Hearing Wang Yuanshan's words, Xiong Bold suddenly smiled and said insolently: "The district military, also dare to manage the affairs of this emperor?" When

the onlookers from afar heard this, they were all shocked.

But thinking of the golden dragon that killed the Red Dragon Emperor, and Ye Xiaofan, who had never made a move.

The crowd seemed to understand again.

The strength of the other party, relying on the military of Donghai Base City alone, seems to really dare not care.

Wang Yuanshan's face was the same, he never expected that Xiong Bold would dare to say this, and these words simply did not put the military in his eyes.

"You... You guys wait for me, and then call the military. He

was so angry that he immediately took out his mobile phone and called the military.

The bear was bold and unflustered, holding his paws to his chest, with a playful look in his eyes.

On the other side, Ambition is constantly stabbing the youth with his sword.

At this moment, the young man was already covered in blood, his face was as white as paper, and he looked like he was dying, and it seemed that he would hang up at any time.

On the other side, the high-level military received a call for help from the Wang family.

The man who answered the phone immediately informed Situ Jing of the matter, and said with some displeasure: "Chief, those guys are too much, they actually openly kill people in the base city, do we want to take care of it properly?" "

The person who answered the phone had a good relationship with the Wang family in private, so he wanted to help.

Situ Jing looked coldly: "What's the matter, shouldn't those guys from the Wang family die?"

The man suddenly spoke astringently, thought for a while and said, "But if they are allowed to kill people in the base city like this, will it cause a bad impact?" When the news spreads, what if it causes panic among the citizens?

Situ Jing said lightly: "There is nothing bad, I have long wanted to get rid of the Wang family, but the strength does not allow, and now there is someone to help, it is better." There

was a sentence she didn't say, the other party is not someone they can offend at all.

Unless the brain is broken, it will take care of this file.

Seeing Situ Jing say this, the man had to call back and tell the other party that he couldn't help.

On the other side, Wang Yuanshan's face turned pale after knowing the result.

He never expected that the military would actually sit idly by?

Then, he quickly called the other great families for help, but unfortunately, the result was the same, and none of them were willing to help his Wang family.

A sneer appeared in Xiong's bold eyes: "Hehe, is there no one to help you?"

Wang Yuanshan's face was extremely ugly, and his face was gloomy: "Your Excellency really wants to kill it today?"

Xiong boldly retracted the smile on his face and spoke indifferently: "When your Wang family usually does a lot of evil, didn't you think that there would be today's result?" With

that, Xiong boldly burst out with anger, immediately struck, and killed the people of the Wang family.

Wang Yuanshan and another Inscription Realm expert naturally did not sit still and immediately resisted.

But the strength of the two is much worse than that of the bear, and they are not opponents at all.

After a while, he was seriously injured.

The rest of the Wang family originally wanted to take advantage of the battle between the two sides to escape, but unfortunately Xiong boldly expected it and set up the field in advance.

"Even if the old man dies, he will not make you feel better."

Wang Yuanshan roared angrily, ready to self-detonate the golden pill, but at this moment, the Calvary Heavenly Master beside Ye Xiaofan gently raised his finger.

At this moment, Wang Yuanshan suddenly couldn't move, and even the spiritual power running in his body stopped.

Finally, in his terrified gaze, he was boldly slapped by the bear and ended his life.

Another man received the same fate.

Then he quickly struck, abolished all the cultivation of him and the people of the Wang family, and handed it over to the Xiong family to handle.

The angry Xiong family rushed forward and vented all the hatred in their hearts.

In the end, all the core members of the Wang family were killed.

When the onlookers from a distance saw this scene, they were all embarrassed.

The once famous Wang family was just destroyed.

It's really unpredictable.

After taking revenge, the group returned to Xiong's house.

After eating a meal, Ye Xiaofan took his leave.

The Xiong family naturally tried their best to keep it, but they were rejected by Ye Xiaofan.

After coming out for so long, it's time to go back.

Xiong Xinzhu naturally had to follow them.

Before leaving, the elders constantly told Qiongzhu that she must cultivate well, listen to the words of several seniors, and call home if she has nothing to do.

The military, after learning the news that Ye Xiaofan and several people left, Situ Jing breathed a slight sigh of relief in his heart.

She was really afraid that Ye Xiaofan would mess around.

If that was the case, she would have nothing to do with the other party.


On the other hand, because of the sudden return of Chen Jiangnan and others, Jiangnan Base City was successfully preserved, and the people of the temples could not do anything, so they could only retreat unwillingly.

"Chief Chen, we will leave first, and we need to report the matter here as soon as possible."

A special squad from Kyoto said goodbye to Chen Jiangnan.

Chen Jiangnan nodded: "You go back and report the matter here in detail, I feel that the purpose of those guys in the temple of the gods is not simple, it is best to let the above investigate it well."

Several people nodded, and then quickly left.


Soon after, several people returned to Kyoto to report the attack on Dragon Tiger Mountain and the Jiangnan base city.

When the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom learned this, they were shocked and angry, and quickly convened a meeting to discuss the power of the two things.


Deep in the ocean, a killer whale swims fast.

Soon after, it came above a huge crack.

The crack is forty or fifty kilometers wide, with no end in sight at either end.

The sea inside is pitch black, and it looks incomparably deep, like an endless abyss.

The tiger fish quickly swam towards the crack.

I don't know how long I dived, and finally a light came from below.

As it continues down, the view below gradually widens.

Following its line of sight, I saw that under the crack was actually another world.

Countless creatures emitting light wander in the water, illuminating the pitch-black underwater world.

In front of it, lies a huge castle.

The city in front of you is different from the city in the human world, more like another civilization.

In the center of the castle stands a huge palace, surrounded by various strange houses.

In the castle, many corals were planted.

These corals exhibit a colorful glow.

From a distance, the whole city presents a fantastic brilliance, full of beauty, like a castle in a fairy tale.

Outside the city, countless troops patrolled.

The soldiers are made up of various sea beasts.

There are sharks, seahorses, lobsters and more.

As soon as the tiger fish approached, it was discovered by the army.

A lobster soldier immediately bowed and saluted: "I have seen General Tiger Kun." The

tiger fish said lightly: "Don't be verbose, hurry up and let go, I have something to report to His Majesty the Whale Emperor." "

The soldiers did not dare to stop and immediately let them go.

The tiger fish immediately swam into the city and headed all the way towards the central palace.

After going through layers of levels, it finally met the sea overlord - the whale emperor in the core area of the palace.

It was a pitch-black blue whale that was about one meter long, with blood-red lines on its back, which was obviously mutated.

Although it is far away, you can feel that its body exudes a fierce threat, just like the fierce beast in ancient mythology-Kun !

The tiger fish hurriedly saluted: "I have seen His Majesty the Whale Emperor." "


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