The Corpse Demon King was a little annoyed: "Boy, what do you mean?"

Ye Xiaofan said with a smile: "It's okay, the poor road is just simple curiosity." The

Corpse Demon King spoke indifferently: "Once again, this seat is willing to help you fulfill three wishes, do you say your wishes?"

Ye Xiaofan touched the back of his head and

asked him what he wanted.

There were two wishes that he wanted to fulfill the most.

The first is to grow hair, and the second is to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm as soon as possible.

Growing hair here must not be said, after all, the appearance has changed.

So he said, "That, can you help me break through to the Purple Mansion Realm?"

As soon as these words came out, all the forces present were confused, and even thought that they had heard it wrong.

The unscrupulous Taoist priest who couldn't do it with all their forces combined actually said at this moment that he wanted to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm, so he was sure he wasn't joking?

If true, this is a big deal.

In other words, they were actually robbed by a guy from the Qi and Blood Realm.

Is this possible?

The forces will never believe it.

The Corpse Demon King's voice was surprised: "Are you sure you're not joking with Honza?" "

Ye Xiaofan can uncover the sealing talisman, but it is actually just the Qi and Blood Realm.

How is this possible?

Ye Xiaofan nodded seriously: "Yes, I want to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm." The

Corpse Demon King was furious: "Boy, you dare to play the honza? "

How can the Qi and Blood Realm uncover the sealing talisman.

This clearly showed that Ye Xiaofan was playing him.

Ye Xiaofan was a little confused, this was obviously his true thoughts.

"That, little skeleton, what I said is true, more true than real gold."

He swore his promise.

The Corpse Demon King was even more angry when he heard this: "Ants, this seat is in vain, you actually don't appreciate it, and you dare to tease this seat, you humans are really despicable and shameless." "

Ye Xiaofan is even more confused, if he doesn't agree, he won't agree, how can this rise to a personal attack?

"Death to Honza."

The Corpse Demon King roared, and the terrifying coercion spread, and the faces of all the forces present turned pale, and they knelt down in unison, unable to resist this coercion at all.

Only Ye Xiaofan didn't react.

"If you have suffered, this evil devil is going to get angry, so run away."

Five Thunder Fu's face was full of panic, and he turned around and prepared to flee away, but was stopped by Ye Xiaofan.

"What's going on with you old man? What about your arrogance at that time? A broken skeleton scares you like this, what is the use of you talking about you?

Ye Xiaofan's voice was a little displeased.

The Five Thunder Fu urged, "You don't know how terrifying the evil ghosts from hell are, so hurry up and run for your life."

"Don't go anywhere, if you dare to run, I will punch you."

Ye Xiaofan said with a cold face, and then ordered the dragon pattern black gold ding: "Xiaoding, suppress him for me." "

The dragon pattern black gold ding quickly became larger, like a fairy mountain suspended above the sky, the dragon pattern on the top wall flashed with divine light, and mysterious immortal light spewed out from the ding's mouth.

A huge heavenly power spread out, canceling out that coercion.

"Hehe, a broken immortal weapon, you also dare to make a move with this seat, and you don't measure your strength."

The Corpse Demon King's voice was disdainful, and the black qi he spit out condensed into substance and turned into a tall demon.

The evil ghost has green fangs and six arms, looking extremely terrifying, and the aura around his body is like an abyss, making people tremble.

"Devil, Hugh is arrogant."

The dragon pattern black gold ding shouted angrily, and fell towards the blue-faced devil.


The immeasurable divine light erupted, and this void seemed to collapse.

The six arms of the demon were raised high and took the falling giant ding abruptly, and then one of the arms squeezed the fist mark and smashed it out blatantly.


The sound of metal collision shocked people's eardrums, and the dragon pattern black gold ding was smashed out by this huge force.

The evil ghost's feet kicked on the ground, and its huge body suddenly shot out and chased towards Juding.

Subsequently, a terrorist war broke out in the distant sky.

There was a continuous roar in the ears of all the forces, and at the same time, there was a brilliant divine light shining in the sky.

The forces were stunned, and their eyes were full of shock.

They felt that even just a wisp of gas in the big war could wipe them all out.

The peacock king's eyes skyrocketed, and there was yearning and worship in his eyes.

This is the real Xeon.

Some people and demons have similar expressions, but more people and demons are afraid in their eyes, afraid that they will not be able to leave here alive.

"Girl, hurry up, that broken immortal weapon is not the opponent's."

The Blood Bamboo King urged Xiong Xinzhu again.

But the girl refused again: "Master, don't be afraid, aren't there still seniors?" The

Blood Bamboo King smiled angrily: "That kid is a silver-like wax spearhead, if it weren't for the broken immortal weapon, do you think he dares to be so arrogant?"

Xiong Xinzhu hesitated and said, "Master, I feel that the strength of the predecessor is very strong, and the original five thunder talismans are not his enemies. The

Blood Bamboo King was even more speechless: "That's just a broken five-thunder talisman, looking at bluffing, there is no way to compare with the evil ghost in front of you, hurry up and leave here, otherwise you won't be able to leave later."

On the other side, the monk was also bitterly persuading Qin Feng to leave quickly.

But the latter, like Xiong Xinzhu, chose to believe Ye Xiaofan.

"Master, rest assured, the senior is very strong, and there will be no accident."

Qin Feng did not panic in the slightest, and his voice showed trust in Ye Xiaofan.

The monk could only sigh helplessly: "Little benefactor, you don't know how fearful the demons from hell are? Some

people and demons couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts and got up and planned to escape.

But just as they made a move, their bodies suddenly turned into ice sculptures, and the slammed behind their ears into ice slag.

The faces of the others and demons changed drastically, and they did not dare to run away again.

The Corpse Demon King spoke coldly: "Whoever dares to act without permission, there is no pardon for killing." There

was a chill in the hearts of the forces, and despair welled up in their eyes.

Looking at this situation, this evil spirit in front of them will not let them go.

Ye Xiaofan was not afraid at all, and asked with some curiosity: "Little skeleton, why are you sealed here?" The

Corpse Demon King looked at it coldly: "Boy, you are really not small, rest assured, this seat will let you die a very miserable death later."

Ye Xiaofan didn't care, and said with a smile: "Little skeleton, it's okay anyway, you can talk about it." The

forces were speechless for a while, this big brother is really not afraid of death.

Just when they thought that the Corpse Demon King was going to be angry, the next scene surprised them a little.

The corpse demon king in the sky actually explained.

"It's not because the group of despicable and shameless guys in the Tianshi Mansion came here to help mankind in vain, and in the end, that group of shameless and despicable people actually secretly calculated the throne."

These words were almost uttered through gritted teeth.

"You humans are all bird-like, vile and shameless, with no lower limit, and deserved to be destroyed back then."

There was a deep hatred of human beings in his voice.

The forces were a little curious in their hearts, what did the human race do to this guy in front of them back then? Is that why he hates humans so much?

At this moment, the great battle in the distance ended, and a black light flew over.

Looking at it, it was the shrunken dragon pattern black gold ding.

"Boy, Benxian is not that guy's opponent, you figure it out yourself."

After the dragon pattern black gold ding finished speaking, it turned into a black light and flew into Ye Xiaofan's eyebrows.


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