When the returning people saw the tragic situation in Donghai Base City, they were all extremely angry.

"These damn beasts, I'm going to kill them all."

A group of experts angrily killed the sea beasts in the city, and the next moment, the war broke out again.

Because of the return of a group of strong people, the battle intent of everyone in Donghai Base City suddenly rose, and they all killed the demon beast without fear of death.

Soon, the battlefield was one-sided.

Even if there are many sea beasts, they are still defeated and defeated.

In the high-altitude battlefield, the Red Dragon Emperor was also not Situ Jing's opponent.

The latter's strength was already stronger than him, plus there was a fire in his heart, and it was a killing move without any leftover.

It's a deadly way to play.

The Red Dragon Emperor only had the ability to parry, not the power to fight back.

Seeing this, the Red Dragon Emperor opened his mouth and spit out the lockbox, and said coldly: "Situ Jing, you give me an immediate stop, otherwise once I press the switch, the Donghai Base City will cease to exist."

After seeing this familiar lockbox, Situ Jing suddenly stopped, and his face became extremely ugly.

She never expected that the other party actually got the lockbox.

It can be said that this thing is the lifeblood of Tokai Base City.

Once it is obtained by the enemy, this is the current situation.

At this moment, several high-ranking military officials flew over and explained the situation.

"Waste, how can such a thing fall into the hands of the enemy?"

Situ Jingqi cursed, losing his previous demeanor and composure.

The Red Dragon Emperor sneered: "Although I don't know what happened over there in Dragon Tiger Mountain, as long as this thing is there, this emperor is invincible."

Situ Jing's face became even more ugly, and he did not refute it.

Because what the other person says is the truth.

"Take your people out of Donghai Base City, here the emperor wants it, otherwise no one will think about it."

The Red Dragon Emperor threatened coldly, and the two dragon whiskers were wrapped around the open lockbox, and as long as Situ Jing dared to make a change, it would immediately press it.

The people in the battle below also stopped, and after noticing this scene, their faces were also extremely ugly.

They had all heard some rumors and knew what the lockbox represented.

"Chief, what are we going to do?" One looked at Situ Jing and asked.

Situ Jing suddenly smiled, looked at the Red Dragon Emperor and said, "Old Dragon, I advise you to quickly return the lockbox, and then leave here, otherwise you won't be able to leave later."

The Red Dragon Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, and he sneered: "Situ Jing, you don't have to say these things here, this emperor will say it again, take your people and leave here, otherwise there will be no need for Donghai Base City to exist."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

"Taoist and slow."

The humans and monsters in the city looked around, and saw several figures in the distance flying towards this side quickly.

There were five people in total, led by a fat Taoist priest with a round body.

He was followed by a man, two women, and a skeleton man.

The person who came was none other than Ye Xiaofan, who was belated.

As for the few pets, they all shrunk their bodies and hid in Ye Xiaofan's robe.

After all, this is to the outside world, there are many eyes, and there are cameras everywhere, and one may be exposed if it is not done well.

Ye Xiaofan didn't want his true identity to be known to the world.

When I saw the people coming, I was most happy than the Xiong family.

Because they saw Xiong Xinzhu and Xiong Cai'e.

"Great, Xinzhu and Cai'e are okay."

Everyone in the Xiong family cried with joy, and the sorrow in their eyes was swept away.

With the strength of the two, they actually came back alive, which is enough to show that God bless their bear family.

Seeing the people coming, the faces of everyone who rushed back from Dragon Tiger Mountain were a little unnatural, but then a flash of joy flashed in their eyes.

Although this unscrupulous Taoist in front of him is very hateful, but with his hand, this Red Dragon Emperor in front of him can't turn over any storms at all.

In Ye Xiaofan's wide sleeves, the fish dragon stared at the figure of the Red Dragon Emperor in the distance, and he couldn't wait to rush out immediately.

The Red Dragon Emperor looked over, glanced Ye Xiaofan up and down, and asked coldly, "Stinky Taoist, who are you?"

Ye Xiaofan smiled and spoke: "Poor Dao Ye Tiande, Daoist friends quickly hand over that lockbox to Poor Dao, don't make up killings."

When they were still far away, several people heard the conversation between the Red Dragon Emperor and Situ Jing.

After Xiong Cai'e's explanation, he also understood the seriousness of the matter, and only then would he come out to stop it.

Although Ye Xiaofan has an indifferent personality, he rarely interferes in matters between demon beasts and humans on weekdays.

But something like the one in front of him, he still can't sit idly by.

The Red Dragon Emperor sneered: "What are you?" Also paired with the emperor to point fingers. Situ

Jing and the others who returned from Dragon Tiger Mountain all had strange expressions, and looked at the Red Dragon Emperor with pity in their eyes.

They knew that the big loach in front of them was going to be out of luck.

"Since the Taoist friends don't know how to lift, then it's no wonder that the poor Dao."

Ye Xiaofan's voice was a little cold, and he ordered the Calvary Heavenly Master on the side: "Take the lockbox in the hands of that evil beast, be careful not to hurt it, and let Xiaolong deal with it by himself later." He

also already knew about the grudge between the Fish Dragon and the Red Dragon Emperor.

The former said that he wanted to take revenge personally, and he naturally wanted to fulfill the other party's wish.

Calvary nodded, and then walked towards the Red Dragon Emperor.

The Red Dragon Emperor's face changed, and he said coldly: "Don't come over, otherwise I will press it." Seeing

that Calvary Heavenly Master was not moved, the Red Dragon Emperor suddenly became angry, and just when it was about to press the switch, it suddenly found that its body could not move.

Its eyes were terrified, and it looked at the Calvary Heavenly Master who was getting closer and closer: "You... What have you done to me? Calvary

Heavenly Master's figure flashed, and in an instant he arrived in front of the Red Dragon Emperor, stretched out his white bone hand, and took the lockbox wrapped around the dragon's whiskers.

Then the figure flashed, and when he reappeared, he had already returned to Ye Xiaofan.

From beginning to end, he did not say a word.

It seems that in his eyes, the Red Dragon Emperor is such a garbage that is not worthy of talking to him at all.

Ye Xiaofan touched the skull heavenly master's smooth bald head: "It's a good job." The

red light in Calvary Heavenly Master's eyes flickered for a while, and he quickly turned his head.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he couldn't help but fight with Ye Xiaofan.

The humans and sea beasts in the base city were very confused, and they didn't understand why the Red Dragon Emperor didn't resist? Let Calvary take the lockbox.

The reason for this is only known by Situ Jing and others.

With the strength of the Calvary Heavenly Master, he can destroy the Red Dragon Emperor with a breath.

What does the latter take to resist?

Ye Xiaofan opened his mouth and said, "Xiaolong, the time for revenge has come, come out." The

fish dragon quickly came out of Ye Xiaofan's robe, and then its golden light soared, turning into a golden dragon that was thousands of feet long.

A terrifying coercion pervaded.

The face of the base city changed greatly, the Red Dragon Emperor had not yet solved it, and now a dragon appeared again, and looking at the breath, it was not weaker than the Red Dragon Emperor.

Seeing that several people around him were like enemies, Situ Jing comforted: "Don't worry, this is not an enemy. The

fish dragon tail swung, and the figure instantly arrived in front of the Red Dragon Emperor, and he said indifferently: "Old miscellaneous hair, my fish dragon has come back to take revenge, and I will take your life today." "


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