were robbed by that Taoist priest, it's not too much to eat a meal from him."

Situ Jingqi's chest heaved and he scolded, "I'll say it again, leave here with me immediately." "

Several of the diehard subordinates have some changes, and they are still quite afraid of Situ Jing.

But at this moment, Ye Xiaofan took out a large number of treasure medicines, and when he looked at it, there were thousands of them.

"Girl, come and clean these treasure medicines, and use them for stewed broth later."

After that, he took out another piece of dragon meat and ordered Qin Feng to add it as well.

Eating dragon and tiger meat in Dragon Tiger Mountain is the most suitable.

All the forces only felt a majestic qi and blood coming towards them, and they all looked at the dragon meat in shock.

They were sure that the owner of the dragon meat must have gone beyond the realm of inscriptions during his lifetime.

As soon as he thought of this, all the forces gasped.

"Chief, let's stay and have a meal before leaving."

The few people who were originally going to leave with Situ Jing suddenly dismissed their thoughts, and their eyes were hot.

This kind of opportunity, missed can not be the next time.

Situ Jingqi's chest rose and fell, and finally gritted his teeth and stayed.

No way, Ye Xiaofan gave too much.

Just the blood and flesh of the Tiger King plus those treasure medicines are incredible, and now there is another piece of dragon meat.

The broth stewed by the three is no longer a simple broth, it is a peerless medicine.

Just thinking about it, the forces were thrilled in their hearts.

The depression of being robbed by chance also dissipated a lot, and the gaze that looked at Ye Xiaofan was also a little smoother.

This unscrupulous Taoist priest finally has a little bit of humanity.

At least be willing to treat them to a big meal.

All the forces present were in a much better mood, only the Wang family was very sad.

Because they are still being given by the dragon pattern black gold ding at the moment.

Ye Xiaofan walked to the front of several people from the Wang family and smiled at Wang Fangshan: "My Daoist Youyin Hall is black, and there is blood between my eyebrows, I am afraid that my life will not be long."

Wang Fangshan was about to cry, he never expected to provoke such an existence.

"Senior, spare your life, as long as you spare us, my Wang family is willing to pay any price." He wept and begged for mercy.

Ye Xiaofan chanted: "Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, the calamity of the Daoist is not here in the Poor Dao, sorry, the Poor Dao can't do anything." Saying

that, he beckoned to Xiong Xinzhu and Xiong Cai'e not far away.

The two women suddenly walked over murderously.

"I'll take care of you."

The two women quickly thanked them: "Thank you senior."

Ye Xiaofan left with a smile, and then walked towards the main hall in front.

I only heard a terrible howl behind me.

Phoenix Ji and several demons immediately flew over.

"Master, there are three talismans in the main hall, and we cannot uncover them." Ichthyosaurus said.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed an interested look: "Wait for me to take a look." Seeing

this, the other powerhouses also followed, wanting to see if Ye Xiaofan could uncover those three talismans.

A group of strong people entered the main hall again, and Ye Xiaofan saw the three talismans on the stone tablet at a glance.

He stepped to the stone tablet and grabbed one of the talismans, and before he could exert his strength, the talismans fell off and turned into a cloud of ashes.

Ye Xiaofan turned his head with a stunned expression, and looked at the forces suspiciously.

A group of people and demons were also stunned, and the talisman that they could not uncover together was actually revealed so easily.

Are they too weak? Or is the fat Taoist priest in front of you too strong?

Or maybe they didn't find the right way.

Ye Xiaofan continued to unveil the second talisman, but it was still easily removed, just like before, it turned into a cloud of ashes just after being removed.

Then came the third one, and the result was still the same.

The forces watching are a little skeptical of life.

Ye Xiaofan looked at the ashes in his hand, and then at the stone tablet under him, his eyes showing dazedness.

In the main hall of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, there were three pieces of waste paper?

The forces were also at a loss.

Just when everyone was at a loss, a crisp clicking sound suddenly sounded, like the sound of something shattering.

When the forces heard the sound, they saw that a dense crack appeared on the stone stele, and a cold aura permeated from the crack.


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