Looking at the blond old man in front of him, Ye Xiaoman looked suspicious: "Brother, this old man looks so old, can he really protect me?" Don't ask me to protect it then? The

corners of Wuleifu's mouth twitched secretly, feeling that he had suffered a serious blow.

Ye Xiaofan immediately looked at the Five Thunder Talisman and said with a smile: "Show this girl a hand and let her know how powerful you are." The

five thunder talismans shone with dazzling golden light, and golden lightning swirled around them.

Thunderclouds suddenly surged in the sky, covering the entire Nanshan villa area.

Endless terrifying thunder and lightning flickered in the thunderclouds, seemingly ready to fall at any moment.

In an instant, the residents of the entire Nanshan villa area fell into panic, they only felt like they were in their backs, and it seemed that there would be a terrifying crisis coming in the next moment.

Everyone else has noticed the anomaly here.

The military, Qin Zhentian seemed to have thought of something after seeing the location of the vision, and immediately went to check it.

Wulei Fu said proudly: "Little master, as long as the old immortal is willing, he can turn this mountain peak into ashes in an instant.

As its words fell, the thunder that swirled high in the sky became even more furious.

Ye Xiaoman's small mouth opened wide, and her beautiful eyes were full of shock, she said that before, she just wanted to test the strength of the Five Thunder Talismans.

I didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

It was not only her who was shocked, but several demon emperors were also very shocked, and at the same time there was envy in their eyes.

Such a powerful magic weapon, if only they also had one.

In the audience, only Calvary Heavenly Master disdained, and it seemed that he couldn't see any five thunder talismans at all.

"Okay, okay, I know, put it away." The girl waved her hand at the Five Thunder Talismans.

The latter's mind moved, and the thunderclouds in the sky quickly dispersed.

Then it turned into a golden talisman and flew towards the girl.

Ye Xiaoman took it and held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

At this time, Ye Xiaofan handed her another storage ring: "Here, put it inside." The

girl's eyes lit up, and she took it happily, played with it in her hand, and then put it on the middle finger of her left hand.

Just then, there was a knock outside the door.

Qin Feng immediately stepped forward to open the door, but after seeing the person coming, his face suddenly sank, and he returned to the courtyard without saying a word.

The person who came was none other than Qin Zhentian.

After seeing the scene in the courtyard, he suddenly had a count in his heart, and most of the previous visions were related to Ye Xiaofan.

Although Qin Feng's attitude made him a little dissatisfied, it was not good for him to say anything on this occasion now.

And just after saying it, the other party will not listen to him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Speaking of which, he blames himself for all this.

When his wife died due to difficult childbirth, he vented some of his dissatisfaction on Qin Feng.

Coupled with the fact that the other party's talent was not good later, he disliked Qin Feng even more.

The outcome is unpredictable.

"Hey, what a crime!"

Qin Zhentian collected his thoughts and stepped forward to say to Ye Xiaofan, "Senior, when did you return?"

Ye Xiaofan replied, "Just came back.

Qin Zhentian nodded and said with some curiosity: "Senior, I don't know what it was just now?"

Ye Xiaofan said with a smile: "It's nothing, I gave my sister a magic weapon, and she tried the power." Hearing

this, Qin Zhentian's heart suddenly set off a wave of shock.

The terrifying vision just now was actually the power emanating from a magic weapon.

And it's just a power to try, if it breaks out at full strength, how terrifying would it be?

He didn't dare to imagine it, and guessed in his heart that Ye Xiaofan might have gotten an incredible opportunity in the Dragon Tiger Mountain.

At the same time, he accidentally glanced at the Calvary Heavenly Master not far away, and his heart was even more curious.

Although curious, he was also not easy to ask.

After a few more small talks, he looked at Qin Feng and said: "Xiao Feng, it must be hard to go out this time, I will let people cook a few dishes later, and then call Qian Jue over, let's have a few drinks together?"

Qin Feng said expressionlessly: "Sorry, I don't have time, I have to cultivate, so as not to lose the face of the Qin family if my strength is too weak."

The corners of Qin Zhentian's mouth twitched fiercely, and he said with a strong smile: "Sometimes you should also pay attention to the combination of work and rest, don't get tired, and you are good enough now."

