In the end, the Corpse Demon King relented.

He just wanted to live.

Ye Xiaofan loosened his fist, reached out and touched the corpse demon king's smooth bony head, and said with a smile: "Really good, let's follow the poor road in the future."

Speaking of this, he looked the skull in his hand up and down, and then said: "Poor Dao met you in the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi Mansion, which can be regarded as a fate, so how about naming you Calvary Tianlong?" "

What a garbage name... The Corpse Demon King complained in his heart, and said cautiously: "Master, the Heavenly Dragon is not good, or it is still called the Heavenly Master, it is not a secret, my dream is to become a generation of Heavenly Master, for the Heavenly Walking Dao, to destroy the evil of the world."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes were strange, but he finally nodded: "Okay, in the future, I will be called Calvary Heavenly Master, I hope you can really become a generation of Heavenly Master." "

Thank you master."

Calvary Heavenly Master quickly thanked him, and there was a sneer in his heart.

"Zhang Daoling, when you sneaked up on the Sealing Honza, the Honza began to take revenge from destroying the reputation of your Heavenly Master Mansion."

Ye Xiaofan touched the smooth head of the Calvary Heavenly Master again, and said with a smile: "Go and assemble the body." Calvary

was so angry that he wanted to scold Niang.

The corpse demon king who thought that his name was shocking hell was actually touched on the head by a stinky Taoist priest at this moment, just like touching a dog.

This is simply a shame.

"Stinky Taoist, you wait, one day, this seat will double today's shame."

The Corpse Demon King secretly swore in his heart that he would never let Ye Xiaofan go.

After waiting for Calvary Heavenly Master to leave, Ye Xiaofan looked at the forces and said with a smile: "Don't be stunned, hurry up and help stew." The

forces woke up like a dream, looking at Ye Xiaofan dumbfounded, with an extremely complicated expression.

A terrible crisis was easily solved.

"Master, let me just say, the senior is very powerful."

A smile appeared in Xiong Xinzhu's eyes, and he secretly said to the Blood Bamboo King.

The latter did not respond because she did not know what to say.

Ye Xiaofan's strength exceeded her expectations again and again.

She has never been able to truly understand the depth of the other party.

While the forces were busy cooking, Ye Xiaofan was ready to ride the bear boldly to the sky high in the sky.

But at this moment, the Five Thunder Talisman flew over, with a flattering face: "Master, are you going to go above?" I'll show you the way.

Ye Xiaofan glanced at the old man and said with a smile: "Old man, I still like your arrogant and arrogant look." The

old man of Wuleifu blushed and said with a smile: "Before, they were all old and eyeless, and from time to time the master's skills, I hope that the master will not make fun."

Ye Xiaofan snorted and did not speak again.

Under the leadership of the five thunder runes, he rode the bear boldly straight to the sky high in the sky.

Seeing this, Chen Jiangnan and the others also followed, although they knew that the above things were destined to be out of reach with them, but they still wanted to take a look.

Soon after, a group of people and demons entered the palace.

Inside the empty hall was a huge array platform engraved with countless esoteric patterns, but nothing else.

Ye Xiaofan was a little curious: "Old man, why is there nothing here?" The

Five Thunder Talismans quickly explained: "Master, this palace is mainly used for teleportation, and the main platform in front of it is a teleportation formation, which should be used to access the Void World.

Ye Xiaofan was curious: "Void World, what is that?" The

five thunder talismans gave an explanation: "It is a small world opened up by ancient powerhouses in the void, so it is also called the void world." The

people in the rear and the demons were shocked.

To be able to open up the world, what kind of strength does that have to be?

Ye Xiaofan looked at the formation in front of him, and then asked the doubt in his heart: "Could it be that the people of the Heavenly Master Mansion went to the Void World back then?" The

five thunder runes nodded: "Yes, because the spiritual energy in the outside world is completely depleted, the cultivators of the Heavenly Master Mansion cannot cultivate, they can only go to the Void World, in order not to let the spiritual power lose, they can only completely seal the world and completely isolate it from the outside world." "

The eyes of the masters are bright, and they finally understand where the ancient cultivators went?

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed abruptness, and he asked again: "So, one day in the future, those ancient cultivators will return?" The

five thunder talismans nodded: "Yes, once they detect the revival of the external aura, they will return."

Ye Xiaofan asked again, "How did the aura deplete?" Why is it now recovering?

This time, the Five Thunder Fu failed to answer, and shook his head: "Master, the aura began to dry up a long, long time ago, I was not born at that time, and I don't know the reason, and it is even more unclear why it was revived."

Ye Xiaofan nodded and did not ask any more questions.

Subsequently, a group of experts left the ancient hall and returned to the main peak.

Under the busyness of everyone, the ingredients have all been processed and retreated into the pot.

Soon, the field was filled with aromas.

Ye Xiaofan beckoned to the Calvary Heavenly Master who had assembled his body.

Although the latter was reluctant in his heart, in order not to be beaten, he still ran over with a fart.


Ye Xiaofan took out two small maza from the storage ring, handed one of them to Calvary Heavenly Master and said, "Come, sit down, let me ask you a few questions."

Calvary Heavenly Master sat down like Ye Xiaofan and asked, "Master, what do you want to ask?"

Ye Xiaofan took out a large bag of spiced melon seeds from the storage ring, grabbed a handful, and handed the rest to the Calvary Heavenly Master.

"Don't worry, come, try my special spiced melon seeds first."

Calvary Heavenly Master was a little confused, it was the first time he saw this kind of thing, picked up a piece that was like Ye Xiaofan, peeled it off, and fed the melon seeds inside into his mouth.

After chewing it, he was a little surprised: "Hey, the taste is not bad." "

I don't know how he tasted it?"

"yes, that's my trait."

A smile appeared in Ye Xiaofan's eyes, and he asked while snorting melon seeds, "Why are you sealed here?"

Calvary Heavenly Master said angrily, "It's all because of Zhang Daoling, that traitor, he sneaked up on the throne and sealed me here, trying to use the years to wear me out, but unfortunately he didn't get his wish." Hearing

this name again, Ye Xiaofan's eyes condensed slightly.

Zhang Daoling, if he remembered correctly, it was the name of the first Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Ye Xiaofan asked again, "What do you mean by traitor?" Why did that Zhang Daoling sneak up on you?

Calvary Heavenly Master tilted his head and thought for a moment, and then slowly said: "Because I have been sealed for too long, I have lost many memories, and I can't remember the specifics, I only remember that there seemed to be an extremely terrifying war here back then, and I seemed to come here to help humanity, but as a result, Zhang Daoling's bastard betrayed the human race, and sneaked up on me, and then sealed me."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes flashed slightly, inferring from the other party's words.

In ancient times, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying war on the blue star.

Even the demons of hell came to help, and we can see the extent of the war.

One side is human, and who the other side is is unknown for the time being.

But it is certainly not simple to make humans and the demons of hell join forces.

It is also uncertain whether humanity has joined forces with other forces.

He speculated that perhaps the depletion of Aura was related to that war.


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