"Lost... Lost ??

Situ Jing's eyes widened, and he looked at Calvary Heavenly Master in a daze.

That expression is like seeing a ghost.

The people of the Xiong family are also dumbfounded.

Even Ye Xiaofan froze for a while, can that kind of thing be lost?

He was a little speechless: "How can you lose it?" Is that something important, do you know? Calvary

Heavenly Master looked up, "Isn't that just a broken box?" And it's not a magic weapon, what's important? And you didn't say you can't lose it.

Ye Xiaofan: "⊙ Ω ⊙."

Situ Jing didn't talk any more nonsense, and quickly took people out to look for it.

Fortunately, in the end, I found the lockbox without risk.

If this is obtained by some miscreant person, the matter will be a big deal.

"Chief, who is that skeleton? It's just too much, this thing can be thrown away.

A military man said dissatisfied.

Situ Jing glared at the man and scolded: "Shut up, that existence is not something you can offend, don't talk nonsense in the future, otherwise no one can save you."

She then returned to the headquarters with a group of military men, first holding a meeting to direct the base-style reconstruction, and then contacting Kyoto to report the situation here.

On the other side, the Xiong family prepared hearty dishes for Ye Xiaofan and the others.

After eating and drinking, Ye Xiaofan asked Xiong Xinzhu: "Girl, don't you want to worship a teacher?" Although the poor road can't accept you as an apprentice, but these demon pets of the poor road can, you choose a worship teacher among them. Hearing

this, the people of the Xiong family suddenly showed excitement.

They had already heard Xiong Cai'e say that these were all existences of the Inscription Realm, and one of them was even a terrifying existence of the Yuan Infant Realm.

If Xiong Xinzhu worships under the door of such a strong person, then their Xiong family can not only take revenge, but also rise again.

"Hmph, how many unscrupulous little demons are also worthy of taking you as an apprentice?"

In Xiong Xinzhu's body, the Blood Bamboo King snorted coldly, feeling very dissatisfied with Ye Xiaofan's proposal.

Xiong Xinzhu was also helpless and wanted to refuse, but Ye Xiaofan was kind after all, and the matter of worshiping the teacher was also proposed by herself.

I want to agree, but I am afraid of angering the Blood Bamboo King.

The former is also a great favor to her.

Seeing that Xiong Xinzhu did not speak, Xiong Cai'e hurriedly said: "Xinzhu, senior asked you."

Xiong Xinzhu immediately came to his senses and said, "I'll take a look."

She looked at several demon beasts, and at the same time secretly communicated with the Blood Bamboo King: "Master, I proposed this matter myself, and it's not good to refuse now, and it can't expose you, I'd better find a senior to worship the teacher." The

Blood Bamboo King hesitated, and then said, "It's up to you." "

Although the strength of several demon beasts is not very good, their owner Ye Xiaofan is not simple.

So far, the Blood Bamboo King has not been able to see the depth of the other party.

Seeing that Xiong Xinzhu kept looking, it seemed that he couldn't make up his mind, Xiong boldly took the lead in speaking: "Girl, I see that you are quite related to this emperor, you don't choose, just worship this emperor as a teacher." Since

seeing Xiong Xinzhu again, Xiong Bold felt an inexplicable attraction in the girl, which made it unconsciously want to get close to each other.

In this regard, other demon beasts did not compete for this.

After all, they also know that Xiong Xinzhu and Xiong Bold are the first to meet, and the relationship is naturally stronger.

They can't rob each other.

And several demons don't want to take apprentices.

The goal of the ichthyosaurus is to become a real dragon and has little interest in anything else.

Phoenix Ji is similar, the goal is to become a true phoenix, and she just wants to concentrate on cultivation, and she doesn't want to put her mind on other things at all.

Although Jin Wanjin does not have such great ambitions as the two, with its character, it is too lazy to do things that are not beneficial.

Bai Susu also wants to transform into a dragon like a fish dragon, and is also not interested in other things.

The big black dog already had Qin Feng, an apprentice, and he also had no idea.

