The figure of a middle-aged man named Li Kaishan flashed and flew out of the window.

It wasn't until he distanced himself from everyone that he responded with a sneer: "Everyone, the East China Sea base can't be saved, surrender." "

The military people are furious, and at this time, no matter how stupid they are, they have already understood that the former is a betrayal.

Someone shouted angrily: "Li Kaishan, you actually colluded with demon beasts? Aren't you afraid of becoming a sinner of the Terran race in the future?

Li Kaishan didn't care at all: "History is written by the winners, as long as we win, the future is up to us."

The deputy chief said coldly: "You are a human who has defected to the demon beast, do you think the other party will treat you sincerely?"

Li Kaishan sneered: "Who told you that I turned to the demon beast."

Everyone's pupils shrank, and doubts flashed in their eyes, but then they listened to Li Kaishan say.

"The capture of Donghai Base City is just a cooperation between our Gods Temple and the Red Dragon Emperor, I forgot to tell you that Jiangnan Base City has also been attacked, and I am afraid that it has been captured at this moment."

Everyone immediately understood that Li Kaishan was actually a person from the Temple of the Gods.

At the same time they are angry, they are also very annoyed.

Because before this, everyone did not even notice it.

Li Kaishan quickly flew to the Red Dragon Emperor and bowed, "Your Excellency the Demon Emperor, it's up to you next."

The Red Dragon Emperor bowed his head gently: "Human, give you another chance, surrender can save your life, otherwise this emperor doesn't mind letting the blood flow in the East Sea Base City?" "

The humans in the city are angry and fearful, and they don't know what to do.

On the other side, the four great families gathered together, and the leader of the Wang family said: "In this situation, we can only surrender first, and then find another way, otherwise I am afraid that no one will survive."

The other three families were a little hesitant, and one person was unsure: "The other party is the murderous and tyrannical Red Dragon Emperor, is there really a good end for us to surrender?"

Another person also followed closely: "After all, the other party is a demon race, I am a human being, the two sides are feuds, even if they surrender, it is estimated that life will not be good, I think we might as well resist to the end, it has been so long, Chief Situ They should also return."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately gained the recognition of others.

Although the other three major families are usually led by the Wang family.

But in this kind of matter, they can't completely listen to the Wang family.

The leader of the Wang family was a little angry: "A group of elm heads, we just surrender temporarily, but we will have the opportunity to leave in the future."

"Brother Wang, don't think things too simple, with the character of the Red Dragon Emperor, you think he will let us leave easily."

One person said in a deep voice: "And sooner or later this matter will be known by the Kyoto side, and then the people above will definitely come to retake the Tokai Base City, do you think they will spare us traitors?"

Another echoed: "That's right, it's all death anyway, we might as well be heroes again."

The leader of the Wang family had an ugly face, and waved his sleeves fiercely: "Whatever you want." He

got up and prepared to take the people of the royal family out to surrender.

On the other side, a group of high-ranking military officials flew into the air and roared angrily at the countless people below: "Everyone, we are people of the Dragon Country, even if we die in battle, we will never surrender."

His words instantly ignited everyone's emotions.

"Yes, even if you die in battle, you will never surrender."

Countless people roared loudly, with high fighting intent in their eyes.

The Red Dragon Emperor looked indifferent: "A group of ants who don't know how to be evil, since you want to die, then the emperor will fulfill you." Just

as he was about to give an order for the sea beasts to slaughter the city.

An angry shout suddenly came from the end of the sky.

"Red Dragon Emperor, take your life."

A rainbow light cut through the sky, and it was near in an instant.

It was a heroic woman holding a black gold spear that pierced the Red Dragon Emperor's head.

When they saw this figure, everyone in the city was surprised.

"It's Chief Situ, she's back, we're saved."

The people of the Wang family, who were preparing to surrender, suddenly stopped their figures and silently retreated back.

When the other three families saw this scene, their eyes couldn't help but flash a touch of contempt.

Even if they were from the same family, they were ashamed of the Wang family's approach.

Previously, he was thinking of surrendering, but now as soon as Situ Jing returned, he immediately changed.

The Red Dragon Emperor's pupils shrank: "How is it possible?" How could you possibly come back alive?

As he spoke, its dragon claws tore through the air and collided with Situ Jing's spear.

The sonorous sound resounded through the heavens and the earth.

The Red Dragon Emperor was shocked back by this terrifying gunlight, and slid thousands of meters in the air before stopping.

Its pupils shrank sharply, and it lost its voice: "How is it possible?" How could you be so strong??

Situ Jing didn't answer at all, and with a spout, he killed the Red Dragon Emperor again.

At this moment, she was furious in her heart, and she just wanted to kill the Red Dragon Emperor on the spot.

When he saw the base city he was guarding change into the appearance in front of him, Situ Jing was so angry that he almost went crazy.

"Situ Jing, don't go too far, I really think that this emperor is afraid of you."

The Red Dragon Emperor roared angrily, his aura skyrocketed, and he also killed Situ Jing.

The next moment, one person and one demon fought together.

Terrifying fluctuations filled the entire heaven and earth, like a boiling Han Sea.

Whether it was humans or monsters, they were all shocked.

Especially the military crowd, there was a strong shock in their eyes.

"This is the peak of the Inscription Realm, no, it seems to be stronger, when did Chief Situ become so powerful???

Someone exclaimed, with puzzlement in their eyes.

"What the hell is going on? How could Situ Jing leave Dragon Tiger Mountain? Could it be that something happened over there?

Li Kaishan was puzzled in his heart and was ready to take advantage of the big battle between the two sides to slip away first.

At the moment, the situation is out of control, and he must leave here before making other plans.

But just as he made a move, he was stopped by a group of high-ranking military officials.

The deputy chief at the head drank coldly: "You traitor, where do you want to go?"

Li Kaishan's face sank, and then he sneered: "You think you won, don't forget that the lockbox is in the hands of the Red Dragon Emperor, once it is pressed, the entire East China Sea Base City will cease to exist." Several

people's faces changed when they heard this, because of Situ Jing's appearance, they were happy to forget about this matter for the time being.

At this moment, countless powerful auras appeared in the distance.

Everyone in the city looked and found that it was those who had gone to Dragon Tiger Mountain who had returned.

The joy in everyone's eyes was even stronger, and now there was finally salvation.

The major families in the city were all happy, because they saw the return of their masters.

Only the Wang family and the Xiong family have ugly faces.

Because none of them saw their own families.

"What's going on? Why haven't the people of my royal family returned? The

people of the Wang family showed doubts, staring at the distant sky, wondering in their hearts whether the people of the Wang family were still behind.

On the other side, the people of the Xiong family sighed.

In their opinion, Xiong Xinzhu and Xiong Cai'e have low strength, and they are afraid that they have already been killed.

An old man with gray hair cried bitterly: "It's all to blame on the old man, I shouldn't have let them go at that time." "

The old man's name is Xiong Wanli, he is the younger brother of the original head of the Xiong family, originally a master of the Awakening Realm, but he was seriously injured by the sneak attack of the people of the Wang family, and he is already a waste person at this moment.

The other Xiong family members also showed sadness, despair and confusion in their eyes.

Is it really naïve to kill their bear family?


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