The whale emperor was lying on the throne and faking sleep, and when he heard this, he opened his eyes, and looked over with dark pupils with a trace of blood.

"How's it going?"

The voice is majestic and powerful, with the momentum of a superior person.

"Your Majesty, things have changed this time."

The tiger fish did not dare to hide it, and quickly explained this matter in detail.

After hearing this, the whale emperor fell into deep thought, and after a long time, he slowly said: "This matter is really strange, so, you go to the land again, secretly investigate well, and see what happened in the secret realm of Dragon Tiger Mountain?" By the way, investigate what is the origin of that Taoist priest? Tiger

Kun immediately took the order, hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, we are afraid that our move this time has already alarmed the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom, should we clear up the relationship and put the responsibility on the Red Dragon Emperor?" The

whale emperor said lightly: "No need, the heavens and the earth are about to change greatly, and soon we will inevitably kill the land and seize the inheritance left by the major sects of the ancient world, and sooner or later we will start a war with mankind, so there is no need to hide it anymore." The

tiger fish stopped talking and immediately turned to leave.


After a period of hurrying, Ye Xiaofan and the others finally returned to the Western Base City.

As soon as they entered the villa, Centipede Zhixing greeted them in a hurry.

"Master, you are finally back."

It's just that after seeing the fat Taoist priest in front of him, the centipede spirit who rushed up was a little confused, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Xiaofan lifted his transformation and changed back to his original appearance, and the centipede essence and Xiong Xinzhu on the side were stunned.

Xiong boldly explained in a timely manner: "Girl, this is the true face of the master. The

girl nodded slightly, and shock flashed in her eyes, she never expected Ye Xiaofan to be so young!

Ye Xiaofan touched the centipede essence's head and said with a smile: "You worked hard."

Centipede Zhixing quickly shook his head when he came back to his senses, and the exit was a rainbow fart: "It is my honor to be able to do things for the master, how can I say it is hard?"

Ye Xiaofan nodded with satisfaction, and took out a piece of dragon ball the size of a thumb cap from the storage ring: "Come, the reward is for you, remember, don't eat it all at once, I won't be responsible for supporting death."

Centipede Zhixing's eyes lit up, and he immediately took it: "Thank you master." "

This is a good thing, don't look at this only, it is very likely to let it break through to the Yuan Infant Realm."

The other demons looked envious.

But it's also difficult to speak, after all, this is Ye Xiaofan's reward for Wu Zhixing's housekeeper.

Ye Xiaofan entered the villa and prepared to take a shower.

In the courtyard, Centipede Zhixing looked at the strange Xiong Xinzhu and Calvary Heavenly Master, and said curiously: "Old Xiong, who are these two?"

Xiong boldly introduced: "This girl is the apprentice of Old Xiong Harvest.

After that, he said to Xiong Xinzhu: "Girl, this guy is the centipede essence I told you about on the road."

Centipede Zhixing was immediately unhappy when he heard this, and cursed and scolded: "What are you cowardly bears talking about? Who likes to slap horses off?

The bear boldly pouted: "Who else but you?"

Centipede Zhixing raised his eyebrows coldly: "You dare to slander this emperor, believe it or not, this emperor sues you for slander." "

The bear is too bold to take care of it.

Centipede Zhixing suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and turned his head to look at Jin Wanjin: "Boss, who is this??" "

It has an intuition that this skeleton brother is very difficult, so it is very eager to know the origin of the other party.

Jin Wanjin also did not hide it, explaining: "Brother is a demon from hell, who once coerced the ghost world, commanded a million ghost army under his command, and then was accidentally attacked by the group of stinky Taoists from Dragon Tiger Mountain, and was sealed on Dragon Tiger Mountain, and this time he was rescued by the master, because he was grateful to follow the master."

"Because of my relationship with my brother, I decided to follow him in the future."

Several demon emperors were very speechless when they listened.

This horse-farting kung fu is also nobody.

Centipede Zhixing's eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward and said, "Brother, do you still want a younger brother?" I've wanted to find a big brother for a long time.

"It's not a secret, since I first saw you, I knew that you have an extraordinary origin, you are a dragon and phoenix among ghosts, and now when I hear it, it is true."

"I have admired a king like you since I was a child, and I have always dreamed of recognizing a boss like you."

Centipede Zhixing's tongue bloomed lotus, and the several demon emperors who watched were stunned.

Although they knew that the former would slap, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Xiong boldly whispered to Xiong Xinzhu: "Girl, see it, this guy is a complete sycophant, stay away from it in the future." The

corners of Xiong Xinzhu's mouth twitched lightly, and he didn't know what to say.

It suddenly found that these pets owned by Ye Xiaofan were all curious.

"This seat hates the most people who sneak around and pat horses in his life, this kind of guy who can only take advantage of his tongue, he will not have much success in this life, girl, you have to stay away from this kind of goods in the future."

The Blood Bamboo King also secretly warned Xiong Xinzhu.

On the other side, the monk in Qin Feng's body spoke: "Little benefactor, these little demons who are not in the flow will not be able to get on the table after all, you better leave here when you have the opportunity in the future, otherwise you will be polluted in this kind of place for a long time, and a genius with wisdom roots like you little donor should have a broader stage."

Qin Feng secretly pouted, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

These demon emperors may indeed be a little strange, and their talents are not so powerful, but people have a powerful master.

No matter what others think, Calvary Heavenly Master was very happy after listening to Centipede Zhixing's words, and said with a smile: "Boy, it's also very good, I will follow this seat in the future, and there is something this seat covers you."

Centipede Zhixing hurriedly thanked: "Thank you brother, being able to follow my brother's side is actually the luck of the younger brother's three lives, the little brother must cherish this opportunity, if the brother has anything in the future, just open his mouth, the little brother will definitely rush to the forefront." Calvary

became more and more satisfied.

Jin Wanjin was a little dumbfounded, and the former completely stole its limelight.

"Damn, I should have expected it."

It gritted its teeth secretly, suddenly regretting a little, feeling that it had blown too much before.

If you know it earlier, you won't say it, so there will be no chance for Centipede Zhixing to slap the horse.

After Ye Xiaofan took a bath, he looked at the time and found that it was almost time for school, and he began to cook, while thinking about how to tell Ye Xiaoman about his situation.

In the past, I had demon pets and could hide them, but now there is an extra skeleton man in the family, which is really difficult to explain.

Although it can also make Calvary Heavenly Master hide, Ye Xiaofan does not think that the former will be as obedient as several demon emperors.

And these things have to be said sooner or later, Ye Xiaofan thought on the way back that if he didn't hide it, it was time to tell Ye Xiaoman the truth.

In the courtyard, while several demon emperors were busy, Centipede Zhixing came not far from Phoenix Ji without a trace, and secretly transmitted a voice and asked: "How is the matter, are those two guys in the end?" "


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