Seeing that Xiong Bold said this, Xiong Xinzhu did not hesitate, and nodded his head at the extreme: "They all listen to their predecessors." Subsequently

, under the auspices of Ye Xiaofan, the two conducted a worship ceremony.

Xiong nodded boldly and satisfied, and immediately waved his hand: "Girl, take me to that royal family, and your enemy will come to avenge you for you." The

people of the Xiong family were delighted when they heard this.

The head of the family, Xiong Renyi, was even more excited to tears: "Big brother, did you see it?" Our Xiong family's great feud can finally be repaid.

Xiong Xinzhu was also very excited, and quickly led the way in front, and a kind of Xiong family also followed behind, wanting to witness the collapse of the Wang family with their own eyes.

Soon after, the group came to the outside of the royal villa.

"The garbage of the Wang family, quickly get out of this emperor and die."

The bear boldly shouted angrily, and his voice was like thunder.

Immediately attracted the attention of the people around him, and they all paid attention to this side.

When they saw the people of the Xiong family, someone immediately guessed something?

Previously, I saw Xiong Xinzhu's two daughters and Ye Xiaofan together, and it was obvious that the Xiong family had made a trace.

Now it's clearly coming for revenge.

In the royal villa, the faces of the royal family changed.

They came out to check, and when they saw the Xiong family outside the villa, their faces suddenly changed.

Wang Yuanshan, the head of the Wang family, immediately stepped forward and said politely: "I don't know if you are sad, what is the noble thing about the Wang family?"

Xiong Renyi spoke angrily: "Wang Yuanshan, don't pack garlic here, what your Wang family did to my Xiong family, it's time to pay the price today."

Wang Yuanshan's face changed slightly, and he said with a strong smile: "Brother Xiong, my Wang family did do something excessive some time ago, we are willing to compensate, you say a number, as long as my Wang family can get it, it will definitely satisfy you."

Xiong Renyi sneered: "Hehe, you think it's quite beautiful, my Xiong family has so many lives, you want to expose it so simply?"

Wang Yuanshan's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "Then I wonder what Brother Xiong wants?"

Xiong Renyi coldly spit out four words: "Blood debt and blood repayment."

Wang Yuanshan's face was extremely ugly, and his voice was slightly low: "Does Brother Xiong have to do this?"

This time, without waiting for Xiong Renyi to speak, Xiong boldly took the lead and said: "What so much nonsense, to tell you the truth, none of the core members of the Xiong family today want to run." Saying

that, it stepped into the courtyard, and its body exuded terrifying coercion, just like Tarzan pressed down.

Plop plop....

A group of Wang family members with slightly weaker strength were suddenly pressed to their knees.

Only Wang Yuanshan and another old man could still stand in place, they were the two Inscription Realm powerhouses of the Wang family.

Xiong boldly looked at Xiong Xinzhu and asked, "Who is that miscellaneous thing that bullied your sister?"

Xiong Xinzhu flew down, pointed to a young man in the crowd and said, "It's this beast." Xiong

boldly grabbed it and threw it in front of Xiong Xinzhu.

"This beast will be handled by you yourself."

Xiong Xinzhu took out a long sword and looked at the frightened young man with cold eyes.

The young man's eyes were full of trepidation, and he wanted to ask for mercy, but the coercion was so overwhelming that he couldn't even speak.

Xiong Xinzhu didn't say a word, a sword was inserted into the young man's thigh, his face was indifferent and pale this year, and a bean-sized cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Xiong Xinzhu did not stop, and pulled out his long sword and stabbed it continuously.

She would not let this beast who bullied her sister die easily.

The people of the Wang family were terrified, and the corners of Wang Yuanshan's eyes twitched fiercely, that young man was his most beloved grandson, and seeing the former suffering like this, his heart was dripping blood.

He said boldly to the bear, "Your Excellency, aren't you afraid of the wrath of the military when you do this?" This is the East China Sea Base City, and it is not your turn to spread the wilderness with a demon beast. "


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