Soon after, the broth was finally stewed, and the barbecue on the other side was also baked.

"You're welcome, you must eat and drink well."

Ye Xiaofan beckoned everyone to eat, and took out a lot of liquor: "This is Liuliangye that I brewed after the previous national wine, it tastes very good, come, everyone tastes it." The

forces began to taste the delicious broth and barbecue, and then their faces showed satisfaction.

"What kind of fairy smell is this? It was so delicious. Some

people couldn't help but sigh and were shocked by the delicacy in front of them.

Seriously, they've never eaten it so delicious.

In the end, dozens of pots of broth, plus countless skewers, were eaten clean.

Rao is so, and the forces still feel that there is some unfulfilled meaning.

Soon after, there were breakthroughs in the field.

In the broth, there are not only the flesh and blood of the top demon emperor, but also countless treasure medicines, and the flesh and blood of the ancient great demon.

The combination of the three can be called a peerless medicine.

It's hard not to break through.

In the end, almost all humans and monsters broke through.

Among them, the most fierce are Chen Jiangnan and Peacock King.

The two directly succeeded in condensing the Yuan Baby and entered a new realm.

Although the other masters are not as good as the two, the gains are not small.

For example, Situ Jing and other powerhouses in the late stage of the Inscription Realm would break through to the half-step Yuan Infant Realm, and they would only be able to enter the Yuan Infant Realm by a little bit.

Powerful demon emperors such as Frogs and Xuangui broke through to the completion of the Inscription Realm.

"Brother Xuangui, just go out of this terrifying camp, those guys in the temple of the gods are afraid that they are not opponents at all, in my opinion, let's pretend that we don't know anything later, so as not to set ourselves on fire."

The frog secretly transmitted to the turtle.

Xuangui Chuanyin responded: "You are right, those guys in the temple are simply looking for death, let's not mix." The

two demons silently made a decision, and the alliance with the temples of the gods was settled.

The Peacock King and Chen Jiangnan came to Ye Xiaofan and saluted respectfully: "Thank you senior." "

Although Ye Xiaofan snatched their things, those broths from before could also be regarded as making some compensation.

The two can feel that there is still a lot of medicinal power remaining in their bodies, and if they absorb all of them, their strength will definitely rise to a higher level.

The scene in front of me is also strange enough.

The robbed people actually thanked the people who robbed them.

If this is spread, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and spoke: "Little things, don't care, all Taoists, just eat happily." Other

humans and demon beasts also stepped forward to thank Ye Xiaofan.

After the breakthrough of strength, I finally felt a little better in my heart.

Even Situ Jing came up, she was somewhat embarrassed.

Previously, I was clamoring to leave, and as a result...

She was very glad in her heart that she had not left.

"Much... Thank you seniors.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and looked at Situ Jing: "The chief doesn't hate the poor road anymore?"

Situ Jing shook his head unnaturally, and then left quickly.

"I'm sorry."

Ye Xiaofan wanted to laugh a little, and then beckoned a group of pets to prepare to leave here.

The other forces also got up one after another, preparing to leave this secret realm.

Under the guidance of the five thunder talismans, all the forces found a teleportation formation to leave the secret realm, and then combined their efforts to inject spiritual power into the formation.

The forces only felt a flower in front of them, and when they came back to their senses, they moved to Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Looking back, the broken stone gate still stood in the sea of clouds.

The forces were a little stunned, they never expected that so many things had happened during this trip to the secret realm.

Just as the forces were about to leave, a loud laugh suddenly appeared.

"Hahaha, you guys are finally out."

The faces of all the forces changed slightly, and when they looked for sound, they saw a black-robed man wearing a mask appear on the mountain peak in the distance.

Seeing the familiar dress, the face of the military senior official sank.

"Chief, it's the miscellaneous pieces of the temple of the gods."

A high-ranking official said to Chen Jiangnan, with coldness in his voice.

Chen Jiangnan looked at the man who spoke and said coldly: "The scumbags of the temples of the gods, you actually dare to take the initiative to come out, but the courage is not small." "

Hehe, Chief Chen is over-prestigious." The black-robed man sneered, and then said: "Hand over the opportunity you got in the secret realm, I can leave you a whole corpse." Hearing

this, the faces of all the forces suddenly turned gloomy and ugly, and they all glared angrily at the black-robed man.

That look is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on.

"Guys, since this guy wants to die, then we will fulfill him."

Under the leadership of one of them, the rest of the people and demons shot out one after another, killing the black-robed man in the sky.

It was robbed by Ye Xiaofan.

After all, people are really strong.

But this deflated thing in front of them also dares to rob them.

Isn't that too long?

The next moment, all the forces present shot out in unison and killed the black-robed man angrily.

Even frogs and turtles are no exception.

The two demons silently mourned for the black-robed man in their hearts.

Seeing this scene in front of him, the black-robed man was a little confused.

What's going on?

Even if you join forces, isn't this a little too fast, and it's still so much together.

Especially when he saw that frogs and turtles were also among them, he was even more confused.

"Hmph, a bunch of things that don't know if they are dead or alive."

The black-robed man snorted coldly and shouted, "Get up." "

In the next moment, thirty-six pillars of light appeared around Dragon Tiger Mountain, and there was a powerful aura in each pillar of light.

The pillars of light fused high in the air, forming a huge ball.

Under the control of the black-robed man, countless blazing rays of light fell from the orb and smashed towards the forces below.

Each of these rays of light is comparable to the all-out shot of an Inscription Realm powerhouse.

Some weak people and demons were immediately blasted into slag by these blazing brilliance.

The forces were shocked and angry, and at this moment they understood why the people of the temple of the gods dared to be so arrogant, which was obviously a large array laid out here in advance, and waited for the rabbit on the top of the mountain.

Far from Dragon Tiger Mountain, a palm-length killer whale hides among the clouds.

A pair of small eyes stared at the big battle in the distance, and muttered in his mouth: "Aren't these guys in the Temple of the Gods still bad?" Such a large formation was actually laid down, it seems that they will have to wait for them to withdraw the formation before making a move. The

black-robed man looked down at the forces below and sneered: "Hehe, don't make senseless resistance, this thirty-six Heavenly Gang Great Array, even the existence of the Yuan Infant Realm can be erased." Hearing

this, the forces not only did not get afraid, but laughed.

Not to mention that there was Ye Xiaofan, a freak among them, the strength of the Peacock King and Chen Jiangnan alone was enough to break through this big array.

Chen Jiangnan and the Peacock King looked at each other, and then flew into the sky, and together they shot towards the round ball in the sky.

The black-robed man just wanted to sneer disdainfully, and his face changed drastically in the next moment.

Because he felt two terrifying breaths.

"Meta... Yuan Infant Realm, how is it possible? His

voice was filled with horror, unable to believe what was in front of him.

Such a supreme master of the Yuan Infant Realm, two of them actually appeared at once.


The other black-robed people also changed their faces drastically, and they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Seeing that the two were constantly attacking the round ball, he quickly stabilized his mind and shouted: "Don't be afraid, we have thirty-six days of fighting, even if they are in the Yuan Infant Realm, they can be fearless." "

He controls the formation and fights with the two masters and all the forces.

The fight between the two sides is in full swing.

I have to say that the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Great Array is really powerful, even if it is the two Yuan Infant Realm masters plus the major forces, they can't break it in a short time.

Seeing this, Xiong Xinzhu couldn't help but look at Ye Xiaofan and asked, "Senior, shall we make a move?"

Ye Xiaofan shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Don't interfere, let all Daoists vent." "


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