"This is??"

The pupils of all the forces shrank, only to feel a cold aura rushing towards them, and subconsciously retreated.

Almost all of the people present were experts, but even so, they still felt a cold that penetrated the bone marrow from this black qi, and their bodies couldn't help but shiver.

Click, click, click....

There were more and more cracks on the stone stele, and finally it exploded with a bang, turning into a ball of powder.

In the original location of the stele, a hole appeared.

Majestic Yin Qi surged out from within.

The forces only felt a cold chill hitting their souls, and their faces couldn't help but change drastically, and at the same time quickly retreated towards the outside of the hall.

Only Ye Xiaofan stayed.

He seemed to have guessed something, and his eyes were fixed on the raging black gas hole in front of him.

"Isn't there something sealed in there?"

He muttered, ready to get closer.

At this moment, the entire main hall swayed, and then began to collapse.

Ye Xiaofan's face changed slightly, and he quickly retreated, he didn't want to be buried in the ruins.

As soon as he withdrew, the main hall collapsed with a bang.

The forces were shocked in their hearts, they had fought in the main hall before, and they could not damage it in the slightest.

This shows the strength of the main temple, but now it has collapsed.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand and put away the dragon pattern black gold ding.

"Boy, what did you do again?"

Ye Xiaofan shook his head: "I don't know, it's just that three talismans have been revealed." A

voice suddenly came from Dingnei: "What? Shouldn't you have uncovered the talisman of the three talents of heaven and earth to seal the Great Array? The

voice was exactly from the Five Thunder Talismans.

"It's over, you have broken into a big disaster, and the seal is broken, the evil spirit will definitely come out to cause disaster to the world, and then it will definitely be a misery of life."

The voice of the five thunder talismans seemed a little flustered, and it seemed that he was very afraid of the so-called hungry ghost.

"Release the old man and ask him what's going on."

Ye Xiaofan gave an order to the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding.

The golden light flashed, and a golden talisman flew out, and then turned into a golden-robed old man.

Ye Xiaofan said angrily, "What evil ghost? Make it clear. The

Five Thunder Fu looked at the black qi rushing in front of him, and explained in a panicked voice: "It is said that under this main peak, there is a demon from hell sealed, its strength is very terrifying, and it is murderous, and it took a lot of effort to seal it in the early Heavenly Masters. The

forces not far away also listened with horror.

Not to mention the evil ghost sealed below, the black qi that permeated with the power of cold alone made them a little unbearable.

You can imagine how terrifying that hungry ghost is.

If it is born, it will have unpredictable consequences.

Some people felt timid in their hearts and planned to flee the place.

In Xiong Xinzhu's body, the Blood Bamboo King's voice was solemn: "This breath is really from hell, it's bad, I'm afraid there is a terrifying guy sealed below."

"Girl, get out of here quickly, or you'll be in trouble when that thing comes out."

Xiong Xinzhu shook his head: "No, I want to advance and retreat with the seniors, and the seniors are so strong, there will definitely be no accident." The

Blood Bamboo King said angrily: "Girl, when is it?" Do you still believe in that bastard Taoist, do you know how terrifying the evil spirits from hell are? That is an existence that even immortals can kill. Although that kid had a broken immortal weapon, he was by no means an opponent of the evil spirit.

"I think he is a troublemaker, you better stay away from him, otherwise you don't know how to die."

No matter what the Blood Bamboo King said, Xiong Xinzhu did not agree to escape.

Ye Xiaofan had great favors for her, and she couldn't just walk away.

Moreover, the girl had a blind confidence in Ye Xiaofan in her heart, feeling that there was nothing that the other party could not solve.

In Qin Feng's body, the monk also urged: "Little benefactor, I'm afraid that the things below are not simple, you'd better leave here quickly, otherwise I'm afraid that your life will be in danger." But

Qin Feng's choice is the same as Xiong Xinzhu.

The monk sighed helplessly: "Little benefactor, why are you here?"

Just as the forces were trembling, a hoarse laugh suddenly came from the collapsed Lord Highness.

"Hahaha, how many years? Honza finally smelled the fresh air. "


The ruins of the main hall exploded, and then a majestic yin qi gushed out.

In an instant, endless yin qi covered the heavenly dome and permeated this heaven and earth.

All the forces trembled, ice slag appeared on the surface of their bodies, and their lips were frozen.

In the scene, only Ye Xiaofan had nothing to do.

Under the gaze of all the forces, a snow-white skull gushed out along the black qi.

It made a few turns in the air before it steadied itself and then took a few sharp breaths into the air.

"The fresh air that has been absent for a long time is so refreshing."

"Hahaha, Zhang Daoling, you never dreamed of it, this seat will see the light of day again."

"You wait, Honza will seek revenge on you one day."

Then it grunted in a circle, staring at the people and demons present with a pair of empty eyes, and asked, "Who opened the seal and released the throne?" The

people and demons present only felt their hair tremble, as if there was some peerless horror in front of them.

Just looking at it creeps them out, let alone talk.

Although they were afraid in their hearts, they wanted to laugh a little.

Because that skull is a little strange.

There are three scars on his left eye, and three gold teeth in one of his snow-white teeth.

Where is the evil spirit? If you come back with a turban, you will be a dead pirate, okay?

Although some wanted to laugh, they did not dare.

The Lord in front of him is not easy to mess with.

The Five Thunder Fu was a little frightened and quickly hid behind Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan raised his hand and said, "It's me." The

skull opened its mouth and inhaled, and the black qi that permeated the heavens and the earth gathered, and finally turned into a pitch-black flame that wrapped around the skull.

"Boy, Honza has always had clear grievances, you help Honza break the seal in advance, Honza can fulfill your three wishes."

The eyes of all the forces froze, and the skull in front of them did not seem to be a murderer.

Ye Xiaofan was a little curious and said, "I want to ask, do you also watch the Pirate King?" "

Forces:"??? Skull

: "??? No

one on either side expected that Ye Xiaofan would ask such a question.

The skull said blankly, "What is that?"

"That seems to be my guess wrong." Ye Xiaofan muttered softly, and then asked, "I heard that you are from hell?"

The skull said proudly: "Yes, this seat is from the 18th floor of hell, and it is the "Corpse Demon King" who is famous as the hell.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed curiosity again: "What does hell look like?" Does it really look scary like it looks like it does on TV? "

All forces:"..."

Corpse Demon King: "..."

Big brother, can you ask something normal?"


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