Looking at the golden dragon in front of him, the Red Dragon Emperor was surprised: "Fish Dragon, you actually didn't die, but you successfully turned into a dragon!?"

Yuhualong sneered: "Hehe, you old miscellaneous hair is not dead, how can this emperor die?" The

Red Dragon Emperor suddenly found that he could move, and without any hesitation, it turned around and fled.

In this situation, it is better to go first.

But as soon as he made a move, he was stumped by the fish dragon.

"Old miscellaneous hair, if you want to leave, you need to overcome me."

The fish dragon coldly spoke, and a pair of pupils stared at the Red Dragon Emperor tightly.

The Red Dragon Emperor knew that he couldn't be good today, and said coldly: "It's okay, let this emperor see, how much have you grown over the years?"

"It's enough to kill you."

The fish dragon's voice was indifferent, and the dragon's tail flicked, and it instantly killed towards the Red Dragon Emperor.

The latter was unafraid, and opened his mouth to spew out a large cloud of crimson flames.

The body of the fish incarnate dragon swung and easily dodged, and at the same time, it opened its mouth to spit out a large piece of hot flame.

The terrifying heat burned the air to pieces.

The two first fought against each other with Dragon Flame, and the result was indistinguishable, and finally the collision of flesh began.

The roar kept ringing.

The majestic demon power pervaded between heaven and earth, and the qi wave was like a tsunami, constantly spreading around.

The people in the base city watched with great worship, such a big battle between the strong, most of the people present saw it for the first time.

That terrifying power made them feel yearning.

As time passed, the battle in the sky became more and more intense, and the two demon emperors made frequent killing moves, and no one left a hand.

Seeing that the Yuhualong and the Red Dragon Emperor fought back and forth, the military and major families in Donghai Base City were all shocked.

The big demon with such terrifying strength, they had not heard of it before.

A high-ranking military official asked Situ Jing: "Chief, where did this big demon come from?" The strength is so terrifying? In

addition to shock, there was a hint of horror in his voice.

The appearance of such a strong person in the demon race is by no means a good thing for humans.

Situ Jing said lightly: "There is no need to panic, this big demon will not be an enemy of our humans."

Everyone was stunned, not understanding why Situ Jing said this.

Since the return of Reiki, there have been few demon beasts that have not hated humans.

There's no way around it.

In previous years, the persecution of various animals by humans was terrifying.

This is quite normal today.

Suddenly, they thought of the fish dragon brought by the fat Taoist priest not far away.

I think it may have something to do with the former.

After another while, the battle at high altitude gradually drew to an end.

The two dragons were covered in blood, and all of them were not lightly injured.

But onlookers can still tell that in the end, it is still the fish dragon that has the upper hand.

After all, the Red Dragon Emperor is a little older after all, and the piece of qi and blood has never been able to keep up with the young and vigorous fish dragon.

"Old miscellaneous hair, go and die."

The fish dragon roared, its scales shining, and its huge dragon body suddenly became straight, like a golden spear.

The tail is raised high and then pumped down hard.

The air roared, and the speed was extreme.

It's like a golden practice.

The Red Dragon Emperor couldn't dodge at all, and was severely struck by this dragon tail.

The body was pumped in two on the spot.

The Red Dragon Emperor screamed in his mouth, and seeing the Fish Dragon attack again, it said coldly: "Fish Dragon, I am the Whale Emperor's subordinate, you stop quickly, otherwise once the Whale Emperor is angry, no one can save you." But

the fish dragon did not care at all, and the offensive was still fierce and domineering.

Seeing this, a flash of madness flashed in the Red Dragon King's eyes.

"Little miscellaneous, even if this emperor dies, he will let you be buried."

It opened its mouth and inhaled, and the majestic energy gathered from all directions, constantly submerged into its mouth.

The next moment, the top of his head lit up with a blazing brilliance, like a sun falling.

A devastating wave of volatility spread.

"Yes, this beast is going to blow itself up."

The face of the military has changed drastically, and the self-explosion of the demon emperor is countless times more powerful than the strongest thermal weapon of mankind.

If the Red Dragon Emperor blew himself up, the entire East China Sea Base City would cease to exist.


Xiong Xinzhu looked at Ye Xiaofan with a worried expression.

Ye Xiaofan shook his head helplessly and winked at the Calvary Heavenly Master beside him.

The latter only raised his finger slightly, and the Red Dragon Emperor in the distance suddenly found that he could not move.

The energy light above its head also quickly dimmed, its face showed horror, and before it could understand what was going on, a golden dragon tail pulled down fiercely.

With a bang, the Red Dragon Emperor's head was detonated on the spot, and the dragon's blood was spilled all over the sky.

A blood-red demon pill rose and fell in the flesh and blood, and the fish dragon opened its mouth and swallowed it, and then the dragon's tail rolled up, and the two dragon corpses were included in the storage ring.

With the death of the Red Dragon Emperor, the thick fog that shrouded the East Sea Base City also quickly dissipated.

Sunlight spilled in, revealing the ruins of the broken walls below.

"Death... He's dead!! "

Some people secretly swallowed their saliva, unable to believe what was in front of them.

The Red Dragon Emperor, who crisscrossed the East China Sea, died just like that.

And it died at the hands of its kind.

Compared to the shock of humans, the sea beasts fell into panic.

Led by a group of big demons, the sea beasts in the base city turned around and ran for their lives madly.

How could Situ Jing let go of this opportunity to beat the falling water dog, and immediately led the military everyone to start chasing and killing.

After killing the Red Dragon Queen, the depression that had accumulated in Yuhualong's heart for many years finally dissipated.

It finally took revenge.

The dragon's tail flicked, and it instantly returned to Ye Xiaofan's side, and his body quickly shrunk and turned into a golden dragon.

Ye Xiaofan took out a few healing treasures and handed them to Yuhualong: "Quickly eat it and recover from the injury." "

Thank you master."

The fish dragon quickly swallowed several treasure medicines into his belly, and then burrowed into Ye Xiaofan's sleeve.

When everyone below saw this scene, they were all shocked.

Looking at the situation in front of him, this terrifying golden dragon turned out to be Ye Xiaofan's pet.

And what kind of strength should the latter be?

Everyone was extremely curious in their hearts, remembering the strength of the enterprise Xiaofan, and also curious about his origin and identity?

Such a terrifying powerhouse, they had never heard of it before.

Seeing Xiong Xinzhu's two daughters with such a strong person, the people of the Xiong family were excited, guessing that the two women had met a nobleman.

But the face of the Wang family on the other side is not good-looking.

The Xiong family and them have a life-and-death feud, and now that the other party knows this powerful existence, eighty percent will seek revenge on them.

And the people of the Wang family speculated that the reason why the Wang family who went to Dragon Tiger Mountain did not return, I am afraid that most of them have been...

When they thought of this, the people of the Wang family panicked in their hearts.

A timid person said: "Master, the situation is afraid that it is not good, let's leave first."

Wang Yuanshan, the head of the Wang family, steadied his heart and said: "Don't be afraid, this is Donghai Base City, and we have just made a lot of efforts to protect the base city, even if we are the heroes of Base City, there is not enough evidence, I believe they should not dare to take what we do, when the time comes, pay some price, and then apologize." "

And Situ Jing's woman has also returned, that woman knows the overall situation, if something happens to my Wang family, the overall strength of Donghai Base City will decline, I believe she will not sit idly by."


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