"Can I be called excellent with this bit of talent?" Chief Qin is holding me up too much.

Qin Feng looked yin and yang strange, and after speaking, he ignored Qin Zhentian's ugly face, and turned around, leaving only a lonely back.

Even with Qin Zhentian's heart, he was so angry that he secretly grinded his teeth.

"Senior, I still have official business with me, so I will leave first."

He hugged Ye Xiaofan, then turned around and left quickly.

Otherwise, if he stays any longer, he will probably be unable to resist pulling out his seven wolves.

Ye Xiaofan couldn't help but be a little handsome, he never expected that Qin Feng was such a "big filial son".

Several demon emperors did not care about such a trifle.

Xiong Xinzhu was a little curious and surprised.

She had seen Qin Zhentian on the news and knew that the other party was the head of Western Base City.

I didn't expect Qin Feng to have such an identity.

"Okay, okay, let's all disperse."

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand, and then left the villa, ready to see if there were any supermarkets to engage in activities again, to grab a wave.

Although there is no shortage of food, all kinds of living materials are still needed.

"Brother, wait for me."

Ye Xiaoman changed his clothes, pulled up Xiong Xinzhu, and went out with Ye Xiaofan.

Calvary Heavenly Master also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Ye Xiaofan.

If the other party's appearance is seen by ordinary people, it must not make an uproar.

Calvary Heavenly Master was very upset, but he did not dare to disobey Ye Xiaofan.

Centipede Zhixing immediately came up and flattered: "Brother, don't be angry, when the master is not there one day, let's go out secretly." It

then took out a cell phone from the storage ring and handed it respectfully.

"Brother, come on, let's play this."

Calvary Heavenly Master looked curious: "What is this thing?"

Jin Wanjin immediately came up and explained: "Brother, this is a mobile phone, as long as you have it, you can know things all over the world."

At the same time, he secretly transmitted a voice to Centipede Zhixing, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice: "Little brother, you are a little unauthentic, you actually robbed the emperor of the limelight."

Centipede Zhixing quickly responded: "Boss, how can it, let's work together." Calvary

Heavenly Master was interested, reached out and took the mobile phone, held it in his hand for a while, and then asked the two demons to teach him how to use it.


On the other side, Ye Xiaofan and the three first visited several supermarkets, but did not find any activities, and then came to a large department store market.


Soon after, Ye Xiaofan walked out satisfied.

On the way back, Xiong Xinzhu looked at Ye Xiaofan from time to time, with a deep dazed look in his eyes.

Just now, she saw Ye Xiaofan and those merchants fighting for one or two dollars.

At that time, the girl couldn't believe her eyes.

Ye Xiaofan has always been the image of a senior in her heart, and she never thought that the other party had such a side.

That haggling eloquence is simply the same as those elderly aunts.

This simply refreshed the girl's three views.

Seeing that her expression was not quite right along the way, Ye Xiaoman said with a smile: "Sister Xinzhu, don't be surprised, my brother is like this, he likes to be greedy and cheap."

Ye Xiaofan turned his head and looked dissatisfied: "Dead girl, again, this is not called greed for small and cheap, this is called the joy of life, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

"And if I hadn't been frugal and housekeeper in previous years, would have pulled you so big?" I also worked hard to send you to the Martial Arts Academy, do you think it's easy to be a family?

Speaking of this, he shook his head and sighed, as if he was lamenting the difficulty of life.

The corners of Ye Xiaoman's mouth twitched secretly.

If it had been before this, she would have been very moved.

But now,

huh.... In the past, the girl felt that Ye Xiaofan risked her death to collect the meat of the demon beast and paid great danger, and she was very, very moved in her heart.

I swore that when I became stronger in the future, I would definitely protect my brother well.

As a result, those demon beasts were small trash in Ye Xiaofan's hands.

The so-called danger is completely non-existent.

Fortunately, she was often worried before, and often persuaded Ye Xiaofan not to take risks.

As a result, she worried for so many years.

After the three returned to the villa, it was already past 9 p.m.

After the two women washed up, they went into the room to rest.

Ye Xiaofan was about to enter the house to count all kinds of treasures that were scavenged, but at this moment, the old hen walked in from outside.

"Master, I have something to report to you."


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