While Situ Jing and the others were chasing the sea beast, Xiong Xinzhu returned to Xiong's house with Ye Xiaofan and the others.

Because the Xiong family's villa is located in the west of the base city, it has not been damaged by sea beasts.

"Second uncle, I'm back."

Xiong Cai'e said excitedly.

Everyone in the Xiong family immediately greeted them, and the old man at the head smiled and said, "It's great that you can come back safely."

Xiong Xinzhu pointed to Ye Xiaofan and introduced: "Second grandfather, this is Senior Ye I met in Dragon Tiger Mountain, thanks to his care, my aunt and I were able to return safely from Dragon Tiger Mountain." The

old man immediately stepped forward and thanked Ye Xiaofan: "Old Immortal Xiong Renyi thanked the senior for taking care of the two girls.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand: "A little thing, no teeth."

Xiong Cai'e said: "Second uncle, don't stand outside, quickly invite the senior into the house to sit."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Xiong Renyi nodded repeatedly, and then invited Ye Xiaofan and several people into the house.

At the same time, he instructed the people to hurry up and make tea.

Calvary looked around curiously.

The current world is much worse than the world he remembers.

After arriving in the yard, several pets all came out of Ye Xiaofan.

Seeing this scene, the people of the Xiong family looked sideways.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, these are all demon pets raised by poor Dao." Hearing

this, the people of the Xiong family were shocked.

They couldn't help but think of the golden dragon before, and guessed in their hearts that the strength of these monster beasts in front of them should not be as terrifying as the golden dragon, right?

If that's the case, then it's a big deal.

Although they were curious in their hearts, they did not dare to ask.

Seeing Calvary Heavenly Master looking around, Jin Wanjin immediately stepped forward and flattered: "Brother, let me introduce you, this thing is called a villa, and the owner also has one, which is even more luxurious than this."

Calvary nodded slightly.

Jin Wanjin said again: "Brother, if you don't understand anything, just ask me, I must know everything, and I will say everything."

Calvary nodded in satisfaction and looked at Jin Wanjin: "Little toad, you are very good, from now on, this seat covers you, except for the master, if anyone dares to move you, this seat makes him look good."

Jin Wanjin was overjoyed when he heard this, and his mouth was almost at the root of his ear.

Ever since it saw the terrifying strength of the Calvary Heavenly Master, it thought that it must have a good relationship with the former.

Mixing with this kind of existence is absolutely fine.

Although there is a more powerful Ye Xiaofan above.

But the other party really raised them as pets, occasionally gave some good food, guided the practice or something.

But this one in front of him is different, it is a demon from hell, full of power, maybe he knows more than Ye Xiaofan.

Maybe a casual guidance will be enough for them to benefit immensely.

"Everything is at my brother's disposal."

Jin Wanjin nodded repeatedly, his big eyes full of excitement.

With its coquettish look, the other demon beasts frowned secretly, and there was a burst of contempt in their hearts.

Although Calvary Heavenly Master is very strong, he is also Ye Xiaofan's pet, and there is no need to please him like this.

Jin Wanjin didn't pay any attention to the contemptuous gazes of several demons, and after gaining the approval of Calvary Heavenly Master, he became even more flattering.

On the other side, under the leadership of Situ Jing, the military people were like a rainbow, and the sea beasts were chased and fled madly.

Although some eventually escaped into the East China Sea, most of them were killed and wounded.

In this battle, Donghai Base City can be described as a complete victory.

Somewhere in the East China Sea, a killer whale hides in the deep blue waters.

It is the killer whale that rushed from Dragon Tiger Mountain, and it is also one of the whale emperor's henchmen - tiger fish.

In fact, it had already arrived, and it originally wanted to inform the Red Dragon Emperor directly.

But seeing that Situ Jing and the others had killed the Donghai Base City first, it decided to stabilize its hand, observe the battle situation first, and then say, don't go out rashly, and also explain here.

After all, when it was in Dragon Tiger Mountain, it had already seen the terrifying strength of Situ Jing and the others.

The East China Sea Base City has been damaged so badly this time, the human side will definitely not give up.

Even if the Red Dragon Emperor wanted to escape, the other party was estimated to be unwilling to give up.

After some thought, it decided to take a look first.

And the scene soon after, made the tiger fish feel very happy for his caution.

Fortunately, it did not go out rashly, otherwise it would have been explained here.

Although he witnessed the death and injury of the sea beast, the tiger fish did not have the intention of helping to take revenge.

Its motto is - the heavens and the earth are great, and the life is greatest.

Nothing in this world is more precious than its life.

"Who is that Taoist priest? The demon pets raised are so powerful??? The

tiger was curious in his heart, and then turned around and prepared to leave, intending to tell the whale emperor what happened here.

After swimming for a distance, it suddenly stopped and muttered in a low voice: "I heard that the old guy of the Red Dragon Emperor has scavenged a lot of property over the years, and now is a good opportunity." It

quickly transformed into the form of a fishman, took out a mask from the storage ring and put it on its face, and then quickly went to the Dragon Palace treasury.

Soon after, it came to the Dragon Palace.

At this time, the Dragon Palace, because of the fall of the Red Dragon Emperor, had become a pot of porridge.

Taking advantage of the chaos, it quickly touched the location of the treasure house.

As a result, he ran into several big demons, apparently with the same idea on the other side.

The tiger fish quickly shot and killed several big demons.

Then he stepped forward to break the formation on the gate of the treasure house, and a dodge got in.

When he saw the variety of treasures in the treasure house, the tiger fish's eyes were almost straight.

"Lying groove, that old thing actually collected so many treasures."

The Red Dragon Emperor had survived for thousands of years before the aura was revived, and he had a good spiritual intelligence.

After the aura was revived, he quickly dominated the East China Sea and scavenged all the surrounding heavenly materials and earth treasures.

The ocean is different from the land, and without human contention, it can be said that the sea beast is the only one.

Because there are too many treasures, the Red Dragon Emperor can only build a treasure house for special storage, after all, the maximum storage ring that can be refined in the Inscription Realm is only one hundred and ten square meters, which is not much to hold.

The tiger fish took off its mask, opened its mouth and inhaled, and countless treasures in front of it continued to pour into its mouth.

In its body, there is a large internal space, which is one of its innate powers awakened in the awakening realm, which can be used to store things.

Although this kind of talent is useful, few people can awaken it.

It's just an example.

Other people and demons still use storage rings more often.

After a while, the tiger fish collected all the treasures in the treasure house into the body space, and then turned into a streamer, flew out of the treasure house, and quickly left the Dragon Palace while the chaos was in place.

When the Dragon Palace master discovered that the treasure house had been stolen, it was already a long time later.


On the other side, after Situ Jing returned to Base City, he ordered some high-level officials to clean up the mess, and he found Ye Xiaofan with the rest of the people.

Ye Xiaofan looked at the female chief in front of him and said curiously: "Chief Situ is not busy rebuilding the base city, what are you doing here?"

Listening to this yin and yang strange words, the corners of Situ Jing's mouth twitched slightly, and said with a strong smile: "Senior, please return that lockbox to me." If

the other party didn't say anything, Ye Xiaofan almost forgot about it, and immediately looked at Calvary Heavenly Master and asked, "What about the lockbox?" Calvary

Heavenly Master was tasting the Coke served by the Xiong family at the moment, and said without raising his head when he heard this: "Lost." "


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