"Groove, what's the situation?"

Feeling the fluctuations coming from the battlefield, the killer whale hidden in the clouds was full of confusion.

That surging breath was all too familiar to him, it was the Yuan Infant Realm.

"What happened in the secret realm? How could two Yuan Infant Realm powerhouses suddenly appear? The

killer whale was puzzled in his heart, and then quietly retreated for a distance, and immediately flashed people as soon as the preparation situation was not good.

At the top of Dragon Tiger Mountain, the big battle between the two sides entered a white heat.

The people of the temples became more and more frightened.

Because they found that it was not only Chen Jiangnan and the Peacock King who broke through.

The strength of other forces has also become stronger.

What made them feel even more incredible was that all the forces actually worked together without any infighting.

It's incredible.

And what made them feel even more depressed was that the frogs and Xuangui that they had rebelled against in advance had also changed.

Not only did they change their minds, but they were called a ruthless when they came out, as if they were a life-and-death feud.

This made the black-robed man at the head almost vomit blood in anger.

It's a pity that he was entangled by Chen Jiangnan and the Peacock King, and he couldn't find a chance to question the two demons about what's going on?

In the end, even the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Great Array could not hold on, and was broken by the forces joining forces.

As the formation was broken, all the people who caught the temple suffered backlash, but they couldn't care about the injuries in their bodies, and used their strongest means to prepare for their lives.

But how could the forces give them a chance, and they chased after them madly, and in a short time they killed all the people in the temple.

"A group of miscellaneous people also dare to run rampant in front of me."

Someone disdained to speak, and his voice was full of contempt for the temples of the gods.

The frog and the Xuangui felt a burst of rejoicing in their hearts, fortunately, the people of the temple did not call out their names, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

Ye Xiaofan stepped forward and surrendered his hand to all the forces: "Congratulations to all Daoists for killing the enemy." The

forces were originally quite happy, but after seeing Ye Xiaofan's chubby smiling face, they couldn't help but think of things in the secret realm again, and their mood became a little depressed.

But they did not dare to express their dissatisfaction, so they had to take their leave.

"Senior, there will be a period later."

The Peacock King fluttered his wings and quickly left with a group of big demons.

Chen Jiangnan also followed and left.

After a while, the major forces left one after another.

"Who is that fat Taoist? Those guys look scared of him? In

the distant clouds, the killer whale thought secretly in its heart, and suddenly, it felt a chill hit it, fixed its eyes, but found that a skeleton man next to the fat Taoist priest was staring at it.

"What is that? Did he find me? The

killer whale was shocked and quickly turned around and fled.

No matter who Ye Xiaofan is, it is not simple to make all the forces afraid and fearful.

And the skeleton man gave him a very terrifying feeling.

To be on the safe side, it must leave immediately.

Moreover, he immediately went back to tell the Red Dragon Emperor that Situ Jing and the others rushed back.

I am afraid that the attack on Donghai Base City will change.

Seeing that Calvary Heavenly Master had been staring into the distance, Ye Xiaofan was curious: "What are you looking at?"

Calvary shook his head: "Nothing. "

The killer whale was just an ant in his eyes, and he didn't care, let alone chase it.

Ye Xiaofan said to Xiong Xinzhu: "Lead the way, let the poor road go to Donghai Base City to help you preside over justice."

Xiong Xinzhu immediately nodded and said gratefully, "Thank you, senior."

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said nothing, if it was an ordinary person, he would let at most one pet follow him to solve it.

But Xiong Xinzhu is most likely the daughter of destiny, and he must go in person so that he can appear to be important.

Be sure to go to Donghai Base City, a flash of joy flashed in the eyes of Yuhualong.

It can finally avenge the year.

After the broth nourishment just now, the fish dragon at this moment is already a complete inscription realm.

It had enough confidence in its heart, and with its own strength it was enough to kill the Red Dragon Emperor.

Afterwards, a group of several people rushed unhurriedly towards Donghai Base City.

On the other side, Chen Jiangnan and Situ Jing rushed towards the two base cities at full speed.

Because they always have a bad premonition in their hearts.

At the same time, the two base cities are experiencing a fierce war.

Among them, Jiangnan Base City is slightly stronger and is still resisting stubbornly.

But the Donghai base is miserable, and the tall city wall has been breached.

Countless sea beasts poured into the base city, and ordinary people took up this weapon one by one, and fought to the death with the sea beasts.

Although it is like a moth to a fire, countless people are also servants in order to protect their homes.

In the tallest building in the center of Donghai Base City, a group of high-ranking military officials looked at the tragic scene below, their foreheads bulged, their breathing was heavy, and they were so angry that they went crazy.

"This flock of damn beasts, I'm going to go down and slaughter them."

One person is ready to rush out and find those sea beasts desperately.

But he was stopped by one of the leaders: "Don't be impulsive, stay and open the final formation together, only in this way can you kill more sea beasts, even if you die, you must not let this group of beasts feel good."

The man stopped abruptly, but there was reluctance on his face.

At this moment, someone came to report: "Deputy chief, several great families refused to send people, and their subordinates found that they were packing up their things and seemed to be ready to run."

When the leader heard this, he was furious: "This herd of beasts is damned. The

rest of the military was furious.

It turned out that a certain number of masters were needed to open this final formation, but in the previous big war, the military had already suffered heavy losses.

Only then did they think of asking several great families to help.

But I never expected that this would be the result.

"Humans in the city, listen, as long as you surrender, this emperor can promise not to kill you."

At this moment, a sound resounded throughout the base city, like a thunderbolt, exploding in everyone's ears.

The dark clouds in the sky rolled, and a thousand-zhang dragon emerged from it.

As soon as the behemoth appeared, a terrifying coercion spread out, and both humans and sea beasts below stopped fighting.

Some of the weaker ones knelt down one after another, unable to resist this coercion.

The one who came was none other than the Red Dragon Emperor.

Behind it, there was also a group of big demons with a terrifying breath.

The faces of the military leaders changed drastically.

The deputy chief of the leader took out a lockbox, and his eyes showed madness.

In the lockbox is the switch that detonates the most powerful thermal weapon, and once pressed, the entire Tokai Base City will be invincible.

Even if he dragged the entire East Sea Base City to accompany the burial, he would never let the Red Dragon Emperor succeed.

Although it can't kill the Red Dragon Emperor, it can also kill countless sea beasts.

Just as he was thinking this, a person next to him suddenly grabbed the lockbox in his hand and threw it out hard.

The Red Dragon Emperor on the opposite side seemed to have expected it, and when he opened his mouth to inhale, the lockbox was immediately sucked into his mouth.

All this happened too quickly and so abruptly that the military leaders did not react at all.

It wasn't until the lockbox reached the mouth of the Red Dragon Emperor that a group reacted, and one person shouted angrily: "Li Kaishan, what are you doing?" "


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