
As soon as the dragon pattern black gold ding returned, the blue-faced demon with three heads and six arms chased after him.

The roar shook the heavens and the earth, and all the forces only felt that their eardrums hurt, and red blood flowed out of their ear holes.

The five thunder talismans were so frightened that their faces turned panicked and planned to slip away.

Ye Xiaofan covered his ears with a look of disgust: "What the hell are you called?" Noisy to death. The

blood-red gaze of the green-faced demon immediately looked over, and the next moment, the mountain-like giant fist smashed over.

The sonic boom shook people's eardrums, and the space seemed to be torn apart.

The power is terrifying.


After a roar, the mountain-like giant fist stopped.

The forces present subconsciously looked at it, and their pupils suddenly shrank, and their eyes showed disbelief.

What do they see?

That mountain-like giant fist was actually uncovered by an unscrupulous Taoist priest with a finger.

Looking at his relaxed look, it seemed that he had just done something trivial.

Even the Corpse Demon King in the sky felt unbelievable.

Ye Xiaofan let go, and then flicked his fingers.


The mountain-like giant fist exploded, turning into a pitch-black mist.

First fists, then arms, and finally towards the body of the blue-faced demon.

Finally, under the incredulous gazes of all the forces, the six-armed demon exploded like that, turning into a thick and icy mist.

Ye Xiaofan opened his mouth and inhaled, and endless mist poured into his mouth.

After a while, all the mist was swallowed by him.

The mist was quickly absorbed by his body and turned into hundreds of golden divine dragons.

Together with the previous one, he once again managed to condense 1,000 golden divine dragons.

Then a thousand golden divine dragons fused into one, turning into a huge and boundless crimson-gold divine dragon.

Suspended side by side with another crimson-gold divine dragon in the gray space.


" Ye Xiaofan burped, his face showing disgust: "What broken thing?" It's hard to eat and die.

But after feeling the changes in his body, his eyes showed a fiery color: "Little skeleton, is there anything else?" One more point. "

The forces are dumbfounded, and they don't know what to say.

The Five Thunder Talismans, who were about to escape, stopped, and their old eyes widened, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

The Blood Bamboo King in Xiong Xinzhu's body and the monks in Qin Feng's body were also a little confused.

All this in front of them is somewhat different from what they imagined.

After the Corpse Demon King was stunned, he was furious: "Human, you... If you dare to be so presumptuous, this throne will rip your skin and cramps today, and the spirit will be used to light the lamp, so that you will never be able to live beyond life. "

The black flame that surrounded the entire skull burned even more vigorously, and the void was distorted by the incineration.


The ruins of the main hall below burst open again, and silver-white bones flew out.

A white bone shell was formed in the air, which docked with the skull in the sky to form a complete white bone body.

The skull opened its mouth and spewed out a mouthful of mist.

The mist twisted and squirmed, turning into a black robe, draped over the body of the Corpse Demon King, and wrapped his body.

An aura that was even more terrifying than before pervaded, and all the forces only felt panic in their hearts, as if a crisis of extinction was about to come.

"Humble human beings, suffer death."

The Corpse Demon King drank coldly, and a bone death scythe condensed out of thin air in his hand.

The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared from the place.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived in front of Ye Xiaofan, and the bone scythe in his hand swung down blatantly and went straight to Ye Xiaofan's Heavenly Spirit Cover.


Just like before, Ye Xiaofan easily took the scythe.

The Corpse Demon King's blood-red pupils fluctuated, seemingly unbelievable.

But the next moment, a fan-sized slap came over.


The Corpse Demon King was slapped apart on the spot and turned into white bones again.

The forces looked confused.

The Five Thunder Talismans blinked.

The Blood Bamboo King and the monk were relatively speechless.

Previously, the Corpse Demon King was majestic, and the terrifying coercion swept this world, like a supreme ghost king from hell.

The forces were terrified and desperate, and they only felt that their lives were not long in coming.

And that's the result???

But they knew that this was actually Ye Xiaofan's strength was too strong, so strong that they couldn't imagine it.

Shooting a top ghost king is as simple as shooting a fly.

Let them even have the illusion that they may be able to go up themselves.

Ye Xiaofan grabbed the skull that wanted to fly away, brought his head closer, and said with a smile: "Little skeleton, give you two choices, one, Poor Dao takes your bones back to feed the dog, and two, be the ghost pet of Poor Dao."

"Human, you dare to humiliate the throne, and the throne does not share the heavens with you."

The Corpse Demon King roared angrily, and the black flames above his head surged and swept towards Ye Xiaofan's arm, trying to burn it to death.

But it didn't work.

"What kind of flame is this? It's pretty hot.

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised, and then blew out a breath and directly blew out the black flame on the skull.

"This... How is this possible, the fire of the underworld can actually be blown out?? The

Corpse Demon King's voice trembled, and the blood light in his pupils surged violently, as if he was afraid.

"You... Who are you?

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "Poor Dao Ye Tiande is the savior sent by the heavens to save the world.

"Little skeleton, you are deeply sinful in the Poor Daoist Temple, put down the butcher knife, come to the poor road and sincerely repent, the poor road is willing to redeem you."

Ye Xiaofan was chattering, like a divine stick.

The corners of the mouths of the forces twitched, not knowing what to say at all.

The Corpse Demon King sneered: "If you want to make Honza submit, dream away."

"Daoist friends should not mistake themselves."

Ye Xiaofan admonished: "As long as you sincerely repent, the channel is willing to give you a chance to rehabilitate." The

Corpse Demon King pouted: "Just because you are a stinky Taoist, you also want to surpass the throne, it's really a fool's dream."

Ye Xiaofan looked at the tsundere skull and said lightly: "Since the Daoist friend is obsessed, then it is no wonder that the poor road is not realized."

As he spoke, he walked towards a few large iron pots, and at the same time said to himself: "I don't know what it tastes like for this hellish demon to stew soup?" The

forces looked confused.

This master actually planned to stew the skull.

How big of a brain does it have to be to do this.

Aren't you afraid of poisoning?

Oh, it seems that I am really not afraid.

The forces couldn't help but think of the scene where Ye Xiaofan swallowed the mist just now.

But you are not afraid, you have to think about how we are?

We are all just ordinary people and demons, eating problems, are you responsible?

The skull shook violently: "Stinky Taoist, you dare."

Ye Xiaofan ignored him at all, and strode towards the big iron pot, where hot air was bubbling in several large iron pots at the moment.

"I don't know if there is bone marrow under your bone, no, I have to check it myself."

Ye Xiaofan grabbed the skull with one hand and clenched his fist with the other, comforting: "You endure a little, just go down." "

What's it called?

Is that clear that it will be gone all at once?

The Corpse Demon King was finally terrified.

He knew Ye Xiaofan's strength, and if he really smashed down this time, he would not be allowed to die.


He immediately spoke: "I promise you, promise you is not okay?" "


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